PRELUDE // A reconstruction of events after the breakup to serve as background and explanation of present and future details in HARD |< O R. by RoK ver 1.0 Send comments or flames to Finished 4-28-96 []:Scene changes <>: Characters thinking to themselves **: Special sfx Y=Yuusaku, Hino H=Hiyami, Hikaru Go: The Duel Part A: There she was, standing right before me. Y: Hikaru?!? H:(frown) Oh,'s you. (crosses arms and turns head away) Principal: I think young man its time for you to go back to class now. Y: Yes, sir. Sorry. I hurried down the hallway, wondering why Hikaru gave me the cold shoulder. Then it hit me: I didn't tell her that I was leaving her (pause) I mean leaving Tokyo to move here. Her, longtime playmate; she must have felt slighted by my cruel gesture. By now, though, you know why I couldn't tell her. And yes, I knew she would be enraged once she found out my deception. But I didn't expect her to be here in person to browbeat me! Which brought up this question in my mind: what was she doing here in the first place? All through the rest of morning classes, I pondered that very question. Various possiblities were whizzing through my head. Was she just merely visiting the area? No, it couldn't be,...not during the school year. Did she move here also? Nahhhh,...can't be,...there's no good reason for her family to suddenly relocate. But that's the only logical explanation for all this. But why? Was there some sort of trouble for her back home? Or perhaps,..maybe...possibly,...she came after me? Could there still be a chance between the two of us? "Hi Yuusaku-sempai! Mind if I join you?" Muroke interrupts Hino's train of thought. They are in the cafeteria during the lunch period. Y: Huh? What was that? (looks around) Oh hi Muroke-kun. Muroke: (sits right down) You look out of it. You didn't even touch your food. Is there something wrong? Y: Me? Have problems? Noooooo,...I'm alright. REALLY. Muroke: Well if you say so. I'm not one to make a big deal out of things. But I gotta warn you. In your state of mind, I don't think you should go through with it. Y: With what? Muroke: Boy, you are really out of it! The challenge. With that gang leader Ryo! Y: (rubs his head) Oh,...that...I'm not really sure what I would do. Muroke: If you can't even think straight, you won't stand a chance against the champ! I suggest you don't go through with it! "Go through with what?" I turned my head around and saw Hikaru-chan standing right behind me! Y: Hikaru-chan? Is that really you? H: (Glares, with hands on her hips) Ahh, still remember me, eh? Y: O f course I do! How could I ever forget you? H: (sarcastic) Really? Is that so? So important that you conveniently forgot to tell me that you were leaving Tokyo? Y: (lowers head)Oh,...that.... H: (snaps at him) Yeah that! But that's not why I'm here. Here! Take this. (places note on table) Y: What's this? H: (smirks) My folks have apparently for some reason decided to invite your family over to our place for dinner tonight. I can't imagine why they would want to do such a thing. But unfortunately, everything's been already arranged. There's the address, so don't screw it up! You can come if you want to. I don't really care if you're there or not. Y: Of course I'll come! H: Well it's up to you. Now what were you babbling about with your small friend over there? Muroke: We were just discussing the duel..owwarhghdsa (Yuusaku's hand covering Muroke's mouth to muffle him.) Y: We were just talking guy stuff. Nothing you would be interested in. H: Is that so? I have to be going now. (walks away a few paces and turns around) Yuu-kun--you know I never did like cowards; so unmanly don't you think? See ya! (runs off) Muroke: (rearranging his mouth) Whaddya do dat for? Y: You were just about to ruin it for me in front of HER! I didn't want her to know that I was fighting after school. Muroke: So you gonna do it after all... Y: Yeah. Everything is different now that she's here. Muroke: She's very pretty, but a little rough on the edges. Who is she anyway? Y: You mean Hikaru,...she's someone very special from way on back... Part B: Classes have ended for the day and Yuusaku and Muroke is proceeding towards the gymnasium. Muroke: (holding a bunch of dot-matrix computer printout in his hands) You can do it man! I've been doing a little research for you on my computer. Been scanning the records on this guy. It seems that this Ryo guy is actually a very capable fighter. You would need all your wits about you if you hope to have a chance to defeat him. Here's the lowdown on his technique. He generally likes to let his opponents tire themselves out before finishing them off. Chop attacks are his favorite move, especially around the facial area. But it more for distraction purposes only. His trademark and finishing move is the foot sweep. Now I will delimit a list of the various moves he has in his arsenal... Y: Stop it out, ok? You're making me more nervous! No use to fill my mushy head with all this jibberish. I'm going just go in there and fight my fight. Muroke: What kind of strategy is that? You need a plan, or else you get wasted! Y: Too late now. We're here. Muroke: Well, don't forget to watch for the legs. Remember! The legs. Ryoga: Well look who decided to show up: little shithead