			      HARD |< O R
			     A novella by RoK

                        This Chapter finished
                             ver 2.01

Please read Disclaimer on 
http://www-ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rk/HardKor.html first!
Send comments or flames to rok@uclink.berkeley.edu
Based on characters by Izumi Matsumoto

Notes:  Phrases in < > are characters thinking to themselves.
	[] indicates scene changes
        // indicates author comments



Chapter 9: Initiation

(Snoring in the background. Back in the Kasuga residence again...)

I was rudely awakened by the shutting of a door, most likely Kurumi. It was
just like her to wake me up before I could get to the "juicy" part of my wet

(fast forward flashback to dream sequence...)
I was ace reporter, super Kasuga Kyosuke, on the beat for my next inciteful,
break-through story.  Of course, my name was already known in the upper
circles of the elite media.  Any noteworthy news award you can name, I've got
it on my mantle!  Yep, I was good, ...REAL good.  A master at his craft. All
the news moguls around the world wanted to solicit my services. But I chose to
stay here in Tokyo.  Because that was the only way to be with my wife, Madoka.

Yes, hopefully by that time, we would be already wedded.  None of the
accolades and successes I've enjoyed would have meant anything without
Ayukawa by my side. I was actually doing a profile story on her; she had
already become Japans's next super mega pop-star.  Her album, Singing Heart
went triple platinum! And I was interviewing her. It was me and her, all
alone, 1 on 1; just the way I like it.  I tried to be serious about the
whole matter; after all, I was a professional journalist and there are high
standards to upwhole.  But of course, this was personal, and my "prankster"
side got the better of me.  Soon, the line of questioning got real naughty...

K: (trying to keep a straight face) So, Miss Ayukawa,... is the rumors true
that you don't wear panties when you're performing live on stage?

M: That absolutely not true! Who would write such a thing? What sort of
question is that (devilish smile at him)

K: (trying to feign innocence)  Hey,...I don't write these questions,... I
only read them,...(saying under his voice) although I know better.

M:'Cuse me?

K: I mean, you're wearing panties right now, aren't you?

M: But of course! What do you think?

K: It doesn't matter what I think. Only what my viewers think.

M: Please tell me.  What are your thoughts right now?

K: Strictly speaking, off the record, I know you're not wearing any panties
right now!

M: And how would you know that? Since we're speaking off the record, are you
using the Power to peek through my skirt again?

K: And a mighty short skirt it is! But no, I'm not abusing my x-ray vision for
that. Actually, in your current sitting position, with your legs propped up on
that ottoman, I can see right up your skirt!

M: My my, now,... I know where your "expert" eyes wander. (Spreads legs out
further!) Care for a further "examination"?

K: I'm always good at probing further into my "subjects". Getting "down" to
the cold, bare facts.

M: Well then, you must give me a demonstration of your "talents" then.

K: (sweating) Why, I'm happy to oblige. (moves closer to her)

(Cuckoo! Cuckoo!)  The sound of the wall clock signaling the top of the
hour, snapping out of my state.  I yawned and stretched out, as I rubbed the
sleep out of my eyes. I took a quick glance up at the time.  I fell back and
violently shook my head. I look up again. It was not wrong!  11:00 already!
I had overslept! That's right,...since I spent the whole night sleeping here
on the couch, there was no chance for me to hear the alarm clock in my
bedroom. OH NO! My interview was in 30 minutes and I was not ready! I was
still in my boxers and t-shirt.  And boy did I smell! I needed a shower bad!
If a situation ever required the use of the Power, now was that time! If
only I had Ojiichan's watch...Ahh, but no!  No time for that. Gotta go, FAST!
(flashes with Power and teleports directly to bathroom.)

[Inside the bathroom, Kurumi is already taking a shower, humming merrily
to herself]

Kurumi: La de da la la la la la la...


Kurumi: What was that? (peers out behind shower curtain)
        Kya! Hentai! Onichan's A HENTAI!

K: I have no time to explain.  You've got to get out. NOW!
(flashes with Power and teleports Kurumi back into her room)

K:(entering shower) Ahh! Just the way I like it! Nice and hot! Kurumi's not
going to hog the hot water this time!

(inside the twins bedroom, Kurumi appears before Manami, dripping wet and
quite naked,holding a back-scratching pad)

Manami: (face buried in some book, probably manga, not noticing her sister's
condition) Out so soon? That was quick...(looks up and jolts back on the bed)
Huh? Shouldn't you cover yourself up with something more? It's so scandalous,
even for you!

Kurumi: (face livid) (Punches both arms into the air, revelaing her beautiful
bosom) I'M GOING TO GET THAT PERVERT! (Room still shaking from the
reverberations ;) )

[Limo drives through raucous, noisy, downtown Tokyo, up to the Kingdom Hotel
after a long, arduous trek. You can hear the usual hustle and bustle of the
city you would expect on a dreary Monday morning commute: slow traffic,
congested streets, and stressed out drivers yelling and honking their horns.
Oblivous to it all is sleeping Hikaru slumbering peacefully on Ryusei's


I looked over to Hikaru, who was blissfully sleeping happily on my sore right
shoulder. We had driven the whole night through. She could have taken the
bullet train back and arrive back here much quicker. However, she chose to
travel with our little "caravan." So I took advantage of the free time we had
to outline the overall layout of the play to her.

Every good play requires three main elements: a good plot, beautiful
choreographed dance sequences, and a mesmerizing, memorable background score
to complement the story. I had one of the best writers in Tokyo write up the
play for me: Izzy 'Kappy' Man.  A reckless, but talented "artist" who had
these "standards" to uphold. He really had no choice in the matter; he owed
me big time. He was heavily in debt, living a vagabond life, and swigging a
little too much liquor for his own good. Like my usual opportunistic self, I
bailed him out. But he one damn good writer, and thus my perfect chance to
collect. It was my first foray into producing a play, and I wanted to make
sure that at least the story was compelling enough.

