(Greg Hom) KOR: The Distant Cousin Series Part 1: Coming of a relative from America What to do? by Gregory Hom (A picture of an airport. Planes are coming in and out. The plane ticket desks are busy and people are standing in line. The baggage unloading area is filled with people getting the lugguage. A boy with a hat and a jacket is talking with a girl about the same age with a bag in her shoulder. They are saying goodbye to each other and are speaking in English.) Male: Well, I hope to see you later. Female: I hope so too.. Here, take this note and look at the note later. Male: Ummm... got it... bye... Kyousuke: Where can that cousin of ours be? Kurumi: There he is... The theme plays and a few scenes with the new character with the KOR gang. (Author: pick any OP theme song. Haven't pick the right one yet.) (The female smiles and waves back at the male as she walks away. The male waves back at her and looks at the Kasuga family coming at him. Kyousuke is staring at the female going away.) Male: Hello. You must be the Kasugas. Takashi, Manami, and Kurumi: Hello (Kyousuke's mind is still on something else. He is looking towards the female's direction. Manami jabs him in the side.) Kyousuke: Umm.. Hello. Male: (talking in Japanese) Excuse my Japanese it is not that good. I need to work on it. Takashi: That's good. Our English is even worse. hehehe.. Everyone: hehehehe... Male: Let me get this straight. You are Takashi (he nods) ... Kyousuke (he nods) ... Manami (she nods) ... Kurumi Kurumi: and this is Jinguro. Male: Nice to meet you all. I'm Nathan Lok, your distant cousin from America. Oh, here comes my lugguage. Could you help me with this? Takashi: Sure, let me help you with that bag. (Kyousuke pulls Manami over to the side. The others are getting the luggage out of the baggage claim.) Kyousuke: That girl he was talking to look familiar. Manami: Hmm.. I didn't get a good look at her. Is that why you were staring at her? Kyousuke: I guess it was just me, but she looked familiar. Oh well. ( They both walk back to talk to Nathan and join the others.) Nathan: I think that is all my stuff. Where is the car? Kyousuke: It is in the 3rd floor of the garage. Nathan: Okay, lead the way. (They start walking to the car. Nathan is with Kyousuke carrying the lugguage. The others are ahead of them leading the way.) Kyousuke: Who was that you were talking to? Nathan: She was a fellow passanger on the plane. Why? Kyousuke: She looked very familiar. Like someone I know. Manami: I saw that you couldn't keep your eyes off of her, Nathan. It seemed like you became close friends on that plane. Nathan: Yeah... we had fun talking to each other in the plane. Kurumi: She was pretty cute. I think that is why you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. Manami: Did you find out where she is staying? Do you have her number? Kurumi: Are you going to every visit her while you are here? Nathan: Well.... ummm.... Can we talk about something else. (Takashi and Kyousuke are snickering. They seem to enjoy the someone else getting the twins' questioning. Nathan's face is getting redder and that drop on his head is huge.) Manami: You are like oniichan always trying to switch the subject when it comes to girls. (Kurumi nods in agreement. Kyousuke is looking a bit peeved.) Kurumi: What about when we talk about your girlfriends, oniichan? Kyousuke: Ahhh... ummm... (Nathan gets to chuckle this time as Kyousuke's face turns red.) (They finally arrive at the car and pack Nathan's stuff in the car. They all get in the car and drive off towards the apartment.) Takashi: Well, Nathan, you should get to know Kyousuke there because he is in your same class. You will be sharing the same room with him at home. I hope you don't mind. Kyousuke: Hey! You never told me about that last part. Takashi: Where else is he going to stay? Kyousuke: Okay.... Nathan: I'll try not to be a problem for you, Kyousuke. Takashi: See, he is trying to be polite. You can at least be polite too and learn from him, Kyousuke. Twins: (Nathan opens his backpack and look inside. He sees the letter and stares at the scenery outside. He starts to think about something.) (They arrive at the apartment building and get his things out. The stuff is laid out in Kyousuke's room. Nathan is sitting on the floor.) Nathan: Thanks a lot for helping me. Takashi: No problem. Kyousuke: Need help unpacking? Nathan: Nahh... I got it. Kyousuke: I'm going to get you the mattress. So I'll be back. You can put your stuff in the drawer over there. (Kyousuke leaves. Nathan starts unpacking and puts his stuff in the drawer. He accidently hits the desk. A picture falls over.) Nathan: Oops.. Man, am I ever clumsy. I swear I tripped over everything that is in my way. (He picks up the picture. It is a picture of Ayukawa.) Nathan: Kyousuke's girlfriend? She is pretty attractive. But for some reason, she looks sort of familiar..... ( A knock on the door. Nathan puts the picture back and opens the door.) Kyousuke: Could you help us with this? Nathan: Sure... (They move it in the room and lay it on the floor. Nathan finishes up unpacking while Kyousuke is out of the room.) Manami: Time to eat... Nathan: Okay, I'm coming. (Nathan goes out to the living room. He sees everyone else at the table and goes to sit down. But Jinguro does that running away thing.) Kurumi: Hey, where are you going? (She uses her power to get the cat. The others are banging their heads. Nathan is a bit surprised at the situation.) Nathan: You're are ESPers... Kyousuke: Might as well not hide it anymore. I knew she could keep a secret like that hidden for three months. It is more like three minutes. (Kurumi uses the power and hits him with a plate. Kyousuke is knocked out.) Takashi: Umm... could you stop that? Manami: My sister, brother, and I are ESPers because of our mother. Our dad doesn't have any ESP powers. Nathan: It runs in the family. You're mother's father is the brother of my grandfather. Right? Kyousuke: Yes, it is. Why? Nathan: Okay, I guess I better tell. I can't keep a secret very well too. I'm an ESPer too. Everyone: Too!!!! (Nathan floats a plate to his setting. A wet towel floats over to his hand.) Nathan: Yes, I am... Takashi: What is it? Why do I have to get an adnormal family? Kyousuke: This is going to be a interesting summer. Maybe disasterous. (They start eating dinner and are talk to each other.) Takashi: So you are here for school. Right? Nathan: