From: Robert Kwong X-Original-Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 09:11:37 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [KOR][FanFic] HARD| I see what I can do. Muroke: Thank you Master! I'll go on and rush back to guard the object. (As Ryusei run out of the distance, he starts to walk the other way back to the hotel) Ryusei: [Greenwich Village] As the person comes up from behind Hikaru... Hikaru turns around: "Bruno! What are you doing, sneaking up on me?" Bruno: Come on Hikky. I wanted to surprise you. Aren't you glad to see me? Hikaru: Hardly. Bruno: Baby, why the cold shoulder? I left you messages, but you haven't answered them. Hikaru: I believe I made things clear to you. Bruno: Why baby? Don't what we have together mean anything to you? Hikaru: You should be asking yourself that. Bruno: What'd I do wrong? Hikaru: Here. (flips him the tape) You can put it into the cam-corder and see for yourself. (Bruno plays the tape, and as he does, his face starts to turn pale!) Bruno: So you know about this. Hikaru: I didn't want to know about it, but someone wanted me to know. I thought we had something special together, but now I know the truth now. Bruno: Come on Hikky. I don't see why you are making a big deal out of this. We're both free agents out there in the pool. We both can have the freedom to have multiple partners. I don't know why you are so worked up over this. You know I'm a man and I have needs. Hikaru: I admit, I used you before for my own purposes, but now I've changed; I'm looking for a different type of relationship - one which requires commitment. Bruno: Oh boy, the "C" word. Hikaru: Yes, I know you and respect your freedom. So I wanted to part with you amicably while we still can. Bruno: I get your point now babe. Too bad it over though. We had great sex together. I hate to see it end. Hikaru: We reached a point where we both got the most out of the situation. But it's time to move on. You're okay with this? Bruno: I guess so Hikky. Nothing I can do now. We each gotta go our own ways. There's nothing here for me now. So I go. Ciao baby! Hikaru: Ciao Bruno! [At Mikimoto Jewelers] A man enters hurriedly. There jeweler behind the counter seems to recognize him. "Ah, you have returned. Do you have any precious jewels to unload?" "No, not this time. I got a favor to ask you." "Sure. You're my best source and customer? What's the favor?" "This. I want you to repair it." (2 things clink on the glass counter-top) "Careful! You might scratch it!" "When will it be ready?" "This doesn't too bad. I'll fix it up in a jiffy." "Then I'll be by tomorrow to pick it up." "Ok. Though I don't know why you want to repair this." "I have my reasons. Good night!" [At the Mood Paradise Club] "Nags. Come. Sit down and have a drink." Nagasi: You betcha! Whew! I would have been here sooner if that big fat bailiff guy would have done his job sooner. "You passed the message?" Nagasi: Yes. I gave the note to be passed on to our own private low-life. So Hiyama-san will be the one who gets it tonight! "Au contraire." Nagasi: What do you mean? I thought you were going to help me with my revenge! "Your revenge will come soon enough. But my sacrifice comes first." [At Hikaru's apartment] (A frantic knocking at the door) (Hikaru peers through the eyehole and then quickly opens the door) Hikaru: Officer Clancy! What are you doing out here at this time of the night? Clancy: (enters and quickly closes the door behind her) Is everything alright? Hikaru: Yeah. What's wrong? Clancy: How long have you been here? Hikaru: About 10 minutes. Clancy: Have you been to all your rooms yet? Hikaru: No. I was about to enter the bedroom. Clancy: (takes her gun out of the holster) Stay over there where I can see you while I clear your room. (Clancy does the typical police procedure to make sure no one is hiding in the bedroom) Clancy: It's clear. Go in and grab some clothes for tomorrow. You're going to my place. Hikaru: But what's the problem? Clancy: The problem is that the assailant who made an attempt on your life yesterday has been released on bail earlier tonight. I have reason to suspect he will be after you again. So go and quickly pack. Hikaru: Hai maam! [At the Hilton Hotel] #1 enters into Ryusei's room. Ryusei is bent over the table gazing upon the chessboard on the table. #1: Good. You're finally back. Ryusei: I've just returned. #1: Been a hell of a day. Ryusei: Indeed. Tomorrow shall be even more interesting. Ryusei is rolling something in his hand. #1: Still at it again? I thought you finished the game already. Ryusei: The game is never finished until it reaches its final, ultimate conclusion. But the end is near enough. Only a few precious pieces remain. I've pushed my pawn to the end of the board. It will be promoted to a queen to protect the king. #1: To replace the sacrificed queen earlier? Ryusei: You remember that far back? I am impressed. #1: So you've decided to go for all the marbles tomorrow? Ryusei: Yes. Three long years have I waited for this opportunity. Moving myself up the ranks of the underworld slowly but methodically, squashing and backstabbing rival after rival and after a long, extensive period to court my master's approval, I've come to this point. Now once the exchange is made with Goro, I will receive his backing and support. And when I unload the cargo of dust. I will repay my debt to Mao and receive his backing. And I already have my master's backing. The ceremony is tomorrow, so I can challenge the black dragon, the one who destroyed my life. (slams the piece in his hand onto the table; we see it to be a black bishop) [In bed] (light music playing in the background by Natalie Merchant" "Smile ... Fate ...Destiny ...." Madoka: (whispers) Kasuga. Kyosuke: (half-awake) Uh, what darling? Madoka: Can I ask you something? Kyosuke: Sure. You can ask me whatever you like. Madoka: Do you believe in destiny? Kyosuke: Destiny. Sure I do. Why not? Madoka: Then can you use your ESPer powers to tell me my destiny? Kyosuke: Surely, you must be joking. Madoka: No; I am speaking frankly. Kyosuke: Why all of the sudden the serious talk? Does it have to do with your birthday tomorrow? Madoka: That's part of it. But now that you're going to be the closest part of me to confide in, I just wanted to get your feeling. Kyosuke: Getting my opinion is one thing, but peering into the future? Ojiichan is always telling me that it is forbidden, even though he abuses the time-shifting himself. Madoka: Sorry then. It was a silly request anyway. Forget about it. Kyosuke: But I do want to say what I feel you will be. You are a beautiful dreamer who will do her best to fulfill those dreams. You're going to be a do-it-all super-mom. Everyone will be extolling your praises at your greatness. You will be the bright and fiery Madoka, proud and ambitious. Madoka: Now you're just talking foolish. Go back to sleep. Kyosuke: Sweet dreams, Madoka. Madoka: -=[Day 7]=- "The play was wonderful!" Kaori: Still buzzing about the play? Muroke: Sure! All the Greek myths and legend, so fascinating. Kaori: Why? You read it before? Muroke: Sure. Read Edith Hamilton's greek myths. Kaori: Huh? #1: Sometimes, #2 is too brainy for his own good. But I thought the play was too tragic. That Sofina girl shouldn't have sacrificed herself for someone who was so uncaring. Kaori: You obviously don't understand woman at all! She was strong and courageous, and despite her fate, she was willing to sacrifice herself to save everyone. Muroke: That's right. Here's another fact. I like the way Hikaru-san wore that red bandanna. Looks almost like Ensign Roe on Star Trek, the Next Generation. #1: Uh oh. Not another Star Trek reference. (Taki howls as if in pain) Muroke: Ok, cut it out now. But thanks for accompanying me to Greenwich Village. Kaori: Don't know why you would want to hang out here. #1: It's not so bad, if you can stand the smoke and grunge. Muroke: I have my own reasons for being here. I want to go and drop this gift to Hiyama-san before I fly off tomorrow. Kaori: Let's have a peek. Muroke: (slaps at her hand) No way! It's for her eyes only! Kaori: You need to treat ladies with more respect! #1: Whose the lady? (Kaori slaps #1 at the side of his head!) [At an officer's place] "Happy Birthday Madoka!" That was what was on my mind as I lay rolling in Ms Clancy's spare bed. I wasn't going to let that fiend ruin my life. Today was Madoka's big B day and I was not going to let anything ruin that. (gazes across the room to see the wrapped package lying against the dresser) [At some residency] Muroke: Well, here we are. (rings the bell) (A middle-aged woman answers the door) "Yes?" "Does Hikaru live here?" "Yes. Hikky! Come down! Someone down here to see you." "O.K.!" Kaori: Isn't it strange she's living with another person? #1: So ka. I thought she was living by herself. Muroke: Could be a friend of hers. (A teenage girl stands in front of them.) "Are you looking for me?" Muroke: (shocked!) You're not Hikaru? "What are you talking about? I am Hikaru! Who are you?" Muroke: My name is Muroke Koji, but that's beside the point. Kaori: Miss. What's is your name? "Utada. Hikaru Utada." Muroke: Whoops! #1: Whoops is correct. Sorry. We got the wrong Hikaru. We're looking for Hikaru Hiyama. "Oh. I see. I thought my mom called me down here to meet some long lost relatives I've never seen before." Muroke: I'm sorry for the mistake, I very sorry. Please accept my apology. (bows his head down) "Hey, you needn't get so melo-dramatic about it." (puts her hand under his chin to lift up his bowing head) There. You shouldn't hide your cute face. You have nothing to be ashamed about." Muroke: Please. Accept this gift! I will feel better if you do. "Wow, a gift? For