and big asshole. I been waiting here a while. I was beginning to think you cowards would never show up! Muroke: (retorts) Well unlike you, we have classes to attend. Ryoga: I'll make you eat your words, little man! Y: Listen! Let's get on with it. I don't have time for this. Ryoga: Agreed. I've got people to harrass and suckers to trash.. Door opens and girl pops in. "Did I miss it, did I miss it?" Ryoga: Now what the hell are you doing here, Kaori? Kaori: Why to see my new pet fight you of course! (she purrs) (goes up to Yuusaku and curls up around his arm, leaving his dumbfounded and red-faced) Y: Say,...why are doing this? I don't even know you. Muroke: I think she's trying to distract you from the fight! Ryoga: KAORI! Get away from my opponent right now! And stop associating with the enemy! You always do this to me! We've got a fight and I'm not going to let you ruin it! Kaori: (smiles seductively) Sorry, my pet. I have to go now. Do your best, dear! (to Muroke) And I take care of you later, you slanderer! (walks over to Ryoga's side and blows a kiss to him) Ryoga:Hey you! Over there! Let's make the stakes more interesting... Y: What the hell are you talking about? I'm here to settle the score. Ryoga: Yes, beating you to a pulp might give me some enjoyment, but it's not nearly as interesting when fighting for something he believe in. Y: (stares back) What do you have in mind? Ryoga: Let's have a little wager over the outcome. Kind of a "trophy" for the winner to claim. Loser has to give up the most important item he values to the victor. Sounds fair enough, don't you think? Unless you belive you're going to lose already? Y: Of course not! I'm not going to lose to a thug like you! It's time someone stood up to a bully like you. Despite the fact I'm a newcomer here, I fighting you on behalf of the students you've terrorized! I gladly accept your challenge and your terms. Now lets get on with it before my fists become fatigued! The two bow and then stand in the ready position. Each circles around each other, with glaring and menancing looks, trying to feel the other guy out. The tension is mounting, growing as each waits for the other to strike first. Just as the heat of the tension reaches its pinnacle, it is Ryoga who strikes first! Ryoga: Hi-ya! Y: (parries attack) (*Slice hit and trip*) (Sends Ryoga to the floor mat, shocked. He becomes enraged and rushes at Yuusaku) Ryoga: (mad furry of attacks) Ka! Ya! Ah! (deflects all attacks and delivers chop blow to the back. Ryoga is down, moving slowly around reeling and writhing in pain.) Y: You dishonorable dog! You deserve the pain you're feeling... Just as Yuusaku turns away... Muroke: LOOOK OOUUUT! Ryoga emerges from the crouch position to launch a massive foot sweep, sending Yuusaku flying across the gym! Y: Arrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (*PLOP!*) Kaori rushes over to stunned Yuusaku to tend to your wounds. Kaori: Oh, baby, how you're feeling? Poor dear... Ryoga: Lucky bastard! Looks like you're going to get your prize after all... Muroke: Curse you! That was a dirty trick you pulled, feigning defeat! I knew you wouldn't fight fair! Ryoga: That's where you're wrong, you annoying gnat! He knows the rules. I wasn't driven out of the boundary... Muroke: But still... Y: (urgh!) Lay off him Muroke,... he's right. It's my fault. I let my guard down and he took advantage of my lapse... Ryoga: Yes fool. Your big, noble talk did you no good. Now I'll be expecting my prize,... Y: Right,... my most precious item I have... Muroke: No, you don't have to; he didn't fight fair... Y:Nonetheless, I must keep my word. Otherwise I would be just as bad as him. (opens wallet and plucks out item) (*flip*) There! Hope you're happy now... Ryoga: What? This is your most treasured item? Do you think I'm stupid or something? It's just a damn picture! What am I going to do with this! Are you trying to fool me boy!? Y: Listen here! That picture you have here IS the most important item I treasure. If you don't want it, then TOUGH! Give it back then... In pops Hikaru, who is shocked to see Yuusaku on the floor, with another woman by his side. H: (walks right up to him, laying on the ground) Just what have you been doing here mister? (looks at his condition) You're hurt! Have you've been fighting? Y: Well I.... H: You have, haven't you? I knew you would be up to no good! Kaori: Just who the hell is she? H: Good question. I'm Hikaru Hiyami. Who the hell are you anyways? Kaori: I'm his new girlfriend. Isn't that right, my pet? Y: (tries to respond, but Kaori's hand muffles his mouth. He is too weak to resist) H: I see...