Yep, I wanted to try an overseas program. I thought it would be fun to try going to a different country to learn. Kyousuke: Why did you choose Japan? Nathan: Well, my mother is Japanese. She said that we had relatives in Japan. She also taught me a bit of Japanese. So, it was sounded like a good idea at the time. Manami: How did you find out about us? Nathan: Well, my grandfather contacted your grandfather. He gave me your address. I sent you mail and the rest is history. Kyousuke: It is pretty cool that our school has an exchange program. There is other students coming over today too. Nathan: I'm going to depend on you to lead me around the school, Kyousuke. Kyousuke: Sure. But school doesn't start till tommorrow. Nathan: Cool, we can go around the city and see the sights. Kyousuke: Umm.. I got to work tommorrow for a while. Nathan: We can do it later after work. Takashi: It would be nice if you take him out to see the city. Kurumi, Manami, you should go with him too. Children: Nathan: Sorry if I'm causing any trouble. I can just hang out and find places on my own. Kyousuke: It's no problem. I'll take you after work. (They finish the dinner and start cleaning up. Kyousuke and Nathan are washing the plates. Manami is cleaning the table and Kurumi is watching TV. Takashi is sitting on a chair reading the paper.) Nathan: Umm.. I accidently knocked over a picture on the desk. Kyousuke: That's okay. Nathan: Is that your girlfriend? Kyousuke: Ahhh... could you hand me that plate? Manami: Just like him. Switching the topic. (They finish the dishes. Kyousuke and Nathan go to the room. They sit down on the beds. Nathan reaches over for one of his mangas. Kyousuke starts reading a book.) Kyousuke: Well, how did you met that girl at the airport? Nathan: Ummm.. I just met her on the airplane. Kyousuke: Yeah, I'm get nervous talking about girls. I won't talk about her if you don't talk about the picture. Nathan: Sure... Kyousuke: She was cute though. Nathan: Your friend is cute too.. Both: hehehehe (They both read till bedtime. Kyousuke goes to wash up. Nathan sits on the bed. He opens his backpack and gets the letter. Nathan begins to read the note.) Nathan: (smiling) Why does she have to remember me that way? Nathan: (I wonder if I will ever see her again.) (Kyousuke enters the room and looks at him.) Kyousuke: Your turn for the bathroom. Nathan: Thanks. (Nathan gets up and drops the letter on the floor. While he leaves, Kyousuke picks up the letter.) Kyousuke: Nathan... Kyousuke: (Too late. What is this?) Letter: Hello, I want to say thanks for keeping me company. I was afraid that I would be bored on the trip. Hopefully I will see you again. You owe me a cleaning bill for the clothes. See you later. Kyousuke: Hmmm... what is with him and her? (Kyousuke lays the note on the bed. Nathan comes back and lays on the bed Kyousuke turns of the light.) Kyousuke: Good night. Nathan: Good night. Kyousuke: (What a day. I wonder if what he is like. I don't know too much about him. Hmm.. Why did he ask about Ayukawa too?) (Kyousuke is looking at Nathan. Nathan is staring at the ceiling.) Nathan: (So this is what my first day here is like. I wonder what tommorrow is going to be like.) Ending theme: Dancing in the Sweet Memories Next time: Is he a new rival or a friend? She looks occupied with something or someone. KOR: The Distant Cousin Series part 2 Is he a new rival or a friend? She looks occupied with something of something. (The next morning. The sun rises over the apartment and filters light into the room. Kyousuke and Nathan are sleeping nicely in the beds. Then the alarm goes off.) Alarm: RRRIIINNNGGG.... RRRIIINNNGGG... Kyousuke: Urrrggg... Nathan: Ummmm.... Kyousuke: What was that? Nathan: That is my alarm. It is 7:30 already; it is set to wake me up for school. Don't you use a clock? Kyousuke: Nope. Usually my sisters come into my room and hit me to wake me up to go to school. Nathan: You guys are weird. AHHHH... The theme plays. The same KOR characters and Nathan apperar in a few scenes. Nathan and Kyousuke is standing next to Madoka at the end. (Nathan gets up and heads for the door. But the door is opened by someone else. The sisters enter the room and look surprised.) Twins: You're awake??? Nathan: Haven't you people ever heard of an alarm clock? Kurumi: Dang, I got you in the pick. Manami: Well, oniichan never uses an alarm clock and is hard to wake up. Thus we pick straws to see who wakes him up. (The twins are holding straws in their hands. Manami got the long straw and Kurumi got the shorter one.) Kurumi: I'm glad you are awake. But it would be fun trying to wake you. (She was hiding something behind her back. It was a mallet, and Nathan goes bug-eyed looking at it.) Manami: You can help me wake oniichan. It seems he went back to sleep. (Kyousuke is happily sleeping in his bed after the clock is shut off. The twins are heading towards him. Nathan is exiting the room and closes the door behind him.) Kyousuke: Owwww... leave me alone. Kurumi: Wake up... Manami: Get out of bed... Nathan: (Geez, what a morning.) (Jinguro passes by and is frightened by Nathan. Nathan sees him when going to the bathroom.) Nathan: Come here. I won't hurt you. (Jinguro is thinking about it, but thinks twice about it. He leaves in the opposite direction.) Nathan: Even the cat is acting weird around me. I wonder if I will ever fit into this family. (He enters the bathroom and starts washing up. Nathan finishes and exits out the door. He sees a beaten down Kyousuke holding a towel to his face.) Nathan: Are you awake yet? Kyousuke: Very funny. I have to go through this every morning. Nathan: You should learn to wake up withan alarm clock. Kyousuke: Bathroom free? Nathan: It is all yours. (Nathan goes to the bedroom and changes into some jeans and a T-shirt. He heads for the kitchen and finds it empty. So, Nathan starts beginning to cook breakfast. Manami enters the kitchen and looks surprised again.) Nathan: la la de dum Manami: Nathan, you're cooking? Nathan: Why are you so surprised? No one was in the kitchen and I decided to cook breakfast. Manami: Well, this is the first time that nobody waited for me to cook break- fast. Nathan: Well, enjoy and relax. Maybe I should start helping you prepare break- fast in the morning. Manami: Thanks. I do need help in the mornings fixing lunches. Nathan: Anything to help. (Nathan has laid out an old fashioned American breakfast. Eggs, toast, ham, milk, and