me? I really shouldn't though..." Muroke: I insist. (shoves the gift box into her hands and runs away!) Kaori: Geez. What a wust. #1: Can you open it up? I'm curious what he got in there. "Sure thing stranger." (She opens it to reveal a spinning ballerina music box!) [Back at Clancy's apt] "Ms Hiyama?" Hikaru: What is it? "I have some disturbing news and I don't know if I should tell you or not. Hikaru: In this city, I'm used to it, so lay it on me. "There was foul play at the location nearby your apartment in Greenwich Village at 4th and 10th at the residency of a Natalie Chan. Hikaru: Don't tell me... "We are not sure if she is dead or not. Her whereabouts are unknown. However, a body was found in her apartment; that belonging to your assailant who tried to kill you on your opening day." Hikaru: (shocked) Oh! "Yes, Fast Eddie was just released late night on bail. That is why I must ask you if you would know where she would go when in trouble. Hikaru: You don't think that she had anything to do with his death? "The facts of the matter are yet unclear. That is why we need to find her for proper questioning." Hikaru: As far as I know, she spent most of her time at Actors Studio College practicing her dancing and rehearsing for the Atlantean play, just like me. She also had a waitressing job down in Chinatown at a place called "Oriental Delights". "That is very helpful information. If you do run into her, don't let her out of your sight and please call me immediately. Here is my cell phone number. Hikaru: I understand. [Walking back to the hotel] Muroke: Did you hear what she said about me? She said I was cute! #1: I do believe our Muroke has the strong case of puppy love. Kaori: They are about the same age. But what a bonehead move to get the wrong address! Muroke: I admit it was my fault. In my haste to get the gift, I quickly scanned for her address and I picked the first Hikaru I found in Greenwich Village. Who knew that there would be 2 Hikaru's over there. #1: No matter. Slick move to pass her the gift. Kaori: I, as a woman, can say that we love to receive gifts. #1: (looks at his watch) The master should be making his appointment with Goro right now. I wonder how's that going? [At a bathhouse at an elite location] (Inside the steam-room, we see Ryusei and Goro Shimazaki, wearing only a white towel around their waists) (We see a large dragon ta-too across Ryusei's back!) Goro: Surprising how you can still wear those here. Ryusei: Anti-steam. (adjusts his sunglasses) Goro: Comfortable? Ryusei: Yes. Quite. May I ask why you chose this venue to meet? Goro: I want this to be a open cooperation between our factions. I want it be known that I have nothing to hide. Ryusei: So I see. Goro: Speaking of which, I notice the emblem on your back. Curious design. Ryusei: Oh that. Those are the scars of my past. Serves as a reminder to me as to who I really am. Goro: So you were a warrior. Ryusei: I'm still am; only in a different guise. Goro: Speaking of symbols, it reminds me of the ancient Greek tale of a hero who slew the mighty dragon. He took the dragon's teeth and sowed it into the ground. Do you know what happened? Ryusei: If you want, then tell me. Goro: They sprouted into Dragon warriors. Quite a amusing tale. Ryusei: I never fancied you as being an aficionado of the classic texts. Goro: Quite the contrary. I am fascinated by the texts of the past: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, China, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Indus, Persia, Greece, and Rome. All the ancient cultures. And of course Japan. I am a master of antiquity. Ryusei: Which would explain the obsession with obtaining ancient artifacts. Goro: Yes. So, have you secured the object I desire? Ryusei: I'm not sure if it is the object you have been expecting, but indeed I have it. Goro: Excellent. Where is it now? Ryusei: In a safe place. But first thing's first. Do you have the title? Goro: But of course. A strip of the Eastern district to be under your control. But first, my conditions. Ryusei: And what would that be. Goro: (grins as he clangs the metal balls in his hands) Not only will you deliver the object to me, you shall deliver it to me on that ship of yours that docks in tomorrow at midnight. And then I shall have the ship to myself for my own designs. Ryusei: That I can comply with, but I'm surprised with all the uproar over retrieving this object, that you wouldn't want it in your possession sooner. Goro: My arrival here was early, so I will enjoy myself today. For my purposes, timing is critical, so I want it then. Ryusei: Then tomorrow it shall be. The object and the 'Kamui' shall be yours! Goro: One more thing. Ryusei: And what would that be? Goro: I want you to join me in attendance to finish a viewing. Ryusei: As you wish. [At the hotel] Kurumi: Sugoi! We'll going to celebrate Madoka's birthday! Kyosuke: Why are you so chirpy about it? Kurumi: 'Cause I can get eat all I want and you have to pay for it all! Bleah! Kyosuke: Figures. Thank god Manami-chan is not here as well or else both of you will eat me into the poorhouse. Oh, before I forget, here! Kurumi: What's this? Kyosuke: The missing picture from my exhibit display at the UN. Kurumi: Oh, that! I totally forgot all about it. (Kyosuke does a pratfall!) Kurumi: Gawd, what an ugly picture! I can't believe someone actually bought that from you. Kyosuke: Hey... Kurumi: I mean, I'm not knocking you, the photographer, but did you have to get such an extreme closeup? Scruffy and dark and butt ugly. In fact, I've seen this picture before...isn't this the one which I saw some funny mark on this wrist? Kyosuke: I vaguely remember that...but it doesn't matter now. In fact, this picture is paying for this celebration. Kurumi: Then here. You can keep it. Kyosuke: Fine. (shoves picture into his pocket) (mutters) That's gratitude for you. "I'm ready." Kyosuke: Wow Madoka! You look stunning! (Madoka is decked out in a white summertime dress) Ojiichan: Madoka-chan! You look delicious enough to eat. (starts to drool) (Obaachan slaps him on the side of this head) "Oi, oi." Master: We'd better get going! [At the Shubert Theater] Director: Star-chan. You're here early today. Hikaru: I just drop by to see if Natalie came by here or not. Allen James: That abusive urchin hasn't shown her face here and I like to keep it that way for as long as possible. Hikaru: Mr James! You shouldn't be rude! Allen: Ha! This coming from a foreigner who can't even speak proper English! Hikaru: I may not speak it too good, but I try my best. Allen: Well, your best isn't good enough. You're lucky you have that little brat to speak your lines for you. Hikaru: Why you... Allen: I've wasted enough of my time on you wannabe Sofinas. I've going to my dressing room. (he struts off) Director: He can be harsh with newcomers at times. Allen is just peeved at the media for overlooking his performance. But you've done splendidly well, so you have nothing to be ashamed of. Hikaru: Thank you for the kind words, sir. If Natalie does come by, tell her I'm looking for her and to stay put here. I'll be back again for tonight's performance. [Chinatown] Kanuka Clancy: Sorry I'm late. Jackson: Shit! What kept you? Kanuka: I was helping a friend out. So how do you feel? Jackson: Anxious. Where's my backup? Kanuka: Jameson and Doyle will be your point men. And before I forget, here. Jackson: What's this? Kanuka: Cigarette case. Jackson: Thanks, I need a smoke. Kanuka: That is your passport into the Dragon clan meeting. Jackson: Why didn't you give this to me earlier? Kanuka: Because I didn't want you fooling around with it. Now don't screw around with it. Jackson: I won't. (snaps the cigarette case shut) How do I use it? Kanuka: You just need to flash the emblem in the center. Jackson: Emblem? A dragon symbol. Kanuka: Precisely. The man you will meet is part of the Dragon Triad organization. Now I'll have to go to investigate another case, but I'll be in audio contact with you. Embedded in the cigarette case, we've outfitted a listening device. So make sure you keep it in the breast of your pocket. One more thing to add. Jackson: Which is? Kanuka: Keep your head. I don't want your head in a bag like the rest of our prior agents who were caught. [At a rotating restaurant] (light jazz playing in the background) Ojiichan: What is this funny place? It's moving! Master: It's designed to be like that. It is the only rotating restaurant in New York. Kurumi: These hor'deauves are too small! I want something more substantial to eat! Kyosuke: Madoka, are you hungry? Madoka: I'm fine. I have enough to eat. Kyosuke: I don't want you to be skipping meals, especially in your condition. Madoka: I understand. Kyosuke: I hope this place suits your tastes on your birthday. I know how particular you are about these things. Madoka: I love it. Thank you for surprising me on my birthday. Kyosuke: That's not the end of the surprises I have in store for you. Just watch and wait. [Chinatown] (Ryusei is walking around to find the rendezvous point) (He trips over a man with a cane sticking out) Ryusei: Watch where you stick that thing! "You're a familiar voice. I've been waiting for you." Ryusei: What are you doing here old man? You can't possibly be here. "I may appear in whatever plane of existence is most suitable." A long way it may appear to you. It is all the same to me. Ryusei: What's a blind man like you doing in the likes of New York? You were safer lurking about in Hong Kong. "It is because we were fated to meet once again before your passing." Ryusei: So your prediction prior was referring to this moment. "It may or may not. Your destiny shall be fulfilled soon enough." Ryusei: I wouldn't be surprised if I die here in this