H       A       R       D
                                    |<      O       R

                                interlude Edition

                     K i m a g u r e 	O r a n g e     R o a d 
                                 F a n f i c t i o n

                                   by Robert Kwong
                                      ver 1.0
                                   Finished: March 21, 1999

Based on characters from the Kimagure Orange Road Series created by
the venerable Matsumoto Izumi.

As you can see, this is fanfiction harkening back to the old Kimagure Orange
Orange Road Series. In the Prelude edition, it outlines the events following
the breakup of Hikaru and Kyousuke which sets the stage for Shin Kor and
HARD Kor series.  These stories were written in the attempt to clarify
certain details assumed and to provide clues for future Hard Kor episodes.
Book A and Book B chapters provides the events after Shin Kor I. This Book C
will attempt to bridge the gap between Shin Kor I and Shin Kor II.

HardKor Web Site (With Disclaimer and back-stories:
Prelude, Book A and Book B chapters)

My SuperPage for the General Kimagure Orange Road enthusiast

My contact email address for comments or further correspondence:

Feel free to email me your impressions and suggestions for the series. Beta
readers always welcome. If you want new stories emailed to you, please e-mail
me at the above address.

Thanks for reading my stories and making it one the most popular KOR fanfic
on the web! (35000 can't be wrong!)I hope you enjoy reading it as I did
writing it. Thanks again.
Robert Kwong
Ark Productions -99-

Akane     =  Akane  Kasuga
Kurumi    =  Kurumi Kasuga
Manami    =  Manami Kasuga

Muroke    =  Koji Muroke
Shijama   =  Shijama Zumi
Taku      =  Taku Morisaki
Shinohara =  Shinohara Asuma

Shun      =  Shun Kisaragi
Hasegawa  =  Hasegawa Kazuya

[]      - denotes scene changes
()      - indicates person thinking to himself
(**)    - indicates action or special effects.

Book C: Interlude: Chapter 12: Transitions

While the events of ShinKOR II are transpiring in New York...

[December 25, 1994]

[At XYZ Studios]

(Ryusei walks along outside XYZ Studios, along the streets of decorated color, 
adorned with the bright, cheerful lights of the holidays. )

"Hello Mister."

Ryusei: What? (looks down to see a little blond-haired girl peering at him) What do you

"Wanna buy this glowing eel? Do you, do you? PLEEESSSEEEE!?"

Ryusei: Ah...

"Excuse her mister. My granddaughter is quite feisty. I hope she was not 
disturbing your peace."

Ryusei: No need to apologize. I was quite amused by her rambunctiousness. What
are you selling anyway?

"Colorful, electric eels. Festive for the holiday season.

Ryusei: I see. I'm in a good mood. I'll take two of them, if you don't mind.

"Thank you, thank you sir! They glow, y'know."

Ryusei: That I can see, young girl.

"Here you go sir. Two glowing eels, perfect for the festive occasion."

(as the street vendor hands him the bag...)


"Don't be so wide-eyed, little boy! You act as if this is your first Christmas
in Tokyo!"

//we see a little boy accompanied by a small blond girl and a taller looking "boy"

"But it is, onee-san!"

"Well, this is what we get for letting a little boy hang out with us!"

"Come on now. Let's indulge him. Do you want one? (points to the electric

"Yes, please."

"Ok. We'll take two of them."

"Here you go miss. Two glowing eels perfect for the festive occasion."

(*flash back end*)

"Is something the matter sir? Sir?"

Ryusei: Hmm? (*shakes head*) What just happened?

"I was about to hand you the bag sir when you froze there momentarily. Are you
feeling well sir?"

Ryusei: Must be something to do with this time and setting. Excuse me. Here.
Thank you. (hands him some cash) Keep the change.

"Many thanks to you kind sir!"

(Little girl): Bai bai! (*giggle*)


[At the Hasukawa House]
//Note: Kazuhiro is Hasukawa's brother, and Sumire is Kazuhiro's wife.

Sumire: Do you get a Christmas present from a friend?

Hasukawa: I think so. But I don't know from who.

Kazuhiro (his brother): Make sure it isn't a bomb!