It was your basic clash between two competing, rival groups. It borrowed
loosely and incorporated ideas and elements from previous successful,
mega-blockbluster plays. The two factions in this case were your typical,
rival, juvenille, street gangs, except with one twist: they were all female.
There was Kool Kats who controlled the North and West side versus the
Fabulous Felines who were quickly establishing their control in the East
end. As you might have guessed it, they're all cats.  The Kool Kats was the
old guard, the established power in town, while the Fab Felines were the
emerging upstarts.  In the story, each group were flanked by 4 members on
each side. In the beginning, the two parties would clash over the usual
stuff:  control, power, and territory. But later on, they would clash over a
different commodity. A duel would ensure between the leaders of the competing
gangs to decide who gets to keep the "prize". As you might expect, the only
one left standing is declared the victor.

For her part, Hikaru would play the sidekick, second to the leader of the
actual group, the Fab Felines. Her lines in the play would be quite limited.
Her primary role would be to accompany the dance sequences lead by the
leader.  Most of the juicy dialogue parts would be for between the top
feline "commanders".

I hated to do this, but I had no choice. We were double-parked right outisde
the hotel, holding up traffic, as irate commuters angrily honked their horns
and hurled insults at us.

R: (taps Hikaru gently on the nose) Miss Hikaru.  Time to get up now.

H: (gingerly twists head slowly and opens eyes) (Yawn)... so soon,... where
are we now?

R: We're right outside your hotel room.  It's late morning now,...so it's too
late for the morning session. You have to get ready for the afternoon session.

H: What?  Oh no,...to be late for my first dancing stint, ... not the way I
wanted to start off...

R: Don't be upset. You're late because of me.  It'll be excused. The director
will be notified about this. You need to go now,... we're double-parked
now and the drivers outside don't seem too happy.  #2 has already moved your
bags inside the hotel. I have to get to the studio.

H: Well then, I guess I'll see you later then.

R: Farewell. Hope you have a good first day.
(lowers tinted window)

[Back in the apts...]

11:10 Finish shower; shave face.

11:15  Materialize in bedroom. Quickly get dressed and put on something
decent. White shirt, dark slacks, suit, clip-on tie, check!

11:20  Teleport to kitchen. Grab and devour some freshly made cupcakes by
sweet Manami-chan; drink a glass of O.J.

11:25 Flash back to Bedroom to pick up briefcase and portfolio. Pop back to
living room and stuff hastily-done resume in.

OK Kasuga.  Everything is all set.  I thought I won't never pull it off.  5
more minutes left.  I should be there in no time. (In comes the TWinS!)

Kurumi: There he is! I'm not going to forgive you for what you did this
morning! (Leaps at him like in wresting bouts!)

K: See ya! (Teleports just in time, leaving Kurumi grabbing a fistful of air!)

Kurumi: DAMN! If he only stayed a second longer....

[Downtown Tokyo...]  (Poof! Kyosuke pops out of nowhere and on top of some
trashcans in a back alley, awakening a sleeping, drunken hobo.

K: (nonchantly) Sorry for the disturbance!  Carry on! (Calmly walks out of

Hobo: (mutters, shakes his head, and looks at brown-bagged bottle)
Must be the booze...

K: 11:26.  If I did my calculations correct, TTV headquarters should
be right here...
(turns to area where instead of the broadcast building, we see a pastry shop!)

K: (rushes in) Excuse me sir; sorry to bother you, but can you tell me where I
can find TTV Studios?

Shopkeep: Let's see, this is 1st Street; I believe the TV station is 10 blocks
further down on 11th Street.

K: Thanks...(rushes out and looks around) How stupid of me to screw up the
street numbers! Damn! No place to safely teleport.  (look at watch) 11:27.
Gotta run for it!

[At the XYZ Studios, we see Ryusei back at his office, with #1 helping him
unpack some artifacts.  It's around 11:30]


R: Yes?

Receptionist: A Miss Ayukawa Madoka here to see you sir.

R: Ahh,... yes.  I'm expecting her.  Send her right up.

(Moments later...)

(We see the always beautiful Madoka enter the office in a very formal, neat,
navy-blue business dress-suit, with her long, silky fine hair swaying behind
her back. )

R: Ah,... there you are, Miss Ayukawa-san.  And what may I owe the pleasure of
this visit to?

M: Good day to you too Ryusei-san.  I came regarding the offer about the play.
I've considered the matter and I've come to a decision. (turns to #1) And he

R: Oh,... I see you haven't met my assistant, #1.  He helps me around with
odds and ends around this place. You might say he keeps the place in order
when I'm away.

#1: Oi! (nods to her behind those sunglasses)

M: Hmm,... Charmed, I'm sure.

#1: Likewise.

R: Now that we are all acquainted with each other, let's get back down to
business.  I trust that you met my associate Nagasi yesterday?

M: Yes, we did meet briefly for a bit to discuss the conditions and
expectations of the job.

R: Good,... I take it that she didn't give you a hard time, did she?

M: Nothing I couldn't handle.

R: Really? Then that's good to hear.  So you've made your decision?

M: Yes.  I've decided it would be a worthy challenge to pursue other generes
of music. A musical play seems very intriguing indeed.

R: Excellent.  You won't regret it.  I'll made the necessary arrangements now.
(In English) #1.  Go and fetch the appropiate notorization forms and other
legal crap we must process.

#1: (English) Yes Sir!  (exits out.)

M: (English) I would like to thank you again for selecting me to be your play

R: (English) You know how to speak English?