orange juice. The others enter the room and also looked surprised.) Kyousuke: What happened? Where is the rice? No tea. Kurumi: What kind of breakfast is this? Nathan: Here is some coffee. (Everyone is staring at Manami except Nathan. Nathan is still putting on the finishing touches on the breakfast.) Kyousuke: You did this? Manami: No, I didn't. Nathan did this all by himself. Kurumi: I hope it taste as good as it smells. I'm starving. Takashi: You did all this, Nathan. Nathan: Yes, why are you all surprised? Haven't you seen a male cook before? (Kyousuke and Takashi look at their feet. Kurumi and Manami head for the table.) Kyousuke: We don't cook that well. Nathan: That's okay, We should cook sometime together. Come and eat, it is getting cold. Manami: What a nice guy! He is so helpful and kind. Kurumi: He cooks and cleans. What girl in the world wouldn't want him. (They all sit to eat the brekafast. After some time, the table is cleaned and there is nothing on the table.) Everyone: Thank you, Nathan. Kyousuke: That was great. It was pretty good. Nathan: You're welcome. Since you are nice enough to take me in, this is the least I could do. Cook a good old fashioned breakfast. Takashi: I got to go. Thanks for the breakfast, Nathan. I'll see you later tonight because I might have to work late. Nathan: What does he do? Kyousuke: A photographer. Nathan: oh... The kids: Bye... See you later. (They start cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes. After they are done, they are sitting down.) Nathan: Finished... Manami: Yep.. Do you want to go shopping with us? Nathan: I guess that would be okay. Since.... Kurumi: Great... Kyousuke: I'll see you later after I'm finished working. (The sisters are dragging Nathan out the door. Kyousuke is left alone in the apartment. He starts putting on the coat and heads out the door. Kyousuke starts walking out towards the Abcb cafe. When he enters the cafe, Kyousuke sees Madoka and waves hello.) Kyousuke: Hello, Ayukawa. Madoka: Hello, Kasuga-kun. Master: Ahh... Kyousuke. Ready to work? Kyousuke: Sure, I'll get ready. (The cafe opens. Customers start comming in and out of the cafe. While he is working, Kyousuke is looking at Madoka. She looks distracted and is preoccupied with something.) Customer: Miss, could you give me my bill? Madoka: Ummm... Kyousuke: Here you go, sir. Customer: Thank you. (He pays for the bill and exits with his family. Madoka looks at Kyousuke while he does the cash register.) Madoka: Thank you, Kasuga-kun. Kyousuke: No problem. Anything wrong? Madoka: I had a busy day, yesterday. I went to the airport to met someone. Kyousuke: You went to the airport yesterday? Madoka: Yes, I did. Why did you want to know? Kyousuke: Oh, I went to airport to pickup my cousin from America. That's all. Madoka: Oh that nice. I surprised I didn't run into you. Kyousuke: Yeah... (Was that her at the airport when I met Nathan? She has gone to America and might know him.) (He imagines a situation in his head. Nathan: Madoka... Madoka: Nathan.... They prepare to kiss and are interrupted by a bump) Madoka: Hey Kasuga.. Wake up, a customer need you. Kyousuke: Ummmm... Thanks... Madoka: Hey, we are even now. (Kyousuke takes the order of the customer. He goes back and thinks about Nathan.) Manami: (He is so helpful and kind.) Kurumi: (What girl in the world wouldn't want him.) (He wakes up and takes the order to Ayukawa. Kyousuke stares at her.) Kyousuke: (Why should a girl like Ayukawa like a guy like Nathan?) (The day goes on. The door opens, and Nathan and the sisters enter the Abcb cafe.) Madoka: Welcome.. Here to see Kyousuke? Manami: Yes. Oh.., this is our cousin from America, Nathan. Nathan, this is a classmate of oniichan's, Ayukawa Madoka. Nathan: Hello, how do you do? Madoka: (in accented English) I'm fine. Nathan: (in English) Oh, you speak English. Madoka: (English) Not very well. I think they are confused. (Kyousuke and the sisters are looking at them conversing in English. They are trying to follow the conversation.) Nathan: (English) We should go back to Japanese. They might think we are making fun of them. hehehehe... Madoka: (English) You are right. hehehehe.. Kyousuke: Ayukawa!!! Nathan: Nothing to worry about Kyousuke. Hmm.. You look familiar. Now I remember, she is the girl.. Kyousuke: Ummm... I have to take Nathan on a tour of the city. Nathan: Want to come with us? Madoka: Umm... sure. I got some time before I have to go somewhere. Kurumi: We are going to see some more stories. We will leave him with you. We did our part of taking him out to see the city. Manami: Bye. (The sisters start walking out.) Kyousuke: OH... wait... Where can I take him? Nathan: I'm not picky. All they did was take me to the shops. As long as it is not shopping for clothes, I think I had enough of that today. Kyousuke: Okay. (Madoka and Kyousuke check out and change to the regular clothes. They start walking together with Nathan to the park. Kyousuke is looking at Nathan and Madoka talking together.) Madoka: This is a very pretty park. Sometimes I go here to think. It really clears your mind. Nathan: Yeah... It is really pretty here. Kyousuke: (They do look very friendly to each other.) Madoka: Here comes a familiar spot. (They are approaching the staircase. Kyousuke is still thinking about them and looking at Madoka.) Madoka: Remember what happen here, Kasuga-kun. Kyousuke: Huh.... Were you talking to me? Madoka: Hey, you are supposed to lead the tour not me. Kyousuke: Sorry... Nathan: Are you okay? Kyousuke: Just a little distracted. Hikaru's voice: DARLING!!! (Over the hill comes Hikaru running at Kyousuke. Kyousuke and Madoka turn away from each other. Hikaru grabs and hugs Kyousuke. Of course, he is very embarassed. Nathan is just staring at this scene.) Hikaru: Oh, Madoka-san, hello. Darling, what are you doing? Kyousuke: Hikaru, this is my cousin from America, Nathan. Nathan, this is Hikaru. Nathan: Hello, nice to met you. Hikaru: Your family is always so polite, darling. I see where you get it from. Kyousuke: Well.. We are taking Nathan on a tour of the town. Nathan: Want to come? Hikaru: Sorry, Darling. I can't come with you. I got to do something. I just hate leaving you, but it is important. See you later. (She gives him another hug and waves so long. After Hikaru leaves, Kyousuke looks at Madoka. She is giving her straight face look. Nathan is looking at this situation too.) Kyousuke: Bye.. So