Hasukawa: Kazu! Only you would say a thing like that to hurt me!

Kazuhiro: Yeah, right bro. You forget that your old Greenwood buddies had some
mighty prickly enemies. Enemies that they left behind to pursue you instead!

Hasukawa: You've got to be kidding!

Kazuhiro: Remember Tezuka's sister, Nagisa! The alledged Yakuza boss in these
parts! Hey, hey, she's was one mean hombre!


Kazuhiro: (picks up the contents) Just a video game cartridge. I guess the
coast is clear.

Hasukawa: You guys sometimes act so crazy!

Sumire: We are just concerned about you.

Hasukawa: Yeah right.

Kazuhiro: You're still bummed from losing that match, ain't ya?

Hasukawa: Hey, it was just my eternal bad luck that got me paired up with that
demon of a girl who happened to be the one to send me to a hospital in the first

Kazuhiro: Ain't the first time a woman has gotten you sent to a hospital!

Sumire: What did you say dear?

Kazuhiro: Nothing honey. I was just saying how easy it was for him to be done
in by a woman.

Hasukawa: With my luck, the only way for me now to find a new girlfriend would
be the local nurse at the infirmary, since I end up there most of the time.

Kazuhiro: Ha! That's a good one. Glad you didn't lose your sense of humor.

Hasukawa: I wasn't joking.

Kazuhiro: That's what make it so funny. Let sing carols to get you in the
holiday mood!

Hasukawa: Oh brother!

[At an apartment]

(Girl sitting on a couch, feet on the table, listening to some music)

(*Background playing "Somone to watch over me."*)

"Christmas in Tokyo. I am all alone by myself for the first time. 
Even the time I stowed away to Tokyo, I was with that "bathtub" boy.
What am I going to do with myself now?


Yumi: You're not going back Rik-chan?

"Yes. I am going to stay here for this Christmas."

Yumi: But Rik-chan! What am I going to tell your okaasan?

"Just tell her I wasn't feeling well and couldn't make the trip back."

Yumi: You should reconsider. You should, like be with your family.

"I've already made up my mind. I don't feel like confronting my mother right
now, and especially not during these times. I already feel awkward enough
acting phony for everyone's sake."

Yumi: It's up to you. But it's not too late to change your mind.

"Arrigatou. I keep that in mind."

(*end flashback*)

I can't be cooped up in here the whole day. I will suffocate. I must
do something. After all, this is my hometown. If I'm going to spend 
Christmas alone by myself for the first time in my life, I'm going to
do it in grand style. I'm going to paint the town red, just watch.

[Back to #1's apartment]

(#1 scanning through some documents)

(Taki the dog sleeping quietly on the floor)

(Kaori sitting there, with her chin resting on her palms, bored to tears)

Kaori: Christmas day and you're still working! Why don't you take a break
and take me somewhere?

#1: No deal. You can go mall shopping if you want to. Trail's too hot right 

Kaori: You always have an excuse. Got something yet?

#1: I do. I'm looking at the partial analysis that #2's chem buddy did for him.
I think I know what this secret reageant is that the colonel used to escape.

Kaori: Then what is it?

#1: A top secret military formula designed for bore through the toughest metals
in the world. Implications are enormous. With it, can penetrate any vehicle 
with any world leaders in it. The ultimate assassin's tool. 

Kaori: Does it have a name?

#1: It may have. Ain't too pretty. You can call it Solution "X". 

Kaori: Sounds unbelievable for such a thing an exist. No way to
store the thing.

#1: That's the beauty and the secret I was trying to figure out. No normal
container exists for this chemical. In the labs, they were using a magnetic
plasma field to keep the chemical in place. 

Kaori: How come you know all about this stuff?

#1: Let's just say I have connections in high places.

Kaori: So how did it get here?

#1: That's the second part of the puzzle. Reckon they found a special organic,
crystalline sequence designed to form a base against this chemical, creating
a harmless, insulating layer, keeping it in place. But if you break its lattice
structure, then bam! The chemical escapes and does its thing. It causes a mini
chain reaction along the metallic objects it comes in contact with, causing
meltdown and toxic fumes. Wouldn't want that to come near my ole'Betsy.
(holds out his super-duper gun and twirls it around)

Kaori: Will you put that down! You'll put someone's eye out with that!