M: (tee-hee) (English) My parents spend most of their time in the U.S., so I
grew up speaking both languages.

R: Very impressive.  You are indeed a woman of many talents as Hayakawa makes
you out to be.  (Opens up gold-plated cigarette case with special insignia of
a dragon in the middle) Care for a smoke?

M: No, ... No thanks.  I've gave up that habit a long time ago.

R: Suit yourself,...it's your loss... this is made from the best tobacco money
can buy. (Lights up and takes a few puffs) Ahh,... much better.  Since we are
waiting, why not tell me a little more about yourself.

M: More information? What more do you need to know of me? It seems that you
already compiled a comprehensive profile on me already.

R: All the information I got on you is through second hand sources. And its
fuzzy at best.  So I want to get the lowdown from you, in your own words.

M: Well, you seem like a pretty mysterious person yourself that many can't
seem to pin down.  I would like to know more about whom I would be working

R: (laughs merilly) Good Play! Fair enough.  We're both share some tidbits
about ourselves.  I tell you what I know of you and you can fill in the
details.  Do we have a deal?

M: (unsure) I guess that seems fair,...

R: Good to see it my way. I start off. I've been hanging around and crusin'
in 'da business' for about 5 years now. That's an enternity in the
entertainment field. Few are able to ever sustain their success. Stars rise,
peak, and eventually fall back down to earth. That's the way with most
things in life.

M: But you still look so young...

R: Yes, I came out of college straight towards managing. Usually, young
'turks' like me don't receive such an opportunity until we are well into our
30's. The way it works is you have to "step" over people on your way up the
ranks. But I was fortunate. I had connections in high places, and that's how
I got my breaks.  But it wasn't easy street for me: the first few years were
very rough, traveling back and forth between the major powerhouses: Tokyo,
Hong Kong, Hollywood, and New York.  Eventually, I realized the fruits of my
efforts. I might say I've amassed an impressive list of cliente.  Here.  I
let you have a look. (open drawer in desk, pulls out binder, and hands it to
her.  Madoka leafs through it to see some very impressive names indeed! Very
prominent actors, actresses, and singers.)

M: (impressed) Wow! You know all these people?

R: Yes, and their friends too.  I can introudce you to them some time whenever
the next social gala comes up.

M: One thing that been nagging me is your low-keyed profile.  How come I
haven't heard of you up till now, unlike other agents.

R: Me,... I have no appetite for attention, unlike my counterparts who like to
see their names in lights alongside their clients.  The publicity and loss of
privacy you get from being too popular doesn't suit me.  Life is hard enough
without the added stress.

M: (smiles) I quite agree.

R: You seem rather low-keyed yourself.  I'm surprised you haven't arrived on
the scene sooner like some other teenage heartthrobs I'm managing right now.
Why is that? You certainly have the talent.

M: Well, you really haven't heard me perform seriously before, so how could
you tell if I'm any good or not?

R: (gleams back) But I have seen you perform.  At that Talent contest 7 years
ago. Hayakawa was gracious enough to give me a copy. (opens drawer again and
takes out a videotape and pops it into the VCR.  Up on the screen we see
vividly see Madoka singing the daylights out in place of Yukari for her

(After tape of Madoka singing finishes...)

R: As I recall, your group actually won first place, but you all weren't there
to claim it.  Curious, isn't it?

M: Curious indeed.

R: Whatever it may be, we are have our own reasons for shunning FF.  You have
yours; Hayakawa has his.  But are you afraid of your own success?

M: I'm not sure what you mean...

R: Only a few are blessed with the musical talent you possess. It woud be a
shame to let it go to waste. I wouldn't want you to regret what you could have
done later on. With your great singing ability, you can go places.  Before,
you chose not to pursue it.  How about now?

M: I believe I am making a concerted effort right now...

R: Yes, you are, and it is a step in the right direction, but what I'm talking
about is the big time: the pop charts, mega stardom. Does the prospect of
being a superstar scare you?

M: But we're speaking hypothetically right now.  Who's to say whether or not I
would be successful or not?

R: My, my, you sound so much like your friend, doubting your own ability.  You
need some serious self-confidence boosting.  But let me assure you: I'm an
expert in these things. I can spot a shining star when it's standing right
before me.  And it is my belief that your path is laden with very rich
rewards. Do you care to tread on it?

M: The FF, like you've stated; I could care less about.  Money, I have enough
of it already.  That is no concern to me.  What does matter is the songs I
write.  I believe in my current arrangement, writing up songs for Hayakawa, is
fulfilling enough.  I choose to stand on the sidelines, like you and avoid the
complications of fame and fortune.

Me and you? There's really no comparison. I've already reached the penultimate
level of my skills -- managing famous entertainer's careers. For a songwriter
and singer like you, it much different.  You can write the songs for others
and that's fine.  But can they trully express the true intentions of your
songs? No, they can't.  No one ever can.  Only you, ... you alone can connote
to your listeners your emotions, your desires, your dreams...

M: (defensive tone)My,... you do make it sound so rosy, but what are you
really saying? Are you trying to get me to produce my very own album with
you as my agent? Sounds like a very sneaky tactic to try on me...

R: No, no... far be it for me to pressure you into something you're not
comfortable with right now.  I only wanted to get you thinking about it;
that's all.  And I don't care who you take as your manager  I
just hate to see a young, precious gem like you wither away before anyone
could experience its sparkle.  You owe it not only to your future fans, but to
yourself.  Besides, the play scoring would be the perfect buffer period for
you to consider it. Don't you agree?

M: (twinkle in eyes) I rather not give myself away.  Let's just say I've taken
your points into consideration.  Let's leave it at that.