city, for I am willing to give up my life to avenge the wrongs against me. But it won't be because of this hokey fate or destiny. No, I tell you. It would be of my own free will. "We all can be the one or the none. Nothingness and existence all are the same. Without one, there cannot be the other. Ryusei: Once again, I fail to understand your cryptic remarks. "If life was so easy to understand, it wouldn't be so interesting." Ryusei: Lord knows my life is complicated enough. "Know this though. I foretold before of the coming of the Kamui which will claim your spirit, but, if you let her, she shall extend her palm to redeem your soul. Ryusei: And who would that be? "The hime." Ryusei: What hime? "That is all that is left to tell in your thread. Go yonder to your fate." Ryusei: Ha! I only believe in the fate of my own choosing. I said this once and I'll say it again. Only fools belive in fate! (goes and enters the restaurant) (A young man wearing a cloth over his forehead walks over to the old man.) "Master. Did he heed your your words?" "It is up to him. The final reckoning will soon be upon us." [At a crime scene] We see several officers collecting evidence. "Hi there." Officer #1: Special Detective Clancy. What are you doing here? Clancy: This homicide may have some connection to someone I know. Did you all determine how the deceased was slain? Officer #2: Frankly, we're not sure what caused the death. There were no blood anywhere. We thought it might have been strangulation, but there were no marks around the neck area, nor any marks anywhere else on the victim's body. So I speculate it might have been something else, possibly poison. We're going to take the body back for an autopsy. Clancy: Thanks guys for the quick info. Officer #1: One more thing. We notice nothing was disturbed in the apartment. Everything seems to be where it should be, which would mean no signs of struggle. Clancy: That is indeed puzzling. Let me know the results of the autopsy when I get back. [Rotating restaurant] (Madoka is opening her presents) Madoka: Thank you Master for the red scarf. Master: My pleasure. Kurumi: Open mine, open mine next! Madoka: Let's see what we have here...a rope? Kurumi: Yep. It's so you can tie down onichan so he can't run away. He, he, he. Kyosuke: Ha, ha. Very funny. Madoka: Thank you Kurumi-chan for the gift. Ojiichan: We should be next. Obaasan, will you present the gift? Obaachan: Oi, oi. Madoka: Thank you very much. (She unwraps it to reveal a wooden figurine) Kyosuke: What is that? Ojiichan: I'm glad you ask. It's an old relic which has been handed down from generation to generation within our Kasuga clan. It's an old charm that suppose to bring you good luck and happiness. Kyosuke: Woah, I never knew anything about that. Ojiichan: There's still a lot you don't know about our clan, but in time, I shall reveal those secrets to you. Kurumi: So what's your gift oniichan? Kyosuke: I'm getting to that, okay? (in rushes a person) Everyone: Hikaru! Hikaru: Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late. I rushed out here as fast as I can. Madoka: Hikaru-chan! I'm glad you made it. (They both hug each other) Kurumi: How come you're wearing a funny cap with a half-naked man on it? Hikaru: Gomen. I still had some deliveries to do for Apollo's Couriers, whom I'm working for. Kurumi: So ka. Hikaru: Sorry I missed all the fun and festivities. Looks like you all gone through giving the presents. Kyosuke: Almost. I was about to give my gift. But Hikaru-chan, you go ahead of me. Hikaru: Are you sure sempai? Kyosuke: Positive. Hikaru: Well, okay. Mine is a two parter. The first part is here. (Hikaru presents Madoka with a brown-paper wrapped package) Madoka rips it up to reveal a picture. Everyone: Oooohhhh! (It is a brush painting of the three of them on the beach. Kyosuke is riding on the bike, while Madoka and Hikaru are running alongside of him. Attached to the bike is a kite which is flying amid some clouds) Madoka: Hikaru, this is wonderful! Hikaru: Arrigatou. I'm glad you like it. Master: Did you draw it, Hikaru-chan? Hikaru: Umm...yeah, I did. Kurumi: Sugoi! I knew Hikaru had artistic talent flowing through her veins! Just like I have wrestling talent flowing through mine. Kyosuke: That is a masterful piece of work. I notice though that the clouds are drawn quite oddly. It strangely resembles some sort of face. Hikaru: Sempai, you do have a good eye. That's why you're so good at photography. Kurumi: Well, who is it? Hikaru: It's a secret. But I'm sure Madoka knows. Madoka: (nods in agreement) I can see the resemblance, just like the first day we met him. Kyosuke: I'm dying to know who it is. Madoka: A secret is a secret. Kyosuke: That's no fair! Hikaru: But I'm not done yet. Madoka, I talked to the director and I managed to get you exclusive backstage access of the play tonight. That is, if you can come tonight. Madoka: Of course I can Hikaru. I'll be sure to come. Hikaru: I'm sorry everyone that I couldn't get you all access as well, including you Sempai. Kyosuke: That's okay. Madoka: Well, lover boy. I guess you're the final person. Kyosuke: It certainly looks that way. Kurumi: You better not have gotten Madoka a lame gift! Kyosuke: I didn't, okay! It's here. (shoves it into Madoka's hand) Kyosuke: Please open it. (Madoka opens the small package.) Madoka: Why, this looks like a diamond ring! Kyosuke: Madoka, I wanted to do it right this time. (bends down on one knee) Madoka, will you marry me? Madoka: Yes. Of course I'll marry you. But I thought... Kyosuke: Yes, before that we've accepted each other's proposals. Nearly a year to the day. But I consider that our engagement period. The ruby ring is a symbol for that which will grace your other hand. But this one is for real. I want us to get married this Saturday at St Patrick's cathedral! Everyone: Ohhhh.... Madoka: This is so sudden.... Kyosuke: But will you accept my proposal? Madoka: (looks at everyone's beaming faces) Yes. Of course I'll accept! Kyosuke: Banzai! (Kyosuke jumps in the air and pumps his fists!) [At the restaurant in Chinatown] "Yo! You must be Mr Haroken. Put 'em there. (shakes hands violently with Ryusei) "How'll ya doin'?" Ryusei: You must be Mr Gideon. Please to make your acquaintance. "Mighty fine dark covers. Pierre Cardin?" Ryusei: No. These were custom made. "You sure talk well for someone in the Far East." Ryusei: Being an talent agent, I find it necessary to try to perfect my communication skills. So shall we sit down and discuss business. "That's the ticket. That's just my style." Ryusei: I've heard quite a lot about you. "And I reckon it ain't all bad?" Ryusei: No, Mr Gideon. You seem to run a tight ship, with just a few loose ends here and there. "You sometimes gotta let the lackeys loose. Throw them a bone or two to the bitches to keep 'em satisfied. But when I wanna keep 'em in line, SMASH! A good smacking will light up their noggin' as to whose boss, if you catch my drift. " Ryusei: You are true to your nickname, Smashmo-san. I could possibly use that talent of yours in the future, but there are more immediate matters to take care of. "Then let's talk mono a mono. The syndicate is always listenin' What do you got that I want?" Ryusei: Dust. Lots of it. Premium grade. "I ain't got time to monkey around the bush. What are you askin'?" Ryusei: Then let me find a nice round number you can understand: 50 mil for the whole stash. "That's a whole lotta shit to be unloaded! " Ryusei: I realize the associates prior have dealt with you in smaller quantities, but I'm a different breed. I believe the higher the risk, the bigger the reward. So I'm giving you the chance to have first crack at this "commodity" which will be sure to fetch a mighty fine price on the streets. "You'ra crazy man, Mr Ryu Haroken. I'll tell you what. Show me the goods, and if I like what I see, I'll jimmy up an offer to ya." Ryusei: As you require. Do you wish to go see the merchandise now? "No hurry. I want to enjoy myself here first." (takes out the cigarette case and takes a puff" Ryusei: Where did you get that? "This little baby? (raises the golden cigarette case) The big don won't be making it to the big shindig today. I'm takin' his place." Ryusei: Ah, so you're affiliated with the yellow dragon clan. That would clear up one mystery. "So buddy. That'll make us dragon brethren. Let's drink to that." Ryusei: [At a remote warehouse] (It is pitch dark, except for the few shards of lights peering through the various holes and cracks in the structure) (We see Natalie is tied up, lying in the corner!) (A man, whose face is shrouded, comes in, holding something in his hands) "Why are you doing this to me? " "I see that you have cease your screaming." "You bastard!" "Here. Eat up!" (dumps the plate of food on the ground) "How? My hands are tied up!" "Eat it like a dog would." "Pitooh!" (spits at him ) (wipes it off) "Your time will come soon enough." [On 5th Avenue] (We see Nagasi having lunch with another lady dressed in black) Nagasi: I don't understand it at all! Why wasn't that damn Hiyama targeted? "I feel your thirst for revenge, and soon it will be satiated. But not now." Nagasi: What are you waiting for? "She must be dangled as bait for the target." Nagasi: Target? Who would that be? (evil laugh) "You'll find out." [At the computer cafe in Greenwich Village] I was hanging out by myself on my last day in New York. My flight was first thing early tomorrow morning. #1 and Kaori was busy helping out Ryusei for the big deal that was going down. Earlier in the morning, I caught a movie called "The Fifth Element." It was a pretty good sci-fi flick. My friends had a chance to visit the big and grand city of New York, although I regret that I didn't spend