#1: Now that we know what chemical that the colonel is armed with, we're 
prepared to deal with him. But first, we rest up a bit and celebrate.

Kaori: Finally you decided to take a break!

#1: Y'know, "a man gotta know his limitations". This calls for a viewing
of "Pale Rider".

Kaori: Nooo! Not another Clint Eastwood film!

Taki: <*Ruff*>!

[Back at the Twins house]

Manami: I hope Kyosuke and Madoka can find out what happened to poor Hikaru.

Kurumi: I doubt it. He always makes any situation he gets into  worse than it is!

Takashi: (lowers newspaper) Now, now little one. I'm sure Kyosuke will be more
responsible this time.

(Akane walks in with Kazuya)

Akane: Hiya uncle! Good to see you back in Japan. How was your photography

Takashi: Quite good. I'm developing them now in the lab. I trust you and
your family are dong well?

Akane: Sure am. We're doing super!

Kazuya: That's what you think.

Akane: (sternly) Ka-zu-ya!

Kazuya: (sticks tongue out) Bleah!

Akane: I'll take care of you later. (turns towards twins)
Hello Champions! Give me a high 5!

(All 3 jump up in unison, floating in the air to deliver their high 5's.)

Manami: How come your parents didn't come with you?

Akane: Dunno. They can flash in here any minute. But you know my okaasan.
Always have to get her hair done just right. Let's not worry about them
for the time being. We have to prepare for the next competition.

Kurumi: So soon? It's Christmas day, and I wanna have some fun!

Akane: We will. After we do a little preparation. We can't afford to
rest on our laurels. The next competition will be a group event. I
can't wait for my chance to compete head to head with that creep!

[Back to Hasukawa residency]

Kazuhiro: So what's happening at the dorm this semester? You've been kind of
distant lately.

Hasukawa: Easy to be with you around. And how should I know?

Kazuhiro: Enough with the sarcasm. You're the head of the house this time.
Give me the details. Let in some brotherly love here!

Hasukawa: <*groan*> Oh brother!

Kazuhiro: Yep, that's right. Now, spill your guts! 

Hasukawa: Very funny. If you must know, I've been a jerk this whole semester.
I pretty much ignored everyone and got everyone mad at me. Wasted all my time
on a role-playing video game that Shinobu sempai left me. Shun was the only
person filling me in on the everyday events. I then get beaten up by a girl,
went to the hospital, and was forced to participate in a bizarre mock sumo
wrestling match. That pretty much sums up my entire semester.

Kazuhiro: What a match it was! Pretty adventurous for you. Was it fun?

Hasukawa:  You wish!

Kazuhiro: That's my little brother! Bad luck just flows through your veins! 
So who won the overall competition?

Hasukawa: Unfortunately, our house lost.

Kazuhiro: I should have expected as much.

Hasukawa: But those girls were competing against were tougher than your average girl.
They were like those girls in FF6, Celes and Terra. Those terrible-twosome twin sisters. 

Kazuhiro: Your love life must be really shot if you're now comparing these girls to
a computer game counterpart.

Hasukawa: I suppose so. And the worst part was that I was paired up with the person 
who put me in the hospital in the first place.

Kazuhiro: Yeah, you keep mentioning that. The irony is not lost upon me. 
But I wonder...

Hasukawa: What?

Kazuhiro: You must really like this rough stuff with girls.

Hasukawa: Very funny.

Kazuhiro: I mean, you must have a thing for tough girls. 

Hasukawa: That's not of your concern.

Kazuhiro: Ok, ok. Just keep your belt of misfortune away from me.

Hasukawa: My greatest defeat is yet to come. 

Kazuhiro: Now what are you talking about.

Hasukawa: The demolition of Greenwood Boarding House.

Kazuhiro: What? I thought you made a deal with the financiers already.
That's why you decided to spend your college days in that house.

Hasukawa: They changed their minds at the last minute. 