R: (puffs away) Ahem.  That's fine. It seems like I'm doing most of the
talking, and I have yet to learn anything new about you.  So what do you
have to contribute to this "business" discussion?

M: What do you know of me now?

R: I know you're the daughter of the famous Ayukawa musicians who reside in
the U.S. Obviously, the musical genes run  well in your family.  You, by in
large, have lived in Tokyo the whole time.  You used to work at a place called
the ABCB pub for about 5 years during your junior/high school years.  You
played P-T in a band headed by your cousin Yukari Ayukawa.  You pursued your
education further by attending Waseda college, of whom I'm a proud alumni of,
I might add.  Your most notable deed was writing the latest #1 hit single for
Hayakawa.  How's that?

M: Why, there you have it! I couldn't said it better myself.  There nothing I
could add that you already don't know already.


(5 minutes after)

#1: (comes into empty office carrying bundle of papers)
    Where did everyone go?

M: ?

[At TTV Studios]
11:31  Inside the studios, we see a wheezing, huffing and puffing Kyosuke,
winded from his sprint uphill 10 blocks to get here.  His clothes are wrinkled
and out of place, resulting from the contact and bumping with pedestrians
along the way.

Receptionist: What?  I can't understand you.  You want to see a Amara-san?

K: (*gasping for air*) Tumura-san. Tamura-san.  Miss Tamura-san, that who I

Receptionist: Ohh,.. you mean Miss Tamura-san.  Alright.  I page her for you
right away.

K: Duomo. (breathing heavily in order to try to catch his breath)

Receptionist: And you are...?

K: I'm Kasuga Kyosuke, and I'm here for an interview appointment.  She's
expecting me.

Receptionist: One moment.  (hangs up phone)
I just got off the phone with her secretary.  It seems Miss Tamura-san is
still in a meeting that has been overextended.  She probably be finished with
it in 10 minutes.  In the meantime, she requests instead that you wait in her
office in Room 1024 for her arrival.

K: Room 1024?  Where's that?

Receptionist: That's located on the 10th floor. Take the elevator up and walk
to your right down the corridor. You can't miss it.

K: Arigotou.

Receptionist: Oh!  I forgot.  The elevators are being inspected today, so
they're not working at all.  You'll have to use the stairs.

(We see Kyosuke exhibit a bug-eyed look upon hearing this!)

[Back at some resturant...]
(It's a very classy resturant indeed.  Overhanging arched skylights, white
noveau architecture with contemporary designs, and fancy paintings and busts
decorating the walls. Flowers, especially roses everywhere.)
R: Order whatever you like.  But I'll order the wine. (to waiter) A vintage '84
Napa Chateau-Soveignough red wine.

M: I like to order the fruit salad with lite Italian dressing.

H: I'll have the same thing.

R: A big, juicy steak is what I'm craving for now. Well done please.  That
would be all.

Waiter: (nods and takes menus from them)

M: I would like to thank you personally for inviting both of us for lunch.

H: Isn't he wonderful? (leans over and does the "squeeze and hug" arm
technique on Ryusei like she use to do on Kyouske, much to the Ryusei's

M: You two seem very serious in your relationship. I'm happy for the two of

R: It's not really as it seems...

H: Ryusei! (gives him a glare)

R: (does a doubletake) What I meant to say is that we are getting along very
well indeed.

H: So Madoka-san! What were doing hanging around in Ryusei's office? Do you two
have something to discuss?

M: Yeah.  Me and Ryusei were discussing my upcoming role as the play composer.
I'll be writing up all the music you're be dancing to.

H: That's MARVELOUS! Congratulations Madoka! You're such a great singer.  I
can't wait to dance to your latest jazz-beat melody!

M: Now Hikaru, we wouldn't want to be too effusive in front of the boss here.

R: No, no, don't mind me. Carry on.  I love it! It's  perfect  for the two of
you to be reacquainted with each other in such an worthy endeavor. After all,
she'll have to choreograph some of the dance sequences to align it to the
proper beat. So the two of you would be working close together.

H: Great! Gushing is what I do best!

[On the 10th floor...]
(We see Kyosuke huffing and puffing again, this time really out of gas and
on the verge of collapse.  He is grasping onto the railing and holding on to it
for dear life.)

(walks up to the suite.)


[Back at the fancy, smancy resturant, where everyone is eating and drinking,
Ryusei is in the johns, leaving Hikaru and Madoka alone ...]

M: So Hikaru; from what I have heard, you've finally decided to stay here in
Tokyo afterall.  Is that right?

H: (munching on some greens) HAI, Madoka-san.

M: That's wonderful! That's So did the trip back to Hokkaido do the trick?

H: (mouth full) (nodding head) Uh-Huh.

M: So how are your parents now?

H: They're the same, as usual.  You know them,... always scolding me for going
out on the edge. They took it pretty hard when I moved out to NY.  But now
they're accepting it. It's funny; did you know that I bumped into Ryusei back
in Hokkaido also.

M: Really? What was he doing in Hokkaido?

H: Actually, did you know he used to live there?  He was just moving the
last of his stuff back here. I actually rode back with him and his

M: But that must have been a very long ride...

H: That's right.  We just got back only a few hours ago.  We drove the whole
entire night...

M: I know I shouldn't mention this, but did you go see Yuusaku-kun?

H: (silence for many moments)Yes I did. He seems at peace in the place he's
now in.

M: How is he? Is he doing OK? What is he doing now?

H: You don't know what happened?

M: I've lost contact with him right after he moved away from Tokyo and back to
Hokkaido. He didn't leave me any contact information at all. I tried to find
him, but was unsuccessful. Should I know?