enough time with them together. I got to see a Yankees game, although I'm really a Giants fan. I did my part to help the Master procure the strange metal box object. I went to all the major landmarks such as the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty. And I got to see Hikaru-san perform on stage as a dancer, her lifelong dream. I was still working on my computer game program which was my pet summer project. At least I got a way to stay connected in this computer cafe center here in Greenwich village. Computer cafes are such a novel concept that you would expect in a big city such as New York. In Japan, we were still in the stone ages in terms of telecommunications. I envisioned a world where someday, everyone would be connected together. A net to be shared by all. To not be limited by time and space. I shared Morisaki's dream to aim high and reach for the stars. But before we shoot for the stars, we had to take care of our own problems here on Earth. Poverty, starvation, bigotry, hatred, and divisiveness. I saw the homeless strewn in the streets here around. The hustlers up and down the streets hawking their wares. The cold acrimony and feeling of mistrust exuding from most of the inhabitants here. Except for a few people, especially Hikaru-san. Her bubbly spirit and sheer determination in the face of hopelessness all around was a testament to her will and character. That was why I was thinking whether I should go for my dream. To be the best computer game programmer ever. This cafe simply reminded me of the inadequacy of the Japanese system. Sure, most of the super games for consoles are made in Japan. Miyamoto is a legend in the field. My country is the dominant force in gaming. But still, I feel there is something missing. I envisioned creating games that would could easily involve anyone from anywhere. Where group involvement would be easily meshed into the game. But for that to happen, one must have the concept of networks. And there was my dilemma. I was pondering whether I should transfer from Tokyo University to some university in the United States. It was a hard choice, because Tokyo University was the best in Japan, and arguably the best in Asia. On the other hand, the U.S. universities offered more perspectives and more training on cutting edge technologies. It was a big choice, for I would be leaving my family, all my dorm mates at Ryokurin Ryo, and especially my friends to pursue this endeavor. That was why I looked at Hikaru-san's situation very closely. For she made her choice and sacrifice. What decision path will I choose? [Back at the apartment] I went back to Officer's Clancy's apartment to collect my items. The threat was gone now and I didn't want to impose on her. I was just glad she was concerned enough for me to go out of her way to let me stay here in the first place. It was a wonderful lunch to celebrate Madoka's birthday. I was caught quite off guard by Darling's surprise announcement that he and Madoka were going to get married this Saturday. That was 2 days from now. So in a matter of a week, one dream was fulfilled and soon another will be gone. It's true. I've had thoughts and dreams of what it would be like to be Kyosuke's bride. Although I had already resigned myself to the fact that he and Madoka were going to get married, just at that moment it finally hit home. And with that, that pleasant dream of mine was gone. So when those two finally tie the knot, ... I will support them and wish them happiness and joy. I will survive. I will move on. In the meantime, I prepared a small gift for Clancy-san in appreciation for her help. A small teddy bear dressed in the uniform of a police officer. I knew she would get a kick out of it. (as Hikaru places the bear on the breakfast room table, she knocks over a folder to the floor) Hikaru: Clumsy me... (she's sees a picture of Ryusei of one of the papers sticking out. Hikaru: What is this... [At the docks] Ryusei: There is something in the air tonight, and it will be the scent of this glorious dust. (Smashmo runs his hands through it) "Man, o man, it certainly is mighty fine. Ryusei: So. Will you pay my price? Smashmo: I tell you what. I'll talk to my people and we'll see what we can do. Ryusei: Talk is cheap. This is not. (the dust falls through his fingers) I require some down payment or the deal is off. Smashmo: Easy, my friend. Let us negotiate. Ryusei: 30% down tonight and rest tomorrow. Smashmo: Money don't grow on trees. 10% down and the rest in 3 days. Ryusei: 20% down and the rest in 2 days. My final terms. Smashmo; 10 million smackaroos. A tall order to fill bud. Ryusei: But possible. New York is the center of your operations. All the money is here. You can get it, with some effort. Smashmo: You drive a hard bargain. How's about we'd make the deal at the big shindig? Ryusei: Acceptable. At the meeting, we will make the first exchange. Bring the money in a briefcase. If you will excuse me, I have another engagement to attend to. [At the Shubert Theater] "Star-chan! Something the matter?" Hikaru: Oh! I'm sorry. I will get ready soon. Today was a double shock for me, with Kyosuke's sudden announcement coupled with me learning the 2-faced nature of Ryusei Haroken, suspected crime boss of organized crime of Tokyo prefecture faction in Japan and abroad. How could I be so deceived? I thought I was a good judge of character, but look at my luck. But I couldn't worry about that now at this time. There were more immediate matters such as the safety of Natalie. Was she kidnapped? Did Ryusei have a role in that? Director: Oh heavens! What happened to Natalie? It's 30 minutes to the play and she's not here yet! Stagehand: I was passing by and I saw the police yellow tape the building she was living in. Could be trouble. Director: Oh no! I'm going to be ruined if she doesn't come. Allen James: I told you so! That brat never amounted to anything but trouble. "Sir! I'll do her part." Allen: Ha! That's a laugh. We'll making this play a sideshow now? Director: Miss Hiyama. Are you quite sure about this? Hikaru: Yes, sir. Each of us should be a team player and help out whenever we can. It is part of my part in a way. And I already know her line by heart. Director: But can you deliver the line? Hikaru: (gulps) When the time comes, I will. Director: Then I'll be counting on you. People, let the other folks know that Miss Hiyama will most likely assume the speaking portion of the part. Allen: You'd made a big mistake missie! I shall revel in your humiliation when you stumble, trying to eek out the line, like a shrew. Ha ha ha ha ha! (goes back to his dressing room) Hikaru: [Inside a van] Jackson: How was my performance? Clancy: Good enough to keep your head. Jackson: Can you get me the cash? Clancy: The 10 million? I have my people working on it right now. You will get it when the time comes. But you better bring it back! Jackson: Ha ha. Take it out of my paycheck if I don't. Clancy: Very amusing. Now we get down to business. I need to fill you in on the rest of the information. Jackson: Finally, we'll get the skinny on things. Clancy: Indeed. The reason why I didn't want to bust this drug cargo was because it's part of a bigger scheme. Through my sources, I have learned that all the participants of the Dragon Triad will be meeting together. Jackson: Dragon Triad? Who the hell are they? Clancy: The most powerful organized crime syndicate in the world. Jackson: Humph. That sounds like a crock. Clancy: No. The Columbian drug lords or the Mafia or the Yakuza pale in comparison. Jackson: No way! I ain't never heard of them. Clancy: That's what makes them the most dangerous. Their strength lies in keeping their activities secret. Jackson: Except for the fact that you and I now know. Clancy: Yes. Many lives were lost just to obtain that basic information. Jackson: Is that all that makes them so special? Clancy: From the little we do know, they avoid the low commodity activities such as prostitution or extortion to keep from bringing attention to themselves. In place of it, they control the flow of drugs mainly from Asia to here and other parts of the world, and also the trade of illegal, forbidden, or stolen goods. They range from trading illegally poached rhino horns, tiger skins, and ivory tusks to stolen artifacts from raided tombs in Egypt, the Middle East, and Central and South America. These are items that don't normally come up in the public's consciousness, except for perhaps drugs. Jackson: That don't sound like the baddest crime syndicate in the world. Clancy: What I've described is just the tip of the iceberg. The other details is classified and is irrelevant for your role. Jackson: There's one thing I still don't get. Clancy: And that would be what? Jackson: Why the hell am I stuck on this case? You could have chosen any bozo. Clancy: Yes, but only you have the most experience investigating the "Chameleon." Jackson: So? I know I've been after that guy for the past 3 years. Clancy: Everyone has. The "Chameleon", world renown master criminal responsible for stealing priceless works all around the world. And we have reason to believe that he is the leader of the Dragon Triad. Jackson: So, what are these classifications anyway? The fellow I talked to spoke of the Yellow Dragon. Clancy: You mean Haroken Ryusei. Jackson: Yeah. What's the deal on him? Clancy: Current occupation is that of a high-class talent agent, but really is the right-hand man to the heroin kingpin in Southeast Asia. Also, card carrying member of the Dragon Triad. As for the origin of the triad, it is speculated that it first took root in Hong Kong during the colonial days under British rule. There were hundreds of secret societies before then, but it is believed out