long. Nathan, Madoka: Goodbye. Madoka: Let's get going. I do have plans to go to. Kyousuke: Sorry. (They start walking again. Kyousuke is leading this time and Nathan is next to him conversing with him. Madoka is again distracted with something.) Kyousuke: Over here is the bookstore and the coffee shop is across the street. You can get most mangas and picture books there. That is where I get mine. Nathan: I got to go there sometime. Does it have the "Dragonball" and "Ramna" manga there? Kyousuke: Yep, some of my favorites are there. What about you, Ayukawa? Madoka: Huh.. yes. Did you ask something? Nathan: Are you thinking about something? Madoka: Sorry, I'm not the best company in the world. Kyousuke: Can we help you? Madoka: No, I don't need your help. I've got to go. Sorry, Kasuga-kun, I'll call you later. It was nice meeting you, Nathan. (She walks away. They both just stare at her walk away and start walking back.) Nathan: Umm... Kyousuke. I know I wasn't going to ask but what is between you and the that girl in the park, Hikaru. Kyousuke: Oh that... ummm... Nathan: I thought you liked Madoka. So which do you like better? Kyousuke: Ahh... Look there is a great bakery over there. Want to get some pastries before we get home? Nathan: Oh, it is one of those things. I understand, but you need to decide sometime. This can't last forever. Kyousuke: (He is right. One of these days, they are going to get angry with me.) (Kyousuke has his head down. Thinking about what was said, he and Nathan enter the store.) Kyousuke: Umm.. What do you want, a donut or this bun. Nathan: I'll take the bun. Kyousuke: Same here. Well, what about you any girlfriends in America? Nathan: No, not really. I'm too shy around girls. Kyousuke: What about that girl at the airport? You guys looked friendly to me. (The man hands them buns. They start walking home. Nathan begins to think about the scene at the airport. The female is waving bye from Kyousuke's view. Too far for a description.) Nathan: We just met at the airport and talked on the plane. Kyousuke: I read the letter, Nathan. It seem like you were... Nathan: You've read the note. Kyousuke: Sorry about that. You dropped it on the floor. Are you going to talk to her again. Nathan: She won't be nearby till tommorrow. I can't call her till then. Hey, why are you talking about my love life when you got problems of your own. Kyousuke: Now, we are even. Let's not talk about this anymore. Nathan: It seems like we both have troubles relating to women. (They finally arrive home. The next scene has them in the room reading mangas on the beds. The phone rings.) Manami: Kyousuke, a phone call. Kyousuke: Okay, I'm coming. (Kyousuke picks up the phone. It is Madoka on the other line.) Kyousuke: Hello. Madoka: Kasuga-kun, hello. I want to say sorry for leaving early. I need to meet someone at my aunt's place. Kyousuke: That's why you were distracted? Madoka: Yes, she needs a place to stay. My parents suggested that she live with me when she gets to Japan because she is a cousin. Kyousuke: Cousin? Gets to Japan? Madoka: My cousin is here for an overseas exchange program from America. Kyousuke: Nathan is part of the same program too. Is that weird? Madoka: So we have something in common. hehehe.. Kyousuke: Yeah. hehehehe.. Madoka: I wonder if they know each other. Kyousuke: That would be just too weird. Well, they will meet tommorrow at school. Madoka: Well, I was just calling to explain the distraction of the cousin coming over to the house. I'll see you tommorrow at school. Kyousuke: Okay, see you tommorrow. Madoka: Bye... Kyousuke: (Well, that would explain her distraction. But would Nathan be the type that would go after... But he is being a nice friend though.) Kyousuke: (Hmm... Cousin from America? Know each other? Nah, that would just be REALLY TOO WEIRD.) Next Time: What are you doing here? The first day of school is starting. KOR: The Distant Cousin Series Part 3 What are you doing here? The first day of school is here. by Gregory Hom (Another morning at the Kasuga household. The sibling are rushing to get to the bathroom first. Nathan is just absorbing the scene.) Kyousuke: Hey.. I had the bathroom first. Kurumi: I was here first! Manami: I got to cook breakfast. Let me in first. Nathan: You guys should wake up earlier or make a schedule for the bathroom. Kurumi: What planet do you come from? Manami: What a weird idea. Kyousuke: That is a little far fetched, Nathan. Nathan: Well I'm all ready. I don't need the bathroom. It is you that are fighting for the bathroom. (They continue to fight for the bathroom. Nathan is going to the room and packs his backpack to get ready. He heads for the kitchen to help make lunch and break- fast. The backpack is set down and a letter flies out. Nathan reaches for the letter and begins to look at it.) Nathan: I still have this in there. Hmm.. I wonder if I'll ever her meet again. (He thinks back: Kyousuke: Are you ever going to see her again? Nathan: I don't know I just got her phone number.... Nathan is suddenly woken up from his thought.) Kurumi: HEY! give that back!!!! Manami: That's mine! Kyousuke: In coming. Nathan: What the...? (Nathan turns around to see a vase coming to his face. The twins are using the power to fight again. Things are flying around. Kyousuke and Nathan are hiding under a table.) Nathan: Regular family... hmph.. Kyousuke: On the first day of school. The 2nd OP theme plays. (Author: I picked it because I liked it and it is around the time that this series is around.) Pictures of the KOR gang and Nathan. A new female character is added to the pictures. It ends with Madoka and the new female is smiling and winking in the picture. (Nathan and Kyousuke are walking to school. Nathan is thinking about something, and Kyousuke is looking at him.) Nathan: (My first day at school. I hope it is memorable.) Kyousuke: Are you okay? Nathan: Just think about the whole situation about me going to school in Japan. Kyousuke: Don't worry about it too much. Nathan: Is the homeworks and tests hard? Kyousuke: I'm not the best person to ask about that. Nathan: Why? Your grades are not to hot. Kyousuke: You can say something like that. Nathan: Then I better start worrying. hehehe... Kyousuke: Yeah... hehehe.. (They enter the room. Two familiar figures go up to Kyousuke and grab him.) Komatsu: Kyousuke, buddy, friend, could you give this to your sister? Hafta: Could you give your sister