H: That's not what I mean. He's dea,...dea,...he is in a better place now,
away from the  trials and  tribulations of this corporal world.
//Hikaru can't even say he's dead.

M: I'm not sure what you mean....

H: He's up there (points straight up to the ceiling and into the sky)

M: (starting to understand) You mean,...he's DEAD?

H: (silently nods)

M: (falls back in her chair, shocked) I can't believe it...what could this

H: He left this world shortly before I decided to move to NY. As to the exact
cause of his death, I really don't want to talk about it. It's still too
painful thinking about it now.  He died so painfully and miserably...

R: Hello ladies! I'm back.  Anything major I missed?

M: (tries to compose herself again) Nothing much Ryusei-san.  Just girl
talk on our part. Isn't that right Hikaru?

H: (sad look) Yes Madoka-san. Just plain, boring talk...

[Back at the TV Studios...]

(Kyosuke is dazed, layed out on the floor, with his papers scattered all over
the place)

A cup of water is splashed across his face.  Kyosuke comes to.

K: (twinkling look on his face) Howdy,... am I suppose to be here?

Tamura: I believe you're Mr Kasuga.  You had a nasty fall back there.  Are you

K: (rubs his neck) I'm feeling fatigued right now.  (blushes) I'm sorry for my
actions, bumping into you in that position like that.  I am so embarrassed.
Very sorry indeed...

Tamura: Don't worry about it. I have some culpability in the matter.  I'm
going to get that door rest fixed one of these days, if those maintenance
guys ever decide to show up. For now, I have to warn people to watch out for

K: (looks at papers on the floor and bends down to scoop them) Excuse me for
the mess I made of your office.  Let me fix that right now.

Tamura: Let me assist you.

K: (sneaks a peek at her) 

Tamura: What is this? (picks up Kyouske's sorry excuse for a resume)
(Glances at it).  Hmm,... I hope this isn't your resume...

K: Uhh... (looks downtrodden and starts to scoop up more papers)
Unfortunately, it is...(catches glimpse of a shingy, bright, white,
high-bonded piece of paper with a yellow post-it pad pasted on it. Quickly
scans the message)

        To Oniichan:
        I received a call yesterday while you were snoozing.  It was from a
        Miss Tamura-san from TTV station, with a message that she might have
        to move the interview up 10-15 minutes because of an unannounced
        meeting she has to attend.  I took a look at your resume and saw how
        AWFUL it looked. I don't believe you're going to submit this piece of
        crap! So I decided to draw up a professional resume draft for you. But
        don't you be getting any ideas that I did this because I felt sorry
        for you.  Rather, I saw this as a chance to practice my layout and
        editing skills; after all, I do belong to the journalism and writers
        club. Plus if you do get the job, then you will be out of the house,
        whcih is good for both of us.  Seriously, I wish you good luck on your
        interview.  We're be expecting you to treat us on your first paycheck!
                                     Forever the unappreciated sibling,

                                     M          p.s. Don't you dare tell
                                       A        Kurumi about this! She'll
                                         N      kill me if she found out I
                                           A    helped you. :(

//My, how did she squeeze all of that in on that tiny piece of yellow post it?

K:...not.  That's just a gag played on by my sisters.  Here's the real draft.
(hands it to her)

Tamura: Why, this looks more like it.  Please have a seat, Mr Kasuga and we
can begin.

K: (fidgeting in seat, obviously getting nervous) I wasn't expecting to find
you in your office.  Your secretary told me...

Tamura: Yes. I know all about that.  Luckily, the meeting I was in mercifully
ended sooner than expected. Budget cuts.  We're in a purging process right
now, laying off some key staffers, including some veteran camera-people.
(//because of their high salaries, no doubt.) That's why we need some more
hands around the station to help out.

K: I didn't realize that.  I hope I would be your man for the job.

Tamura: We will see soon enough.  From your resume, it looks like you compiled
an impressive list of credentials.  But it seems more aimed toward the
photography field.  Have you pursued other areas?

K: Uhh... No, not really.  I took up photography, like my father.

Tamura: I see,...there's nothing wrong with that, I guess.  But it would help
if you were more diverse.  So have you handled a TV camera before?

K: Umm,... not a TV camera exactly.  But I have used camcorders to record some
plays in college.

Tamura: Is that all? Any other video equipment experience?

K: (look glum and dejected) No... that's all.

Tamura: Do you have any practical work experience in the field? Any
internships and such?

K: Nope.  None at all.  I'm just fresh out of college.  This would be my first

Tamura:(looking mighty disappointed) Well,... I'm fresh out of questions to
ask you.  Do you have anything further to add?

K: No maam.  I don't.

Tamura: If you have nothing more to contribute, then I conclude this

(Door pops open and in rushes Shiori!)

Shiori: Good Morning Tamura-sensei! I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I
wanted to be sure to catch him.  And there he is! I'm glad he's still here.
He's the one I've been telling you about.

Tamura: (shocked look) Him? He's the one? Are you sure?

Shiori: Yep. He was the bold one who subverted the Bosnian army! Isn't he so

Tamura: So you're the maverick in the headlines who ventured into that
dangerous warzone.

K: Yes, Tamura-san.  I did that.

Tamura: May I ask why?

K: (the assertive, dignified Kyosuke) I did it because there was a story
that needed be told. Too often, we look over events which do not directly
affect us. During the past two years, the conflict in Bosnia has been an
invisible war to us. We Japanese, and the rest of the world as a whole chose
to ignore this "skirmish". Out of sight, of my mind, so to speak. But there
is no such thing as a good war; only the victims and lives it claims. Many
chose to ignore it.  I couldn't. I felt I had to do something about it.  You
might ask what compels a young, Japanese photographer to go out and risk his
life in a situation which did not threaten the security of Japan?
Irrationality, perhaps? For me, it was a question of justice.  Many
innoncent lives were needlessly lost, with no one there to tell their story.
I knew I was no professional, but at least I wanted to try to capture the
war, through pictures to show to the global community. To tell them that
this conflict was indeed affecting them, acting as a cancer and affecting
geopolitical decisions. If I could just reach one person through my work,
then I would have succeeded.