of the fray emerged a few triads or "brotherhoods", of which they were all unified together in their cause against the British. And of these triads, that of the Dragon Triad emerged as the dominant clan. A long time has passed, waiting for the right time to strike. Now the time has come where we can infiltrate them. Jackson: So what's the plan? I go in there and blow them all away? Clancy: Very amusing. I wish it was that simple. But the plan is for you to enter the inner sanctum and find out what sinister plans they are plotting to do. Once we get a clear idea of what they are scheming, my squad will come in to take care of them. Jackson: I understand. Tonight's the big night to rumble! [At the Shubert Theater] "Madoka! You made it!" Madoka: You look wonderful Hikaru in your costume. I like the red bandanna. It adds a wonderful touch. Hikaru: Thank you Madoka! I appreciate it. I also have your teddy bear! (tugs at the small bear attached to her leotard) Madoka: So this is where the big show takes place everyday. Hikaru: I've been here so many times within the stage area that I've memorize the places in the floor where I'm suppose to be. But now I have to worry about memorizing that line. Madoka: You get to have a speaking part? I thought someone else was doing that. Hikaru: Natalie was suppose to do it. But now I'm afraid she's missing and I have this awful feeling that something bad has happened to her. I was hoping that she would turn up, but now, I have to face the reality that I must take her place in reciting that line. Madoka: I can see that you are visibly nervous about this. It must be a big step for you. Hikaru: It is. My whole dream to be a dancer and performer and the pursuit of it has totally changed my life. Within the journey are many steps and along the way, many barriers to overcome. I just have to tell myself that if I can overcome this hurdle, then I wil be a step closer to my goal. But I'm glad you are here with me to lend me your support. I'm sure you know this, but you've always been the big, protective sister figure to me. At a time like this, it is really keeping me from freaking out. Madoka: I'll do whatever I can to help ease your mind and heart. [Ryusei and Goro] Ryusei: What are we doing in the theater district? Goro: To attend a play. Ryusei: You must be joking. Goro: Do I jest? (clank of the metal balls in his hand) Ryusei: So this is the engagement you wanted me to attend with you? Goro: It is. Tickets to the hottest play in town, although it might be a bore for you. Especially if you have viewed it beforehand. Ryusei: And what would play would that be? Goro: Atlantean. A story after my own heart. I only saw the first act before departing. What's the matter? You seem disappointed. Ryusei: No. I have not seen the play yet, so it won't be a waste of time for me. Goro: Excellent. I have a taste for tragedies. [At the World Trade Center] (#1 is walking inside a restricted area. He then enters a totally black room.) "Agent 10764568 reporting." (a computer voice responds) "Verifying identity....Confirmed!" (The floor under him retracts and is moving, while #1 is in total darkness.) (Finally, a dim light appears from overhead.) #1: So,...this is how you bring out the welcome mat in the U.S. (Another computer voice blares out over the intercom.) "Our methods differ from continent to continent, but we all share the same common goal." #1: Yes, I know. The eradication of the X-pers. But where's Casey? "That individual is carrying out the phase of the plan. You will be talking to us know." #1: And what do I call you? "We are known as Janus." #1:So Janus. So why did you call me here? I already know my mission. "From our intelligence reports, we have plotted a 95.5% probability that X-pers are in the vicinity." #1: That high, huh? I wonder where the other 4.5% went? "Your sarcasm will get you nowhere. Now look towards the viewing console." (A video screen pops up) "This map highlights the probable location of the X-per. " #1: This doesn't tell me anything at all! Downtown Manhattan is a big place. "The trace contains the same dna signature as that detected on Agent 0183785 before his untimely death." #1: I see. I understand now. "Lastly, after the mission is completed, you are instructed to turn over the test subject over to us." #1: Hold on, hold on! That was not part of the deal we made! "We decide what is best for global security. Your mission is to comply. You have your orders. If you do not comply, your role in this project shall be terminated." #1: Don't think I know what you're going to do with him? You're going to kill him and dissect him! "We created him; otherwise he would have never come into being. When the mission is completed, his being will not be needed. His final usefulness will be for analysis of the specimen to further the research in combating the X-pers, our greatest international threat. #1: You don't even try to color it at all, do you? "The question is, will you comply?" (a long silence) "Will you comply?" #1: If that what it takes, then it shall happen. "A prudent decision, Agent 10764568. Now you may go." [Atlantean] Kurumi: Kool! We get to see the play again! Master: It's definitely a much different perspective to view the play. Kyosuke: Still, it's nice we can get the better seats through Hikaru. Ojiichan: Lookee here. The dark glasses man is here too! Obaachan: Oi, oi! Kyosuke: Dark who? Oh! (We see Ryusei Haroken sitting down a few seats from them) Kyosuke: Heh! (We see Grandpa Kasuga walk over to Ryusei!) "Hey sonny! I remember you." Ryusei: As do I. Last year at the party at the Ayukawa mansion. Is that correct? Ojiichan: Oh, you have a good memory! Very good! Here for travel pleasure? Ryusei: No. For business. Major business. Ojiichan: So ka... Kyosuke: Ojiichan! What are you doing? Ryusei: You are here as well. Humph! Ojiichan: Good trip to you then. Good to see you again. And be sure to watch Hikaru-chan's performance(shakes Ryusei's hand violently) Kyosuke: What was that all about? Ojiichan: Just being friendly. Still hold a grudge? Kyosuke: 'course I do! I don't trust the guy for a minute! And you should stay away from him! (another person sits down beside Ryusei) Goro: Something wrong with your hand? (Ryusei then notices he is consciously gazing at his hand which a minute prior was clasped in handshake with Kyosuke's grandfather.) Ryusei: No,...I just have this funny, odd feeling... [At the computer cafe] I hung around here for a few hours now waiting to see someone before I returned back to Japan. My online buddy 'Iczer' who was part of my roleplaying mud group. He was living here in New York. Since I was in his world, I wanted to meet him at least once. It was then I was stopped by this rather gaudy person wearing a psychedelic robe with chains and jewelry all around. "Hello little mon. Are you lost?" Muroke: No. I was just here waiting for a friend. "You'll from Nippon?" Muroke: Yes, I'm from Japan. Why'd you ask? "I'm lookin' for someone too. You'd must be the 'Samurai'. Muroke: Hey, that's my tag name. So you must be 'Iczer'. "Actually mon, I go my Chiru Chiru Michiru. " Muroke: That's a curious name. "Oh, it's another handle I use. My real name is in Rafastarian. Only be used in de rituals. So in its place I use this." Muroke: Sounds very curious for you to be adopting a Japanese-sounding handle. "Oh yeah mon. It'd be true. But oh, I like it. " Muroke: But then why don't you use Michiru Chiru Chiru then instead of Iczer? It seems strange to have a handle on top of a handle. "So true mon, but so hard to type Michiru Chiru Chiru all the time. So Iczer it be." Muroke: I guess that makes sense. Have you met Robocop in San Francisco before? "Oh, the one ranting and raving about Asimov to L'Engle?" Muroke: That's the guy. He had I have that in common. Our love of sci-fi and adventure books. "He'd had no chance to be here, though I vex the poor fellow 'bout being able to listen to L'Engle speak on occasion." Muroke: You mean Madeleine L'Engle lives around here? "Yeah mon. She'd be giving these religious talks here and there at St Patricks. She'd be speakin' this Saturday." Muroke: Wow, I envy you. I wish I could have some time to talk to her about tesseracts and time-travel and the whole sort. It's a shame I'm leaving tomorrow morning. "Too bad mon. I'd be going now." Muroke: So soon? "I'd be workin' mon. Need to pay off da bills." Muroke: I understand. It's great to be able to put a face to the name. "Same here mon. Stay out of trouble. Peace!" [At the police station] "Hey Clancy! Bunch of the guys are going to hit the bar tonight when we get off duty! Wanna join in?" Clancy: No thank you. I just came back to get something quick. Do you have any info for me on that body we retrieved? "Initial reports from the coroner was that he must have die of shock or heart attack. There were drugs, coke and heroin in his body, so that might have contributed to it. But given the circumstances, it don't seem right." Clancy: Thanks. I owe you one. [Shubert Theater] As I stepped out on stage, as if for the first time, I felt a little uneasy, knowing what was coming. That line. That dreaded line that rang in my head for ages. The line which I agonized over before. The line which caused Madoka and Kyosuke to come to New York the first time. The line which set into motion a turn of events which I could not escape from. The line which ruined a friendship and destroyed a career. Now I was confronting it, wrestling with it, it representing the sum of my fears. I had reason to be nervous at the beginning of the play, where I start with my opening dance. And then I saw him. Ryusei Haroken, sitting right in the front row, wearing his trademark black sunglasses and wearing that dark