(sarcastic)Really? Guess it didn't take you too long to find yourself a girl, did you, Yuu-kun? And I thought you were shy around girls. Kaori: You're that new girl who just transferred in today, aren't you? H: (looking haughty) Yeah, so what's it to you? Muroke: (interrupting) Isn't it kind of strange to be transferring during the school year? Ryoga: H: I do what I like! And another thing Yuu-sa-ku Hino! You'd better stop this senseless violence or else I'll beat the crap out of you! "Young lady. Many apologies. Please excuse us." An old man walks out of nowwhere and towards them. (private conference between the master and Ryoga) Sensei: (to Ryoga) You fought most dishonorably. Wounded dog technique is for laggards! Why don't you fight like a man? You man age already. You shame my teachings! Ryoga: You saw the whole thing? Sensei: Yes, everything here I see. Ryoga: But I didn't anything illegal sensei! And deception is the quickest way to win. And I just didn't want to give my patented moves away... Sensei: Selfishness and excuses. Is that all you are? Talk is cheap. Your actions tell all. Now GO! Ryoga: Yes Sensei! (to Kaori) Let's go now. (drags her away) Kaori: (childish) But I don't want to go now! I want to bring my new toy along... Ryoga: Stop ya whining! I'm in enough troubles as it is. And leave that jerk alone. He's not worth the trouble. (The pair exit out) Muroke: (to Yuusaku) I think I'd better go too. Need to attend the computer club meeting. Bye! Sensei: Alone we are now. Excuse my intrusion. But deserves no harsh treatment he does not from you. On my behalf he is here. To demonstrate his skill for my evaluation. Karate is what you want. Correct? Y: Karate team? (realizes what's going on and starts to play along) Oh yeah,... right, the karate team. I'm trying out to see if I can make it onto the school karate team. H: Really? Is that what's really going on here? Now I'm beginning to understand... Sensei: Correct you are. Testing his skill level I was. Tested by my best pupil, Ryoga-kun. But untempered was his zeal to please me so too rough was he with your friend here. H: Well, it was probably Yuusaku's fault anyway! He's so careless that he even hurts himself with his own moves! Y: (irritated) Hikaru! Sensei: Agreed. Too wild his moves and too wasteful his strokes. Lack of discipline and focus. More practice he needs much to condition himself. Much honored if permission granted for him to start training at my humble dojo. H: (blushes) You're asking my permission? I'm not his mother... Sensei: Speak for him, you do. Talk for him too. H: But it's not my decision to make. He can join if he wants to. I'm not going to stand in his way and its ok with me. Really! Y: Really? H: Yes, really Yuu-kun! And stop embarrasing me! Sensei: Join, will you? Y: Yeah, sure, why not? I'll give it a shot. Sensei: Good. Here at practice next Monday you will. Sharp and focused you must to survive! H: Now that that's all cleared up, I need to remind you ofsomething. I forgot to give you the time for dinner. It's at 7:00. I have to go back now to help prepare the meal. Bye now! See you later! (runs out of gym) Y: Good; she's gone now. Much oblighed sir. Thanks for covering up for me in front of her. I really appreciate it. May I ask who are you anyway? Sensei: Karate master am I. And teacher also. Y: About what I said before about joining your karate club,... I was just kidding. I don't really want to join any clubs at any time. I don't feel accepted here. And I don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable with my presence. I hope you understand. Sensei: Me kid not, my son. Words are words. Honorable men stand by their words. Cowards shun away from it. And coward you are not. Or run you would have done. But here you are and so brave are you. On Monday I will see you. Until then. Good day. (walks away) Y: But wait sir! Who are you anyway? Sensei: Matsumoto my namesake. Karate instruction, my craft. That is all you need to know...<*Poof*> Y: But I...Hey? Where'd he go? (looks around gym sees he's the only one there) Book C: Yuusaku arrives back home on his motocycle. Y: Ma! Dad! Grandpa! Grandma! I'm back! Do any of you know of some dinner invitation we have from the Hiyami's? I talked to Hikaru at school and she said there was. Hello anyone? (Sees sign on door) Dear son, Your grandparents and us are already on route to a familar family's house for dinner. We're sorry we didn't tell you sooner,but we wanted it to be a surprise for you. We wanted to wait up for you, but you're seem to be staying real late at school today. So when you see this message, please quickly freshen up and dress respectively and come over as soon as possible. Try to be there at 7:00pm. The address is right below; it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to get there. If you come home too late to make it, then give us a call below to let us know that you're ok. We love you! Mom and Dad Things were getting stranger and stranger by the minute. This whole day had been a whirlwind to me. The night before, I was worrying all about the fight, wondering if I could go through with it. Then I meet up with the kid Muroke I saved who turns out to be some prodigy genius. And then Hikaru pops out of nowhere and into my school, surprising the daylights out of me. Then I get stuck with some girl Kaori crawling over me, despite the fact I don't even know who she is! Then I make this stupid bet and get tricked, losing the fight. It's bad enough I lost the fight, but then I have to converse with this strange sensei who gets me to join his karate team. And now this strange dinner invitation and this cryptic note from my parents. What does it all mean? Did they know that Hikaru and her family was moving here also? And why did they keep this dinner invitation a secret from me? Was I stuck in some sick dream? Is some power up there pulling my strings? All I knew was that