Tamura: Your story is very moving. Your account of the situation is a hot
story.  Have you talked to anyone yet in the media about your experience yet?

K: No,.. not yet...

Tamura: Great! I would like to get the exclusive story from you personally.
Maybe you can do an 8-part narrative series shorts documenting your ordeal.
That certainly would help give a boost to our already sagging ratings for the

K: You mean on TV? Wait a moment! Are we getting off the subject now.  What
about the job?

Tamura: It's yours! Welcome to our happy family.  Now how about my
proposition? What do you say?

K: Well, OK.  Since I'll be working here, I'm willing to do whatever to help
out the station. But how about the pay?

Tamura: It's obscenely low, but I'll talk to upper management in raising it up
to an acceptable level.

K: Well, that sounds great! When do I start?

Tamura: You can start now. Shiori? Can you be a dear and show Mr Kasuga around
the station?

Shiori: My pleasure!

Tamura: And before I forget, here you go! (passes to him an object)

K: (looks at it) What is it?

Shiori: That's a pager.  You're be on call 24-hours a day.

K: Really?

Shiori: Of course.  The news never waits you know...

[Returning back to the XYZ Studio and in one of the sets...]

Nagasi: (holding a clipboard) Ah, there the tardy one! Where were you this
morning? You can't go on, missing orientation session like you're some kind
of big-shot.

H: I'm quite sorry.  I'll go change right now.

Nagasi: No need to for today.  Or for this week, for that matter.  If you've
bothered to come to the orientation earlier, you would have learned that we
are doing an overview and walkthrough for the structure of the play all this
week.  Actual rehearsal being next week.

R: (entering room with Madoka) (to Nagasi) My dear lady; sorry I wasn't here
earlier this morning.  It seems our group ran into some complications during
the move.

Nagasi: Oh Darling! 


Nagasi: (continuing) I'm so happy to see you. I was all alone this
weekend,... well not really.  But I still missed you. 

R: Likewise.  You've met my new associate, Miss Ayukawa, haven't you?

M: Good day to you, Miss Nagasi.

Nagasi: (disdain look, sarcastic voice) Charmed, I'm sure.

R: (interrupting) Before you say anything further, please excuse Miss
Hiyami-san over here for her abscence this morning.  It was I who kept her
from arriving on time.

Nagasi: She was with you? the whole weekend? What were you two doing?

R: Does it matter to you? You remember our arrangement, don't you?

Nagasi: Humph! (turns head and crosses arms) I frankly don't care what
activities you two are up to. All I know is that this better not happen
again. Lateness is not appreciated, in any industry.

M: (observing the situation) 

R: (trying to appease her) I'll try not to be so lax next time...

Nagasi: Good.  Oh,... there he is.  I almost forgot to introduce you to my
latest "playthang".  Oh Sugi? Be a pet and come over here. (snaps her
fingers and waves him over)

(Hikaru's narrative) As that man walked over, I couldn't believe who it
was.  My eyes bulged out in shock.  It was a person straight out of my past,
and one I was hoping to avoid seeing again
He was...

S: Oh hi Nagasi. What do you need me for now?

Nagasi:(clamps onto his arm) Oh, it's so good to feel you again, my
pretty-boy. Let me introduce you all to my new boyfriend: Sugizawa!

Sugizawa: Hikaru, is that you over there? Hikaru Hiyami?

H: (lifts head up from hiding position) Yes, it is me. Here in the flesh.

Sugizawa: (flashes smile *Glint!* ) Awesome! It's great  seeing you still here
in Tokyo. I thought you told me  you were leaving. I knew I couldn't forget a
face, especially your pretty face.

M and Nagasi: You two know each other?

Sugizawa: Know each other? Me and Hikaru here used to go out together. We
met way back then when she was just "green", when she first docked off in NYC.
Boy, I didn't imagine seeing you here like this. It's great to see you again!

Nagasi: Is that so? Sugi, my dear, you'll have to tell me more about t
your involvement, but at a later time.

R: I hate to break up this little reunion here, but we do have work to do.
There be time for  small talk  later. Let us each commence about on our
business. Miss Ayukawa, if you would follow me, I'll show you to the sound
stage room where you would be working. In the meantime, Nagasi: I'll leave
Hikaru here with you. Be sure not to treat her too badly.

Nagasi: Nothing she won't be deserving!

R: Then I'll be seeing you all later. Keep up the good work!

[Everyone departs for the afternoon session of the orientation. Nagasi
continues from where she left off this morning, lecturing the cast and crew
of what she expects from each and every on of them. Suddenly, a gaudy look
woman with entourage enters the room, unannounced and unexpected,
interrupting the session. All eyes are on her.]

Nagasi: Who the hell you are, barging in here like this? This aint a zoo!

Mysterious woman: My, my, aren't we in a cheeky mood today. Is that the way
you address your star performer?

Nagasi: Star Performer? What is your name?

Mysterious woman: I have no time for petty introductions. Men! (inspecting
her fingernails)

bodyguard 1: Before you is the

bodyguard 2: artist formerly known as

bodyguard 1: JADE!

Nagasi: Oi! It is you...Excuse me, but you're very late! You should have been
here in the morning! And to come in the middle of my orientation, disrupting

Mysterious woman: Excuse me, but I am a STAR! Your useless, dull "lecture"
about rules and regulations is clearly for the AMATEURS we have here.
It's not for me! (sneer of defienace) I saw no reason to come earlier. But now
I am here. You should be honored by my presence. Such incompetance I have to
put up with.  And another thing: I refused to be talked to in that manner.