suit, his beard covering the lower half of his face. And then it hit me. I realized that he was the cause of it all. If he didn't have that opening for that play Downtown Cats, I would have never even went back to Japan to try out for the part. I would have never had the chance to reunite with Madoka and reach closure with Kyosuke. I would still be probably be practicing at Actors Studio College, doubting my abilities and wondering if I would ever get a chance to pursue my dream as a dancer. But all that has changed from my encounter with him. What made it all the more difficult was knowing who he really was. A fraud, a crime boss who uses people for his own selfish means hiding behind the mask of a talent agent. Even now, from his appearance, I felt he was hiding something, as he stared back at me, with no emotion whatsoever. And yet, I knew behind those dark glasses that his eyes were fixed solely on me. You would think I would be harboring resentment and hate towards him for all the things he has done, but oddly, I was not repulsed by his appearance here. Why? I wasn't sure. If I could look into his eyes just once, I would be able to tell what type of man he really was. A cold-blooded criminal and charlatan or a hurt man, crying out against the world. [Backstage at the Shubert Theater] Madoka is standing there, watching Hikaru perform. You have come a long way Hikaru-chan. I'm happy for you. In fact, I envy you. Ironic, isn't it? While we were little, you were always the one following my lead, even joining me during my rebellious, punk days. You always tried to emulate me. But now you have it made. You took your own path, your own dream, and pursued it to the best of your ability, never wavering despite all the obstacles and hardships. And now, here you are, performing the same dance as if you were doing it for the first time. A dance in which you will never tire of no matter how many times you have performed it. And that is why I envy you. Finding something you can do for the rest of your life. Your life's ambition. If Yuusaku were here, he would be proud of you as well. That's why the sudden marriage ceremony organized by Kyosuke came as a shock to me. I was expecting pomp and circumstance for our wedding, with all our families here for that special day. But this was something spontaneous by Kasuga-kun, something he was getting better at. So it was ok for me. But something was bothering me. It was not the circumstances of the wedding; it doesn't matter how we get married, since we both love each other. I was more afraid of the idea of what marriage would entail for me. I was already pregnant. That would mean I would have to assume another role: that of a mother. I wondered to myself if I was ready for that step. Because once I become a mother, there was no turning back. It becomes impossible to have a career once you are taking care of a child, especially for a Japanese mother with all the expectations of the society on her to be willful and dutiful. Adding further complication was the fact I didn't know what I truly want to do with my life. What was my fate? [In the audience area] Nagasi: How come we're sitting all the way back here? I wanna snuggle up with my Ryu baby and rub it in when she gets ruined. Yayoi: We must not disturb them, for they are conducting important business. Nagasi: Then damn that Hikaru Hiyama! But I shall get my revenge yet. Yayoi: Yes. Her counterpart has been taken out of the picture. Nagasi: To think she could outclass me! P-shah! Her friends can't save her now. Not even that photographer friend of hers, Kasuga Kyosuke. Yayoi: Excuse me, did you mention the word Kasuga? Nagasi: Yeah, like they're here again. (points up front) Those losers. Yayoi: [In the hotel room] Muroke: Oh, dang! Shijama got my suitcase! I knew we shouldn't have split a matching pair of suitcases to save money. His stuff's still in here. Oh well. "Hey pip-squeak! You're still here!" Muroke: Of course. I'm not gone yet. My flight's tomorrow early morning. Where's #1? Kaori: I'm waiting for him. While you're still here, go get my blazer. Muroke: Why would you need me to get it? Kaori: I left it in the secret monitoring station, and it's cold outside. So be a good little boy and get it for me. 'kay? Muroke: Fine, fine. Woman. Kaori: I heard that! Now go get it quick! Muroke: Yes, maam! [Prelude to Act III] Goro: How did you see the play? Ryusei: It's ok. There's always better stuff out there. Goro: So you rather have put your money elsewhere? Ryusei: I don't know what you mean. Goro: Come now. Don't hide behind a palisade on account of me. I know all about how you are secretly funneling money into your good buddy Andrew to produce this play. Ryusei: That's a matter of interpretation. Goro: Well whatever you call it, I've enjoyed this circle of tragedy so far. I enjoy the lore and mystique of Atlantis, the forgotten continent. The mystery of Atlantis still lies below the ocean floor. Ryusei: I almost forgot how fascinated you are about the ancient myths and legends. Goro: I believe it was well worth seeing again. Ryusei: You've seen the play before? Goro: Only the first two acts. I, like you will be seeing the 3rd and final act for the first time. [Gathering backstage] "Emergency! Emergency!" Director: Now what Allen? Allen James: Norma is gone! Director: What are you talking about? Don't joke with me! She appeared in the first 2 acts already. Allen James: You sir are a fool if you don't believe me. I am absolutely positive. Mark my word! "It's true! I went to look for her with him." Director: What? (slaps his forehead) This is terrible! Don't tell me everyone's going AWOL! First Natalie and now Norma. Allen: This is quite shocking to me! Norma's a professional. Director: She might have fallen ill. Did she tell anyone before she left where she might be? Allen: No, she did not. I quizzed everyone, even the lowly lackeys and in-grates. I even dispatched someone to the woman's bathroom to see if she was there. Nowhere to be found. Director: Now we'll truly ruined. The intermission has ended and Act III will start in a minute. Her own part comes up in the next 5 minutes. It's too late to get the alternate. Woe is me! Hikaru: Come on sir! There's gotta be a way. Can my friend help? Director: (eyes Madoka) Your friend? She does have the same proportions as Norma. Have you seen the play? Madoka: Yes, I've seen the play already. Director: So you have an idea of what lines are said and the timing of it all. I want you be my 'Era'. Can you do it? Can you memorize a few lines? Madoka: I can, but this is all so sudden. Director: Oh pleasseeee! I'm a desperate man here. Any replacement is better than no person out there. And you seem quite capable. And don't you want to help out our star-chan here? Madoka: But I... Director: I'll be truly grateful. Hikaru: Come on Madoka. It'll really help me out to know you are across from me. It's my first time also, speaking that is. Madoka: (*sigh*) I do what I can. Director: Great! Here's the script. You and Star-chan start rehearsing. You there! Get her costume ready! [Secret command center] Muroke: There it is. Her leather red blazer. (as he grabs the blazer quickly, it brushes over some control buttons) (Another communications panel starts to open up and activate!) A voice rings out over the speaker. Muroke: That's #1's voice. He still has his tracking device on. Who is he talking to? #1: (on the cell-phone) Who are you? How did you get this number? "I'm the nightmare yet unseen." #1: You! That tone... I know you... "Do you? Care to venture a guess?" #1: I would never forget! You must be the goddamn X-per who killed my partner! "I presume you know I am here already." #1: Yes,...I was alerted to your presence. Tell me your location where I can kill you! "(*Evil Laugh*) Br ha ha ha ha. You think it is that easy?" #1: Then shove off and go screw yourself! I have better things to do than play games with you?" "Isn't that the point? This is a game. A game of cat and mouse. Hunter and prey. Do you recognize this voice?" "Ryo!" #1: Kaori! What the hell? "Like brother, like sister. How cruel it would be for them to suffer the same fate by my hand. As you can see, I hold the upper hand. If you don't want your precious to be a passing memory, then you will listen to what I have to say." #1: You asshole! (*Growl!