this. Komatsu and Hafta: They will really enjoy these. Nathan: (whispering) Friends? Kyousuke: (whispering) If you can call them that. Komatsu: Hey, who is the new guy, Kyousuke? Hafta: It seems like he knows you. Kyousuke: This is my cousin, Nathan. He is living with us. Nathan: Hello... Komatsu: A rival. Are you after his sisters? Hafta: Which one are you after? So I can go after the other. (Komatsu smacks Hafta on the head. They start fighting again over. Nathan and Kyousuke just walk away from the scene.) Nathan: What weird people. I feel sorry for you. Kyousuke: Thanks, I have to deal with that every day. (They go to the desks and sit down. The teacher enter the room and lays his stuff on the desk.) Teacher: Welcome to the new overseas students. Can you come up to the front? (The new students come up to the front. Nathan stand next to the end.) Teacher: Say your name, age, and country in your own language and Japanese. (The students are introducing themselves. It is finally Nathan's turn, but he is interrupted with a door opening.) Teacher: You are late. Please take your seats. (Madoka and a new female student enters.) Madoka: Sensei, sorry we are late. But my cousin doesn't know where to seat. She is part of the overseas program. Teacher: Ayukawa, take your seat. Miss, if you could stand up here in the front with the others. They are introducing themselves, name, age, and country in your own language and Japanese. (She walks towards the line and stands at the end of the line. She is an cute and attractive female about with medium-long black hair. The same one at the airport in part 1.) Nathan: (It is her. No way.) Female: (It is him. No way.) (They stare at each other and are in shock.) Teacher: Ehm... Could we get back to the introduction? Nathan: Yes... I'm Nathan Lok, age 15, from the US. Female: I'm Jennifer Agari, age 15, from the US. Teacher: Thank you. Try to find seats among the class. (The students are taking seats around the class. Nathan heads for his desk near Kyousuke. Jennifer is taking a sit near Madoka.) Kyousuke: What happened up there? Nathan: I'll explain it to you later. Nathan: (She is here. I'm actually going to meet her again. What am I going to say?) (The teacher goes on with the lesson. Kyousuke and Nathan are taking notes.) Nathan: (This class seems a bit harder, but I can get through this. I wonder what she is thinking.) (He looks over in Jennifer's direction. At the same time, Kyousuke looks over at Madoka's direction. The girls are looking at the guys' direction. The guys both wave at the girls and are met by a turn of the head. A double shutdown :) They look at each other with their hands in the air and put their hands down quickly.) Both: (What is that guy thinking? I wonder who he was waving at.) (They smiling and smirk at each other. The class goes on till the lunch bell goes off. Kyousuke and Nathan go towards the locker room to get the lunch from the locker.) Kyousuke: What was with the freeze up front? Nathan: That was the girl from the airport and the one who gave me the note. Kyousuke: Wow. That is really amazing that she goes to the same school. Kyousuke: (How weird. My cousin and Ayukawa's cousin know each other. This is just too weird.) (Author: I know this is a bit corny; flame me if you don't like it. I'm just a hopeless romantic. You knew this was bound to happen.) Nathan: She is Madoka's cousin. So that is why she was distracted yesterday. Kyousuke: Don't you find this situation a bit uncomfortable. Nathan: It is a bit. But it is good to see her again. Hikaru's voice: DARLING!!! (They turn around and see Hikaru and Yusaku heading towards them. Hikaru run to Kyousuke with a big hug. Yusaku is not pleased with this situation. Nathan is again just staring at this show of affection.) Kyousuke: Hikaru-chan... Hikaru: Oh, hello, Nathan. Kyousuke: Yusaku, this is my cousin, Nathan. Yusaku: Hello Nathan: Hello Hikaru: I made us a bento lunch. Come and eat with me. Kyousuke: Well... ummm.. Yusaku: I thought you were going to eat with me. Hikaru: Oh, okay, Yusaku. You can eat with us. Hikaru: Come with me, darling. Kyousuke: Hikaru-chan, wait a minute.... Yusaku: Wait for me. Nathan: Kyousuke... Oh great, I guess I'll be eating by myself. (Nathan walks to the cafeteria and bring his lunch over to an empty table.) Nathan: Time to eat. Female voice: Can we eat with you? (Nathan looks up and sees Madoka and Jennifer standing holding their lunches.) Nathan: Sure, if you don't mind the boring company. You are Madoka, right? Madoka: Yeah, this is my cousin, Jennifer. Nathan: I know. We bumped into each other already, sort of. hehehehe Jennifer: You can say that again. hehehehe Madoka: Where is Kasuga-kun? Nathan: Kyousuke went off with Hikaru to eat with her and a guy named Yusaku. He was sort of dragged off to eat with her. She made him a bento lunch and wanted to eat with him. Madoka: oh... That's okay. But he should leave you alone in a foreign school. Nathan: It's okay. I have to learn about this school somehow. Madoka: You said you bumped into Jennifer already. How did you meet? Nathan: It is sort embarassing. Jennifer: You weren't the only one that was embarassed. (They relate the story to Madoka. The scene starts in the plane and the stewardess is serving drinks to the passengers. Nathan comes up to her.) Nathan: Can I have two drinks of orange juice? Stewardess: Sure. Let me get that for you. (She opens a can and pours the drinks in two cups.) Stewardess: Here you go. Nathan: Thank you. (Jennifer is coming up towards to the stewardess. As Nathan turns around, he bumps into her with the drinks.) Jennifer: Eyaaaa... Nathan: I'm really sorry. Let me clean that up for you. (She is pretty cute and attractive.) (Nathan is cleaning her pants. Jennifer is cleaning the shirt. The next scene is Nathan is carrying peanuts. He is paying attention and bumps into a person spilling all the peanuts. He looks up again and sees Jennifer.) Nathan: I'm really sorry. Jennifer: What is wrong with you? Do you like spilling things on people?! Nathan: Hey, I said I was sorry. (Great, I'm making a great impression) Jennifer: Clumsy.... Nathan: Mean... (They start arguing, and people are looking at them. Then the plane shakes in the turbulance. Jennifer loses her balances, and Nathan catches her.) Jennifer: Ummmph... Nathan: I got you. I guess I'm not the only clumsy one. hehehe... Jennifer: Thank you.. hehehe Nathan: (She looks very cute