Nagasi: Now you wait just a moment, Miss Jade...

Mysterious woman: 

bodyguard 1: The artist formerly known as JADE does not wish to be referred
to by her former name.

Nagasi: Then what the hell do I call her?

//For your info: JADE use to be an alternative, new-age rocker.

bodyguard 2: She wishes to forego the limitations of language and instead
use symbols. To address her, you use this gesture: (draws a circle using
right index finger)

Nagasi:  ( Behind her back, she gives us
the FINGER and draws out the circle her way!)

Nagasi: No way I'm going to do that! We can't go around waving our

(The woman and her guards huddle up and whisper among each other)

Nagasi: Well?

bodyguard 1: We have heard your request, and our lady agrees to this
compromise.  You may address her as "Your Excellency".

Nagasi: Alright! That's it! I've had it! I'm ending this session now. We
will continue where I left off tomorrow.  I can't take any more of this.

//From now on, I will still refer to our new gal as JADE, rather than try to
mimic a hand gesture ;)

Sugizawa: Hikaru! Do you have a moment?

Hikaru: Oh hi Sugizawa. What do you want?

Sugizawa: Is that the way to talk to an old acquaintance? Why didn't you stop
by and visit me? I missed you!

Hikaru: I had other pressing matters to attend to.

Sugizawa: Important enough not to drop and see me? But it doesn't
matter now. You're here now. You're still here. You look great!

Hikaru: Yes, thank you. It looks like my luck has changed for the better. I
landed this part in the play.

Sugizawa: That's super! What part do you play?

Hikaru: I'm the Fabulous Felines leader's sidekick.  It seems to be the right
role for me.  I'm very use to playing a sidekick in real life.

Sugizawa: Great! That means we will be working together.

H: You're in the play also?

Sugizawa: Yeah. Why else am I here?

H: I thought you were here on Nagasi's behalf.

Sugizawa: Oh that.  That's just an act.  She such a tease.  But I can't help
it if I tempt woman to swoon over me; it's such a curse living with my good


Sugizawa: So where are you staying right now?

H: I'm currently staying at the Kingdom Hotel.

Sugizawa: Say, do you want to move in with me? I still  have plenty of room at
my place.  It makes perfect sense, if you ask me, since we would be working
closely together. We could help each other out with our lines and moves.
It would be the perfect arrangement: just like old times!

H:  Thanks for the invitation, but I..., I..., I've already
agreed to move in with Shuri; she's another friend of mine. ahh...We agreed
to help each other with the rent. So you see,...I wouldn't want to let her
down.  // (Hikaru is obviously lying through her teeth! But why?)

Sugizawa: Well the offer will always be open, in case you change your mind.
Are you busy later on? Why not we get together and catch up on each other
lives? It's been a long time since I saw you last in the Big Apple!
//God! He's putting the moves on her!

H: I would like to but I'm meeting Shuri later on.

Sugizawa: Maybe some other time then. If you want, I can give you a hand in
moving your stuff to your friend Shuri's place.

H: Thanks, but it's not really necessary.

R: Really! It's no trouble at all...

H: I really have to be going now,... see you later!  (darts out of building)

It was very scary similarity.  Sugizawa's suave, smooth-talking style
mimicking Ryusei's "persuasion" techniques, but for different aims.  Ryusei
was more sincere: he used his talents to persuade clients to go along with
his mindset for greater monetary gain  ;Sugizawa, on the other hand,  used his
skills to sweet-talk beautiful women. I was almost taken in by that style like
the first time I met him back in New York.  But it didn't work on me the second
time around; I knew what to expect and what his real goal was.

That was one of the dangers of staying in Tokyo: meeting back up with my past
demons. It takened me quite some time to get over the painful love/hate
relationship we had. With him here now trying to rekindle things, it
would make it hard to sort my feelings. Have I fully gotton over him? Was
there some lingering aftershocks still left? I was not quite sure about that.
Just more things to add to my worries. Now I really have to call Shuri and see
if she would be interested in me moving in with her, if she had any room at all.

[Ayukawa's pov]
My tour of the sound recording areas went without a hitch.  Ryusei was eager
to be the helpful "tour guide", taking time to explain each of the equipment
used and showing me some samples. I try to sound interested, but really, I was
bored. Afterwards, we went back to his office to finish the paperwork on my
contract. Once that was finished, I was free to go.

I had hoped to meet up with Hikaru afterward, but I was disappointed to find
that the orientation session had abruptly ended early, and that she had
left. I wasn't feeling like myself right now. Especially having learned my
old, dear, childhood friend of mine, Hino Yuusaku was not with us anymore in
the living world. I still couldn't believe it!  How could he just go out and
die on everyone! It was not fair at all! To take a young, strong, spirit
away before it had a chance to get a taste of what life really was. I felt
so awful, not keeping in touch him after his move away from Tokyo. When we
were little, Hikaru and Yuusaku were the two people I took under my wing.
They weren't very "sharp" at their ages requiring my assistance to
constantly get them out of the trouble they gotten themselves into, but it
was unrealistic to expect them to self-reliant. I understood. They weren't
placed in a position where they had to be fiercly independent to survive
like I was. They were lucky; they had their families at home to turn to. I
just had my older sister and myself. So I took it upon myself to look after
them and make sure they didn't end up in any serious trouble. I tried to
pass on to them what I learned: to be tough and to learn how to fend for
oneself. But Yuu-kun probably got himself entangled in some serious trouble
like her usually did; but this time he messed with the wrong crowd for the
last time and it cost him his life.  I wanted to know who did this to him!
That's why I wanted to talk to Hikaru; to find out more on what happened and

"Madoka! There you are!  I was looking for you all day!"