*) "You cursed dog! You think can bloody me? Take this!" (A scream erupts from Kaori) (We hear a whimpering sound!) Muroke: "Br ha ha ha ha. Now your miserable mongrel will join the ranks of my kill total." #1: Taki!!! "I am a sporting son-of-a-bitch. I'll let you have your shot at me, one on one. Atop the Empire State Building, midnight!" (*click*) Muroke: [The Scene] (We see Hikaru chained up to a rock mount, having been placed up there as the sacrifice to appease the goddess Era to end the plague she has sent towards the people of Atlantis.) (A buzz goes throughout the audience as her face is revealed, where prior, she was wearing a mask.) Goro: Ahh, what do we have here? A face I have seen before. Ryusei: Yes. She once participated in my play production before. But this is not right. Goro: Why do you say so? Ryusei: In the playbill, it states another person should be in this act. I do not understand why she is still in there. Goro: Perhaps the other one is sick. Circumstances dictate that. Ryusei: This would certainly be a challenge for her. She is a good dancer. But can she act? Goro: That will be the question. (Further in the back rows) Nagasi: You took your sweet time coming back here. Look at her! I see the fear on her face. "Excuse my tardiness. I was talking to someone on the phone." Nagasi: Well, that can be forgiven. I luv to talk on the phone. Now, I get to enjoy sweet revenge! [At the hotel] The door was partially open. Muroke rushes into the room where Kaori once was. He sees some signs of a struggle. He saw a chair and rope lying nearby to where she had been tied up earlier. And at his feet, he saw Taki, whose blood was strewned all over the carpet, as a result of multiple slashes Muroke: Takiiiiii! (Taki is breathing heavily) (He grabs some towels and tries to wrap it around Taki's cuts to stop the bleeding.) Muroke: Don't worry boy! Hang in there! I'll go get help! (But Taki, using the last ounce of his strength, paws on Muroke's lap as to let him know that it is too late for him) Muroke: (sobbing) Oh boy, come on! You can't die! It can't end like this for you. #1 will be mad you know. You've been his dog for so long. You just can't go out like this. I know you think Kaori hates your guts, but deep down she doesn't. Honest. (Taki whinnies softly and nuzzles up on Muroke's lap. Muroke wraps his arms around him in response.) Muroke: I'm here for you boy. Taki's breaths become shorter and shorter. Muroke can sense his last breath is drawing near. Finally, Taki's takes one long breath and ... HOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! (With that last wolf-like cry, Taki's head slumps motionless in Muroke's lap) [Main Stage] Director: (cupping his hands over his mouth, whispering) Go for it Star-chan! You're on! Hikaru looked out onto the audience, with her own eyes and identity. She saw Master, Kyosuke and his family in the front row. Her eyes shifted across to see the enigmatic Ryusei staring right back at her behind his cold, looking sunglasses. And she looked across the stage at Madoka, who is all dressed up and looking radiant as a goddess. And last, she saw the tail of her bandanna, tied around her forehead, flicker in front of her from the wind generator. Hikaru: (Hikaru hangs her head down.) (backstage) Director: What's taking her so long? It's been 15 seconds already! Allen James: I told you so! She's no star! Ha! What a crock! See! She is not even looking up. (middle row) Nagasi: Ha ha ha! I knew it. She's freezing up from stage-fright! She can't run away because she's tied up. There's no way now she can go on. Now she's ruined! (Hikaru, with her head slumped down, as if in agony, slowly raises it up and looks defiantly towards the audience) Hikaru: "Oh Blessed Era, please forgive me. For I have committed a sin so great, so terrible that, even if I were to bury myself for all eternity in the soil of this beautiful country, it would not be erased from memory...And yet I continue to commit this sin every day as long as I live. Even if it meant I would turn into the seaweed that washes onto the shore, I could not and would not stop loving Atlas!" (Madoka comes out onto the stage) "If only I could have been you. If only I could have loved Atlas dearly, as you did. I'm sorry, Sofina. I have lost. Please forgive me!" (A standing ovation erupts from the crowd!) [Inside a holding area] Kaori, tied up, is dumped unceremoniously into a room. Kaori: What the fuck! Where the hell am I? "You shouldn't curse y'know! It's not proper for a girl." Kaori: Who said that? "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Looks like both of us are in the same boat being trapped here and all. " Kaori: Where are you? "I'm near the corner. The lighting in here really sucks!" Kaori: I heard your voice before. Who are you? "My name is Natalie Chan. Currently, I play the speaking part of Princess Sofina in the play Atlantis." Kaori: So that's where I heard you before. What do these shit-heads want with you? "I honestly don't know. It happened so fast last night. I was sleeping and I heard something in the kitchen. Naturally, I got up to see what was going on. I was half-asleep at the time. Then some guy grabs me from behind and pulls a knife behind my throat. I was so scared! I thought to myself, "Oh my god! I'm going to die!" Then he said to me in this creepy voice, "Remember me bitch?" Excuse my language, but then I said "No" in this meek, little mousy voice. You know, my throat locked up 'cause I so scared. Then here's where are the weird things started to happen. This other guy appears in front of us out of nowhere! That really freaked me out! I thought they were a team and were going to rape and kill me. But something was wrong. This other guy covered his face up and had black all over. The other guy who had the knife was spooked and he grabbed me and started to back away, telling the other guy to get out and that he was going to kill me if he didn't listen. Here, I got really confused. But the other guy didn't pay attention. Instead, he just raised his hand and the knife guy started to let me go. He then dropped his knife and was clutching his throat. Then he like dropped to the floor and laid still. I thought the other guy had come to save me. Big mistake. He just grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth. I wanted to hit him, but somehow, my body was numb and limp. I could hardly move. And I ended up in this smelly, dark room. So what happen to you? Kaori: Something similar. Guy who looks like a ninja shows up and I was taken by force from my hotel room and here I am. "I'm sorry you were napped by this creep as well. Do you think this is some part of some white slavery ring? I saw a report on 60 minutes where these rich shieks from the Middle East were buying all these kidnapped woman around the world from these slavers. " Kaori: I highly doubt it. There is another reason. "But look on the bright side. At least we can keep each other company. I was getting really spooked out by this place. You know it's like the same feeling as someone who is placed in solitary confinement? I've heard it does things to people and..." Kaori: [Shubert Theater] It is the end of the play, and the audience is clapping profusely during the curtain call! They erupt when the character of Princess Sofina played by Hikaru Hiyama throughout is called out! And another eruption of applause rings out as Era's name is called out and Madoka enters on stage. (In the lobby) (Nagasi is hopping mad!) Nagasi: This is not suppose to happen! Bad things are not suppose to happen to bad people! She can't get the better of me! I'm want my Ryusei! He'll know what to do to get back at her! Hey, Ryu-baby? Where are you? Fine! I'll do things my way. Just you watch Hikaru Hiyama! (outside the theater) Ryusei: I must depart now. I have an important engagement to attend to. Goro: Then go. (clang of the metallic balls) Ryusei: I trust the play was to your liking. The ending was quite tragic. Goro: Indeed. An excellent play on emotions and feeling, unlike yourself, who totally conceals all emotions. Ryusei: I don't conceal anything. I am naturally emotionless. Goro: Ha ha. Good! Cold-blooded down to the very core. (backstage) Director: You were fantastic out there, Miss M.A. Madoka: M.A.? Director: Your initials. Not the state, mind you. Sorry, but I don't do Japanese names too well. Madoka: That is ok. Director: You and Star-chan work great as a pair. You feed off each other perfectly. Interested in working in this town? Madoka: I'm flattered, but I'm only here visiting here from Japan. I don't think it would work out. Director: Too bad. I can spot talent when I see it. Well, congratulations M.A.! Madoka: [In Hikaru's dressing room] As Hikaru enters, she is surprised to see Norma Jacobs, the one who originally played "Era" inside, sitting in her chair, staring at the mirror. Hikaru: Norma,...I mean Ms Jacobs. What are you doing here? Norma: Ms Hiyama. You have returned. Hikaru: Have you been hiding out here the whole time? Norma: Yes. I've come to apologize for my behavior, and for abandoning you out on the stage tonight. Hikaru: Oh! Norma: I feel I owe you an explanation. I originally did not know you were substituting for Natalie tonight for the finale part. When someone told me that near the end of Act II about you, I panicked. Hikaru: But why? Norma: Please forgive me. Hikaru: For what? What did you do? Norma: I'm guilty for what I did not do. When I heard you were trying out for the play, I thought nothing of it. But later, when I learned about the incident you were involved ... Hikaru: What incident would that be? Norma: The attempt on your life by Anita Brussel. Hikaru: I don't see why that would be your fault. Norma: If may not have been my fault, but you see, Anita,...she is my sister. Hikaru: Your sister!? Norma: Yes. That is why I avoided you all this time. Deep inside, I blamed you for causing my sister's madness. I couldn't believe she would be driven to violence unless she was provoked. Hikaru: I see... Norma: Learning that you would be across from me, interacting with you when I had this secret hidden deep within was too much for me to handle. I could not cope with the hidden pain which would surface had I seen your face staring back at mine on stage in front of everyone. I would have lost my composure and ruined everything. That is why I chose to run away. But I know now I am wrong to think that way. Hikaru: I'm sorry for your sister. But I can tell you that I was not responsible for causing her present condition. Norma: Sitting in your dressing room, I realized, seeing the pictures you have here, that you couldn't have been a bad person. That my sister snapped and hurt others along the way. So I ask you again. Please forgive me to atone for the sins of my sister. Hikaru: I'm not one to hold a grudge, especially towards a person whom I respect as a great stage actress. I hope one day, I can be as good as you are. So I release you from your guilt and forgive your sister. Norma: Thank you so much. (They both are sobbing and hugging each other) (Back to the stage area) "Message for you