until this day was over, the wierdness was bound to continue through dinner. I didn't know how special the occasion was, so I just put on a white shirt and black slacks and wore my leather jacket and sped off to the new Hiyami residency along the long and windy road. True enough, it did not take me long to get there. I was surprised to see Hikaru's father right there at the gate. Y: Good evening,sir! H Father: Ahh Yuusaku-kun! Good to see you can make it. And right on time. Come in quickly! We're about to eat dinner! Hurridly, I was escorted into the new house and what a beauty she was. Shiny wood-grain floors and a touch of lacquer here and there to accent the place. Authentic bamboo furniture and other lavish furnishings. I wondered how they could afford such a place. It was then I saw the real "gem" of the house. I saw her -- Hikaru, and she magnificient! She was decked out in a light, white dress, and she glittered like a princess. I didn't know what was going on, but I liked what I saw! Y: Greetings everyone. Sorry for being tardy. (bows) You look well, maam. H Mother: Duomo! Always the charmer, aren't you? But I don't have any cookies for you this time. Just this humble meal for all to enjoy! Come, come! No need for formalities. Please sit down Hino next to Hikaru-chan. H: (somber voice) Good evening Yuusaku. (*nods*) Y: Good evening Hikaru. You know, you look absolutely beautiful tonight! H: You mean I look like a hag the rest of the time? Y: (stutters)No, no,...t-t-that's not what I meant... H: Just shut up and eat your food. Everyone's starting to look at us! Y Mother: (leans over) Is everything alright son? Y: (sweating) Yes mom. Just chumy. I manage to survive dinner without another mishap. But why was Hikaru so cross with me? Was she here against her own will? Could it be that she didn't want to move here in the first place like me? And so she resents her parents for inviting me and my family here to try to cheer her up? Exactly what was going on here? Y Father: Yuusaku. Would you mind waiting out in the den while we adults talk for a moment? Y: Sure dad. H Father: The same goes for you Hikaru. Why don't you go join Yuusaku? I'm sure the two of you have a lot to catch up on. She noded and came past my way. H: Come on! Whaddya waiting for? Must I lead you along like a dog on a leash? Y: Fine, I'm coming. (In the den area) Y: Hikaru-chan. Why are you being so mean to me? H: Because that's what I'm good at, that's why! Y: Are you angry because you have to move here like I did? H: No blockhead! Of course not! I'm glad I'm here. It's far and away from stupid Tokyo! I never want to go back there ever again! And another thing! Why didn't you tell me you were moving here also? Y:(looking meek) Well I, ahhh, I, ummmm.... H: Stop mumbling and speak straight! Y: Well I didn't think you would care if I moved away or not. You sure acted like you didn't want me around most of the time. So I didn't want to bother you with my own troubles. H: So you didn't want to move here at all in the first place? Y: No,... not intially, since it would mean leaving everyone I knew behind. And it was rough adapting the first few weeks. But now, I'm getting used to the surrounding area. It sure is a lot quietier than in Tokyo. H: Oh, it's like that. Y: So how did you find out I was here? H: My dad told me. Y: So you knew all along? H: Yeah. You know how close our families are since we were little kids. My dad knows everything that's going on with your family and vice versa. That's why we moved up there. Y: I don't understand. H: Your dad didn't tell you? Your dad referred my dad to his boss for a lucrative renovation business deal in the Hokkadio area. However, that meant that my dad would be gone for at least 6 months to oversee the work here. He wanted to stay here by himself, but I convinced him to bring us along and live here temporarily. At least until the project is finished. Who knows? Maybe we will like living here so much that we're stay here. Y: You did that? H: Yeah; you got a problem with that? Me and my mom happen to want to be close to my father. Not good for a family when the head of the household is gone for so long. Y: Of course not. But is that the only reason you wanted to come up here? H: Of course; why else would I be here? (winks at him) Y: Where ya going? H: To see what our families are talking about! Must be really hush hush to keep us out of the conversation. Y: You can't do that! That's not right! H: Suit yourself. I always knew you were a spoil-sport. Y: Hey! Wait up! I'm going if you're going! (We see the 2 of them huddled over the screen door, trying to hear what going on) Y: What are they saying? H: Will you quiet down? How can I hear with you yapping in my ear? (H Father talking) ...our families have known other since Yuusaku and Hikaru were just children Y: Anything yet? ...I believe this arrangement we have planned H: I'll tell you when I hear something good! And get your hands off my butt, you hentai! (*slap*) Y: Oops! (*oww!*) Sorry! ...the perfect marriage for joining the two families together. Y Father: Agreed! A toast to the continued happiness for both our families. Kumpai! H: Oh no! Y: What's wrong? H: They're going to have us arranged to be married to each other! [End of Prelude: Go]