"Kasuga? (faint) Hello..."

K: What's wrong? You don't seem like your usual self toady. You seem to have
something on your mind.

M: Gomen naisai dear. I'm not feeling too well now.

K: Are you sick? Do you need to see a doctor?

M: (weak laugh) No, nothing that serious.  Just a little depressed now.

K: So I guess you can't make it for dinner tonight...

M: No dear.  I wish to be alone by myself for tonight.

K: I understand. I have some good news, but I'll save it for a later occassion
when you're feeling better.

M: Do you need me to drop you off back to your apartment?

K: No,... no thank you.  I'll be hanging around downtown for a little while

M: Well then, Ja ne!

K: Atikamess, Madoka!

(We see Madoka depart in her Mercedez-Benz!)

[Back to the streets, we see Kyosuke walking aimlessly down the streets as if
waiting for something to happen.]
K: (without looking) (BUMP!) Oh I'm sorry! How careless of me.  I didn't mean
to bump into you. (looks at victim and says incredulously ) Hikaru?

H: Oh it's you  DAR-...I mean Semapi!

K: Looking good, as usual.

H: Why thank you! (blushing)

K: So why are you doing out here, alone by yourself?

H: I was just walking around, collecting my thoughts.

K: Same here. Isn't this a coincidence! So how was your first day?

H: It was strange; it didn't go nearly as smoothly as I hoped it would, but
somehow I manage to survive it. So how was your day?

K: Actually, it was very productive!  I interviewed for a job down at the TV
station and I made it!

H: That's wonderful news!

K: Say, you're not doing anything tonight, are you?

H: No, why do you ask?

K: I wanted to take Madoka out to celebrate my good fortune, but she's not
feeling too well. Do you want to have dinner with me instead? I could use
the company of a friend.

H:SURE! I'll be honored!

K: Good. Then let's hurry.  Dinner time is approaching and all the major places
around here get packed real quick.
(Kyouske and Hikaru walk hand in hand. Is this the start of something...?)

[Back at the Ayuakawa mansion...]  The place is dimly lit with candles.  A
little "memorial" has been set up on top of the piano: Next to the pyramid
of mandarins, there is a candlelight holder and incense burning. Two vases
each contain a lone lily, wilting and weeping. In the center of this shrine
is an old, dated, black and white picture of the three of them when there
were little children: Hikaru, Yuusaku, and Madoka, arms across each other's
shoulders and smiling happpily in the sandlot at the playground. Madoka is
sitting at the piano, dressed in a pure-white nightgown, shimmering
radiantly like an angel. She listlessly plays a sad, sorrowful tune upon the
ivory keys...

How are you, my old friend?
Up there sleeping peacefully
Where are you now, my old friend?
Drifting from paradise to paradise.
Can you feel up there, my old friend,
the pain and sorrow we feel,
Upon your untimely passing, my old friend,
Which was too swift and cruel for all.
Why couldn't you stay a little longer, my old friend
For those who loved and cherished you.
Now what will you do, my old friend
Now that you've reached the stars...
Now I will say goodbye, my old friend
May you rest in peace forever.

[Back in Ryusei's office...]
We see Ryusei relaxing back in his executive chair, feet up on the desk,
watching the same audition  tape shown earlier, but this time with Hikaru
dancing to her second place prize.  He seems mesmerized by her dancing,
rewinding and playing her performance back and forth...

(#2 pops in!)

#2: YAWN! Hello Master! How are you? I managed to get 5 hours shut-eye rest
and now I'm at your service.  Do you need anything from me?

R: Just place the object in that box by the fern in the middle of my desk.

#2: OK.(takes out five inch sized replica of the laughing, fat, Buddha carved
out of the finest teakwood.) God this is heavy!

R: Don't utter his name in vain!

#2: Oops.

R: You've got to hit the gym with #1 more often to build up your strength.

#2: Maybe some day. Why are you watching Miss Hiyami perform over and over
again? What the point?

R: I'm looking for a clue. I'm not sure if she really the person I'm looking
for or not.

#2: You mean the missing twin? Nah! She couldn't be! She's much too young...

R: But she fits all the other variables. She's a dancer and she lives abroad.
She even looks like that girl in the  picture in my wallet.

#2:It might be just someone else. You know what they say; you always have an
exact double of yourself somewhere around the world. This could be the case.

R: Don't talk silly now!

#2: Sorry boss!

R: You mentioned that you knew her back in high school? What was she like?

#2: Actually, like I told you, I didn't know her directly. I only watched her
from afar. From that perspective, she seemed like a pretty decent girl.

R: How about yearbook pictures of her? Do you have any?

#2: I might have.  But it would be back in my house in Hokkaido.

R: OK. Have your parents mail it to you then.  I'll pay for the costs. In the
meantime, here's what I like you  to do.  Find out all of Miss Hiyami's alleged
relatives and see if there is any discrepancies. Also make sure they actually
do exist. She might be trying to hide her tracks in order to avoid being
discovered. Next, search the media resources for any mention of her listed
name. Dig up all the pictures you can get on her. Last, check the police
records to see if she in there or not.

#2: OK, got that. Don't worry boss.  I'll try to get to the bottom of this.
Who knows what the future holds for you. Maybe you've really found her this
time. I'll get back to you with my status report when I'm done.

R: Do your best #1.  I'm counting on you.

#2: Hai! (leaves office)

R: (smiles merrily at the Buddha and rubs his belly)
Who knows what the future holds for all of us indeed!

[End of Chapter A9]