Kazuhiro: Those beaucratic assholes! I'm going to kill them!

Hasukawa: Calm down. There's nothing that can be done now.

Kazuhiro: Why didn't you tell anyone about this?

Hasukawa: Because it was my problem. I started this whole initiative to
save the house, and I felt ashamed about this setup, so I kept it to myself.
It was very selfish on my part.

Kazuhiro: So how much are they asking for?

Hasukawa: They want the balloon payment of 10,000,000 yen by Jan 15. 

Kazuhiro: Woah! That's a lot of cash.

Hasukawa: Yep. 

Kazuhiro: Well, if it's going to go, we should organize a farewell party
when everyone gets back! Oops. It would be too late by then! 

Hasukawa: (*groan*)

(*ding dong*)


Hasukawa: Who could it be? 

(opens door to see Shinohara Asuma standing before him!)

Hasukawa: Huh? It's you! What are you doing here.

Shinohara: Gomen. I need to enter the house again. I need to retrieve
a few items for my project.

Hasukawa: Hmm. Strange for you to come all the way out on Christmas day.
But anything to escape the rantings of my brother. Give me a moment to 
grab my coat and shoes...

"Whose your friend there? Don't let him stand out in the cold so long.
Please come in!"

Shinohara: No thanks, maam.

Sumire: Wow, so polite! You must come in! Don't be silly! (drags him in

Shinohara: Strong spriit. And strong grip.

Hasukawa: You're telling me. Guess you have to stay a well and sample some
of Sumire finely made tea. So tell me. Why aren't you home with your folks?

Shinohara: My father is the head of Shinohara Industries. He has more important
matters to attend to. Especially not to bother with a trivial formality as Christmas.
We have a mutual understanding. That is all.

Hasukawa: I see...then where are you staying now?

Shinohara: A nearby hotel, Kingdom hotel.

Sumire: Here is your tea. Suka. Aren't you going to introduce your friend
to us?

Kazuhiro: Yeah, who is he?

Hasukawa: Oh, he's one of the new borders at Greenwood. Shinohara Asuma.

(Shinohara nods his head in acknowledgement)

Kazuhiro: Border eh? How did you find out about this address?

Shinohara: Local directory to the house. I surmised that you two were brothers.

Kazuhiro: That's right. I am the emergency doctor to Greenwood.

Sumire: How is your tea? Need sugar or milk with that?

Shinohara: No thank you. I like it thick and strong. (gulps down entire drink!)
Thank you. Leaving now. Bye.


[Ryusei Residency]

Nagasi: What are you ruminating about now?

Ryusei: (staring at Shogi board) Future plans. Future ambitions.
Future conquests.

Nagasi: Yet another dull X-mas to pass by. How boring!

Ryusei: Check the kitchen for a surprise.

Nagasi: Surprise! Ooh! I love suprises. I can't wait to see...Aiiiee!

Ryusei: Surprised?

Nagasi: These are...are eels! 

Ryusei: Yes, they are, aren't they? 

Nagasi: How could you pull such a cruel joke on me? You know I abhor
slimely, slitering reptilian creatures. I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!

Ryusei: Still bored?

Nagasi: You have a sick mind.

Ryusei:  Would it shock you more if I told you that those two eels are our 
celebration dinner tonight?

Nagasi: Urgh! I'm going to wretch if I stay any longer. I'm going to seek
out my boy toy, Sugi-baby. Have a rotten Christmas! 

(*slams door*)

Ryusei: (*chuckles*) My final fun for the year.
(closes his eyes as the classical music wanes through the penthouse)

(background hum noise of the fax machine)

(*phone rings*)

"Hello? Yes, Family Travel Agency? Yes, Koji-san, thank you for informing me.
I look forward to departing for Singapore in the next few hours. Goodbye."

[At Muroke's house in Hokkaido]

Okaasan: Muroke! Come down here and meet your cousins!

Muroke: In a minute, ok? I still have this thing to send out
to Master.

Okaasan: Whatever you say dear. But please don't keep everyone
waiting. It is Christmas day.

Muroke: I know. Will be there. Just another minute more.