when she smiles.) (Everyone is looking at them whispering about them. They turn away embarassed by the situation.) Nathan: I try not to spill anything on you if you won't bring this up anymore. Jennifer: Sure. Where are you sitting? So I can keep an eye on you and avoid getting things on me. (They sit with each other and talk to each other. In the airport in Japan, they are standing next to each other.) Jennifer: Here comes my bags. Nathan: Let me help you with this. Jennifer: Thanks... Nathan: Well, I hope to see you later. Jennifer: I hope so too... Here, take this note and look at it later. Nathan: (I really do wish I could get to know her.) Umm... got it. bye... (A repeat of the first scene in part 1. After they relate this to Madoka. She just smiles at the both of them.) Madoka: I can see how that may be embarassing. But you seem to get along pretty well because of that situation. Jennifer: He just keep me company on the trip. Nathan: I better find Kyousuke. Madoka: (They are hiding something.) (Nathan runs off to find Kyousuke. Madoka and Jennifer are looking at him leave. Nathan is walking through the hall.) Nathan: (Why I'm I so embarassed standing next to her? But it was great to see her again.) Kyousuke! Kyousuke: Nathan, Over here. Nathan: There you are. I've been looking for you. Kyousuke: Well, I ate some of Hikaru's lunch with her. Sorry, I left you. She is a little aggressive with me sometimes. Nathan: Aggressive? Well, I ate with Madoka and Jennifer in the cafeteria. Kyousuke: Ayukawa... Nathan: She did seem a little down knowing you were eating with Hikaru. Kyousuke: You told her that! Oh great. Nathan: What is wrong? Why are you so upset about it? Kyousuke: Ahhh... We better get to class. (Kyousuke and Nathan run to the classroom. Nathan is still wondering why Kyousuke is avoid answering questions. The next scene is the end of the school day. Kyousuke and Nathan are walking out of the school.) Kyousuke: So how was you first day of school? Nathan: It is hard adjusted to this school system. The classes seem okay. I say a normal first day. Kyousuke: I'm glad you are adjusting. But this math homework is going to kill me. Nathan: I was thinking the opposite. The literature homework is what I find the hardest. Math and science is easier for me. Maybe we can work on the homework together. Kyousuke: Yeah, that would be great. The literature and history part is easier part for me. (Ahead, there are two females waiting at the gate. Nathan and Kyousuke see Jennifer and Madoka. They wave hi and get a wave hi back. The girls smile at them and start heading home. The guys are frozen and standing with the hands in the air. They look at each other and put their hands down in embarassment. They start walking off.) Both: (I'm embarassed. But at least she acknowledge me.) Nathan: (What a day. I went to a new school and met her again. I think this is going to be a start of a great quarter.) Ending Theme: Dancing in the Sweet Memories < a picture of the red hat and a letter near it, (just for the similarities in the story) > Next time: Going in a out of trouble Learning to teleport out of bad situations Hi you all, Sorry it took so long to bring out the 4th part of my fanfic. I been have some trouble lately. So I called the Goddess help line, and they sent Skuld to help me get rid of those bugs :). So I can send from my computer. One of my friends suggested that I give disclaimers for my fanfic for security and law reasons. So I guess I'll mention them now. Here are the disclaimers: 1. All the KOR characters and some KOR ideas are Izumi Masumoto(?). 2. All the other characters and other ideas are mine. I didn't get these ideas from someone else. So sorry if you had the same idea, I didn't know that. 3. The names are fictional. Sorry if your name, street, or place reminds you of someone or some place. 4. Some ideas do have influences by the KOR manga and anime, my friends, and some of the Fanfic writers of RAAS. 5. These stories were written for the enjoyment of others. So enjoy :) Now that is over with ^_^. Remember please send me comments on the stories so far. Whether it be flames or praise or corrections, please send it to my email below. If you tried sending and didn't get through. try it now I think the bugs are out of the system. Now on with the story. KOR: The Distant Cousin Series part 4 Getting In and Out of Trouble Learning to Telport Out of Bad Situations by Gregory Hom (Nathan is writing in a diary and taking notes down.) Nathan: (It has been a week now since I came to Japan. I have meet new friends and other people. Yet there is one thing...) Kyousuke: Watch out... Stop. Nathan: (...I haven't gotten used to. ) (Nathan ducks under the lamp that passes by his head. Kyousuke is running around trying to get out. Manami and Kurumi are angry at each other. Things are float- ing around.) Nathan: (Although my family has this power, we never seem to have this problem. We try to hide this stuff from others. This family seems to use the power freely.) Nathan: Can I have some quiet I'm a bit busy right now? Kyousuke: Yes... please... Kurumi: I won't till she gives that paper back to me. Manami: I still need the notes. (A chest is flying right at Kyousuke. But his back is turned. Nathan yells at him. (Nathan: WATCH OUT!!!!!!) Kyousuke uses his teleportation power and transports to another part of the room. Nathan is staring at him.) Kyousuke: Whew.. that was close. Nathan: What the.... The 2nd season OP theme plays. Ends with Kyousuke and Nathan waving bye. Kyousuke: Let's get out of here, Nathan. Maybe we can find some peace out there and to get away from the fight. Nathan: Okay. (Nathan and Kyousuke are walking down the street. They discuss and talk about what has just happened.) Nathan: What is with your family? Don't you try to act normally sometimes? Kyousuke: My family just doesn't have much self-control with the power because my father doesn't have the power. So he doesn't know how to deal with us sometimes. Nathan: We try not to use it as much in our family. But my parents both have the power. So that last part I can't confirm. It must be hard on you guys to keep the powers a secret. Kyousuke: That is why we had to move seven times. Nathan: Does anybody know about your powers here? Kyousuke: Nope, not really. I have really told anyone. We have kept it a secret for the most part. Nathan: That's great. Don't have to move as often. hehehe... Kyousuke: That's right. hehehe... Nathan: What did you do back there when you disappeared in front of the chest? Kyousuke: I teleported. You don't know how to teleport? Nathan: Like I said, my family doesn't really want to use the power. That is why I never show my full potential ESP ability. Kyousuke: It must be nice to try to live normally. Nathan: It has its ups and downs, but it is cool to use the powers sometimes. How do you teleport? Kyousuke: I think of teleporting to the place I want to go, really hard. Nathan: I got to try that sometime. Kyousuke: But it can get you into trouble sometimes. Nathan: We are to meet Madoka and Jennifer at the library, right. Kyousuke: Right, at 5:00. I almost forgot you. You have been getting along pretty well with Jennifer. Nathan: Hey! It was your idea first. I think you want to do it to see Madoka. (They start walking down the street, but they aren't alone. Hikaru start down the other side and sees Kyousuke.) Hikaru: Darling!!! Kyousuke: (Hikaru runs across the street and hugs him as she reaches him. She grabs hold of his arm.) Hikaru: Oh hello, Nathan. Where are you guys off to? Nathan: I was thinking of going to the bookstore to get some mangas. Hikaru: That sounds like fun. Can I come along? (Nathan is looking at Kyousuke. He seems a little out of it. Kyousuke is still recovering from his embarrassment.) Nathan: I... guess so. Hikaru: Let's go, sempai. (At the bookstore, Nathan is looking at the shelf. Kyousuke is looking at some magazines with Hikaru.) Nathan: (What to do? Should I get this manga or that one? Maybe I should get a romantic comedy or a fighting manga.) Voice: Maybe you should get this one. (A volume is put in front of his face. It is a manga volume he never seen before.) Nathan: Hmmm... Never seen this one before. What is this about? (Nathan looks at the person who handed the manga volume. It is a female with brown hair and a cute smile. She is wearing jeans and a t-shirt.) Female: It is a nice story with the guy trying to win the affection of the girl by entering a martial arts tornament. It has just started here in Japan. I suppose you have not seen it. Nathan: How did you know I was not from here? I don't think we have not met before. I'm Nathan, what is your name? Female: I'm Reiko Notuska. I'm in the class with your cousins, Kurumi and Manami. They told me about you coming to Japan. Nathan: Oh, that is how you know of me. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look at it. It might be interesting. Reiko: I could show you some more stuff if you want to. Nathan: That would be cool. Reiko: I have to go, but we can do it tonight around 6:00. I'll see you later then. Nathan: Ahhh... I'm ..... Dang, she left already. Kyousuke: Hey, who was that? Hikaru: Isn't she in your sisters' class, Sempai? (They leave the manga bookstore and start walking to Hikaru's house. They drop her off at her house) Hikaru: Darling, do you want to do something later, like seeing a movie? Kyousuke: umm... I got to do some studying with Nathan. Hikaru: You can go with me afterwards. Since it is at 4:00, let's do it at 6:00. See you then. Nathan: Forward, isn't she? (Kyousuke nodded. The next scene is in front of the library. Madoka and Jennifer are standing in front of the library.) Madoka: Where are they? It is 5 already. Jennifer: I don't know. Is Kyousuke usually on time? We can wait for a while. Madoka: Well, you are right. Nathan: (behind them) Hi ladies. Where have you been? Jennifer: Nathan, when did you get here? Nathan: Kyousuke and I already started studying. So we got a table for us. (Nathan leads them to the table with Kyousuke sitting looking at the book. He sees them and waves at them to walk over to him at the table. They all sit down at the table and start studying. An hour passes by, the clock reads 6:00. Kyousuke and Nathan look at each other.) Nathan: ah... I'm almost finished. Why don't we call it a day? Kyousuke: Sure... we can finish it later. Madoka: Why not finish it today since you are almost finished? Jennifer: We can have the whole day to ourselves later. Nathan & Kyousuke: Ummmm.... Madoka: Kyousuke, you can help me with this problem since you done it already. Kyousuke: umm... Nathan helped.... Nathan: I got to go to the bathroom. (Nathan leaves the group for the bathroom. He enters the bathroom and goes to one of the stalls.) Nathan: (How does that go? Teleport to the bookstore!) (He disappears and appears in front of people reading some magazines.) People: Where did he come from? Nathan: I'm sorry. (Got to learn more about controling this power.) (Reiko is waiting in front of the bookstore. She is wearing a nice dress with a bow in the front and a hat.) Nathan: Hello Reiko, you look really nice. Do you have somewhere to go after this? (She really looks cute with that dress.) Reiko: Let's go. We can talk about that and other things. (She grabs his arm and walks with him. Nathan look a little embarassed but he likes this feeling. They end up in the coffee shop and start drinking some coffee. Nathan sees the time, and it is 6:20.) Nathan: umm.. Reiko, could you excuse me I got to go to the bathroom? Reiko: Sure, I'll be here. (Nathan goes to the bathroom and does the power. He ends up in the bathroom in the library. Nathan straightens up and goes back out. He sees only Madoka and Jennifer sitting on the table.) Jennifer: Long time no see. What happen to you? Nathan: Ahhh.. I had a stomachache. What is Kyousuke? Madoka: He went to the bathroom. Did you see him? Nathan: I didn't see him. I must have missed him. What problem are you on? Jennifer: I'm doing the language assignment, and Madoka is still on the math assignment. Nathan: I finished the math. I guess I'll work with you, Jennifer. (They open the book and start studying. But Nathan's eyes aren't really concen- trating on the homework. He is staring at Jennifer.) Nathan: (Now that I'm this close to her. I do feel a little awkward because she is really beautiful.) Jennifer: Nathan, what do you think? Nathan: What did you say? Madoka: It must be a family thing. You have that blank Kasuga stare. Nathan: (I think I know how he feels around Madoka.) Jennifer: Does it sound better this way or that way? Nathan: Language is not my best subject. I'm a science man. Jennifer: This isn't science. But what is better? Nathan: Which do you think is better? Jennifer: This one but.... Nathan: Then it is probably right. Where is that guy? Madoka: You are right. Kasuga-kun has been gone a long time. Nathan: I'll go look for him. (Nathan runs into bathroom as Kyousuke appears.) Nathan: Teleporting. huh... Kyousuke: Well, didn't want Hikaru-chan to worry? Nathan: Well, you better go back. They are waiting for you. (Kyousuke leaves for the table. After Kyousuke is out of the room, Nathan teleports out. But Kyousuke comes back.) Kyousuke: Nathan... (I'm not the only one that is teleporting.) (At the coffee shop, Nathan is sitting with Reiko and talking.) Nathan: So what were you doing at the bookstore? Reiko: I was buying some manga like you. That one I gave you has a real nice story. Nathan: I haven't read it yet, but it sounds pretty cool from what you tell me. If you are finished, I walk you back home. Reiko: Yeah, I'm finished. I guess we can head back to my place. Nathan: Okay, I'll pay for the bill. (Nathan pays for the bill. They start walking down the street together. Reiko is holding his arm again.) Nathan: Where is your house? Reiko: It is a couple blocks from here. Nathan: Are you good friends with Kurumi and Mananmi? Reiko: Well, we aren't that great of friends. We talk and do homework together, You know, classroom friends things. Nathan: Oh.. I forgot to ask, why are you dressed up? Reiko: We are near my house. You don't need to walk all the way with me. I'll talk to you later. (Reiko hugs him and starts to wave bye. Nathan is wondering what the hug was about and is a bit confused.) Reiko: I dressed up because I want to look nice for you. Thanks for the nice time. Nathan: (Did she say she did it for me and.... ) (Nathan goes behind the corner and uses the power. There are two people grabbing a book. When...) Umao: Ushio, Wherefore are you? Ushio: Umao, Wherefore are you? Nathan: Excuse me. Sorry for budding in. (Ushio and Umao are holding each other tightly and staring at the Nathan. Nathan walks out towards the table. It is just Madoka and Jennifer at the table. They seem to be done.) Jennifer: Where have you been? Kyousuke came back and said you found him. Nathan: Well, I had to get a book to help with the homework. Jennifer: Well, we are finished with the homework. Nathan: That's great, can I take a look at it? Where is Kyousuke? Madoka: He said he went to get a book. He's been gone a long time like you were. What is with you guys and being gone a long time? Jennifer: Well, we are going to go. Good luck on the homework. Say bye to Kyousuke for me. Madoka: See you later, Nathan. Same to Kyousuke. (They start to leave and seem to be disappointed about something. Nathan is left siting at the table and gets back to doing the homework. Kyousuke finally arrives at the table after 10 minutes past by.) Kyousuke: What happened to them? Nathan: They left and asked me to say bye to you. Kyousuke: Where did you teleport to? Nathan: How.... How did you know I teleported? Kyousuke: I saw you leave in the bathroom. Nathan: Ah... I had an appointment. But I wasn't the only one. How was your date with Hikaru? Kyousuke: It was fine. But I hate skipping out on Ayukawa like this. I just didn't want to disappoint Hikaru-chan. Nathan: She did seem a little disappointed. It was like she planned something that went wrong. Kyousuke: (She was disappointed.) I better call her. She might be angry or something. Nathan: (Jennifer seemed disappointed too. Is she angry at me for not doing the homework with her?) Kyousuke: I think she might be angry because she wanted to spend time with me. Nathan: We better finish the homework before we talk to them. (They are doing the homework together. The next scene is with them at the house making a call.) Kyousuke: Hello... Ayukawa. It is me, Kyousuke. Kyousuke: I'm sorry for not doing the homework with you. My mind was on something else. Kyousuke: Nathan and I finished the homework. Was there something you want to do tonight? Kyousuke: Okay, we'll come over then. Bye. Nathan: They want to go somewhere. Are they still angry? Kyousuke: She didn't seem that angry. She did want us to bring our bags with us though. (They walk over to her house. Nathan knocks on the door. It is opened by Jennifer. The guys are lead in. Madoka is sitting on the couch.) Madoka: Okay, let's see the homework then. Jennifer: You too, Nathan. (The guys open the bags and lay the homework on the table. The girls pick up the homework and began looking at it.) Madoka: I found some mistakes. What about you, Jennifer? Jennifer: Yep, found some here too. I guess we do have to help these guys. (The guys are wearing long faces. Kyousuke is looking at Madoka like he did something wrong. Nathan has a different approach to this. He is looking at Jennifer with a qustionable face.) Nathan: What? We spent a lot of time on that. Jennifer: There are some corrections needed on the language assignment. Madoka: Well, we have to spend some time with them tommorrow. But not tonight, we have tickets to the new movie. (The girls hold tickets in their hands. They smile as they handed tickets to the guys. The guys have a relaxed look on their face. The next scene is of them walking to the theatre talking to each other.) Nathan: (I'm glad she is not angry with me. I don't want to do this again, but Kyousuke told me this is going to happen again. I tend to believe his statement. But using this power can cause a lot of problems.) (Nathan looks at Kyousuke and Madoka. They seem very happy and are busily talking to each other. Nathan looks at Jennifer, and she looks back at him. They smile at each other.) Nathan: (But everything turned out fine, and everyone seems happy.) The Ending Theme: Dancing in the Sweet Memories Scene: A picture of the hat and the letter. Next time: What a headache. My life as Kyousuke???? Please again any comments or opinions. Send it to my email address below. -- Love those romantic comedies. KOR, MI, A!MG, and VGAi ______________________________________________________________________ | Gregory Hom | Yes, I love to watch anime. | | UC Santa Barbara | Favorite: Kimagure Orange Road | | | Will always be a SCG | | ghom@panacea.library. | Christ lives forever in my heart | | | Politeness is a good thing, right? | |___________________________|________________________________________| "99...100...99..." "Okay, let's make it 99.5" "99.5?" KOR quote "Save your time. Save your energy. Then, save your life" AD police video quote "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" Ephesians 2:8 --- Praise the Lord