maam." Madoka: For me? "It has to be you. I was told to give it to the pretty lady backstage. And you're the only beauty I see." Madoka: Thank you. (she unwraps the paper) If you care for the welfare of your precious Natalie Chan, Then you will come by the East River on E 44th alone. I'll be waiting. Madoka: [Back at the tragic scene] (#1 enters the room.) #1: He's dead, isn't he? Muroke: Yes. Do you want to see him? #1: No. Let him rest in peace. I don't want to see his bloodied body. I want to remember him in my own way. Muroke: I wish I could have done something... #1: There's nothing you could have done. You were lucky. If you had been here, then he would have killed you as well. Muroke: You can't go there by yourself. It's a trap! #1: How do you know about that? Muroke: I was picking up Kaori's red blazer in the command center. You were still wearing your listening device. Here. (holds up her blazer) #1: Keep it warm for her. I'm bringing her back. Muroke: Let me go with you! #1: No, I have to go alone. He and I have a history. One more thing. Here. (hands him the package) Muroke: That's the box! #1: Yes. If I don't come back, then you will be the last person left to pass it to the Master. That will be my final demand on you. I still have a final obligation to him. Make sure you don't lose it! Muroke: I understand. Guess I'll have to cancel that flight tomorrow. #1: I'm sorry bud. I know you were looking forward to go back home to your parents. Just keep alive and deliver the box. Then, your ties to me and the Master will be forever cut. Muroke: But... #1: I'll gotta go. Ja. [Outside the theater] Kurumi: Geez, Madoka sure is taking her sweet time getting out. Ojiichan: Brrr! Very cold outside. Master: It feels like some inclement weather is on its way. Kyosuke: Don't worry. Here's Hikaru now. (waves at her) Hikaru: Hi Sempai! What's up? Kyosuke: Where's Madoka? Hikaru: Isn't she with you? Kyosuke: No; I thought she was with you in the dressing room. Hikaru: No, I don't think so, but I can go back inside and check. Kyosuke: While you're doing that, I'll go back inside the theater and see. You guys call the hotel room to see if she went there. (10 minutes later) Kyosuke: I can't find her anywhere in the theater. Hikaru: Likewise for me; she wasn't anywhere backstage. Nor in the lavatory. Master: I rang the hotel room, but there was no answer. Ojiichan: Where could Mado-chan have run off to? Hikaru: I have to go. You guys call me if you get any word from Madoka. [Inside Ryusei's room] Muroke: (We see Muroke using a notebook connected to a modem, frantically typing away.) Muroke: (muttering) There isn't much time,...I need to home in on Kaori's location device. (The screen blinks up 'ACCESS DENIED!') Muroke: Argh! This isn't going anywhere. I need access to that satellite! Muroke: (looks at his watch) Only 2 more hours to go. I gotta locate Kaori before #1 has to confront that guy. [At the East River] (We see a raven-haired woman, standing there, facing the river) (Another woman approaches her) "So you had the guts to come after all! Remember me, Hikaru Hiyama?" (The figure nods) "Yes, it is your worst nightmare. The great, and magnificent Na-ga-si! You managed to escape all the traps I set for you. Now this time, I'll settle this once and for all. I took care of Natalie and now I will take care of you!" "I don't think so!" (The raven haired lady suddenly swings around and grabs Nagasi and hooks her arm) Nagasi: Who are you? You're not Hiyama! "No. I am her friend, Ayukawa Madoka." Nagasi: Oww! You're hurting me! Madoka: Not as much as what you tried to hurt Hikaru. How you better not have touched her friend Natalie or else you will suffer even worse! Nagasi: I made the whole thing up to lure Hiyama here! I had nothing to do with Chan's kidnaping. You think a delicate person like me can do things like that? Madoka: Anyone can, especially you! Nagasi: I'm telling the truth. Yayoi was the one who helped me do all the dirty work. Madoka: Yayoi? Nagasi: She's my partner. She was the one who got it done. Please. Let me go and I'll show you where she is. Then you can find out what happen to that Chan girl yourself. Madoka: You better not be trying to fool me. Nagasi: No, I won't. Please loosen your grip. Madoka: I'll do so if I feel like it. Now go! [Hikaru riding her bicycle frantically] I somehow knew the person who would be connected to everything: Ryusei Haroken. He would know what happened to Natalie. And perhaps to Madoka as well. He was connected to the underworld. He knew the right people to talk to. And despite all that has happened, I knew he would help me. I arrive at the hotel where he was staying and quickly asked him what room he was staying at. Room 424. I frantically knocked on the door, not knowing to expect. "Hiyama-san? What are you doing here?" Hikaru: Muroke? Why are you here? Muroke: I was waiting for the Master to return. Did you want to see him? Hikaru: Yes, quite urgently. Do you know where he might be at? Muroke: No, but I know he was to attend a meeting of sorts and would be back really late. But I need your help! Hikaru: What's the matter? Muroke: Kaori has been kidnapped! Hikaru: Oh my kami-san! This can't be. First Natalie and now her. Muroke: Natalie? Hikaru: She's a buddy of mine who is a play cast member. I have reason to believe that she was also abducted as well yesterday. Muroke: Perhaps, there's a connection. Hikaru: How so? Muroke: It can't be purely coincidence that 2 persons get kidnapped in such a short time span. But I think I have a beat towards Kaori's location. Hikaru: You do? Muroke: Yes. You see, Kaori was wearing a small tracking device with a distinct signature. Don't ask me how, but I manage to get access to some gps systems which helped pinpoint her location within 50 meters. Do you know this area? Hikaru: Vaguely. There's someone I know at the police department that can help us out. Muroke: No! Absolutely no police! Hikaru: Oh. I understand now. Then I'll go about it myself. Are you sure this is the location? Muroke: I hope so. I wish I can come with you, but I have to go find #1 and stop him from doing something terrible. If you find her, dial me up at this hand-phone number. Hikaru: Got it. Muroke: Good luck! [At a secret location] (It is a special chamber of sorts, rectangular in shape, with a large, conference room table in the middle. There is no light except for candles lit, hanging from the walls, 5 to 6 feet apart. We have a silhouette figure, wearing a robe, covering the entire head area, like a monk. Another figure approaches it. "Have you captured all three?" "No. Only two of them. The lone one left was not with them when they left. She is nowhere to be found even by them." "You disappoint me." "A thousand pardons. I shall not fail you again." "You better not. Just as well. With her out of the picture, I shall take care of the threat myself." "As you wish. But what of the other one?" "You mean the dancer?" "Yes, why haven't we gone after her?" "No need. She will come to us. I have foreseen it. It is her fate!" [Operation Dragonlord] Clancy: All units in position? "Yes maam. Give me updates every 2 minutes. I don't want to lose Jackson's position." "Understood." Clancy: Now it's up to you Jackson. Jackson: Gotcha babe. Now I gotta get my stich going. ('Smashmo' enters the Nikikuniya Building on Madison Ave.) [At the hotel room] Kyosuke is frantically pacing about. Kyosuke: Madoka, Madoka, where are you? Please don't do anything rash. Why are you still so unpredictable? (the phone rings) Kyosuke: Hello? "Kyosuke?" Kyosuke: Madoka! Where are you? Where have you been? We've been all worried about you? Madoka: I'm sorry, but I was clubbing for a bit at the Mood Paradise by myself. Kyosuke: But why? Madoka: Just because. Kyosuke: This doesn't sound like you. Madoka: I'm sorry Kyosuke. I'm a bit tipsy 'cause I've been drinking a lot. But I'll make it up to you. Meet me up at the top of the Empire State Building at midnight alone. We can do the wild thing there! Kyosuke: I don't think it's a good idea, especially in your condition. It's a chilly night tonight. And... Madoka: See you then. (click) Kyosuke: She doesn't sound right. She must have been drinking. And the only reason Madoka drinks so heavily is if she's depressed about something. But what? Is it the wedding coming up? Am I putting too much pressure on her? I got to have a heart to heart talk with her to find out what's really going on. [Nikukuniya Building] (Jackson, in his disguise, walking inside.) The elevator I was in made it's way to the 13th floor, a very unlucky number. Damn strange this building had this number. I proceeded down the cold, industrial, corridor, of a dull gray color. Harsh and sterile were the words that come to mind. The side walls were polished to the point that the reflections bounced off each other. Above, in the ceiling was spotlights located 5 feet apart from each other. It was a continuous corridor extending 100 meters across. It was uniform, with nothing at all on the side walls, not even a door or decoration. And beyond at the end of the corridor was a semicircular opening. Although there was no door or barrier, you couldn't see beyond it. It was pitch dark. "What's your status?" Jackson: I'm proceeding towards what seems to be the entranceway. This place is whacked! Very spooky, like a house of mirrors. There are no other rooms on this floor. There's only one way to go in this freak house! Clancy: That's to be expected. The triad has very superstitious traditions and methods. Jackson: I'm at the opening now. I'm going in! As I entered the opening, I felt I stepped over a cliff! There was nothing underneath me at all! I was in free-fall! I must have fallen over 30 seconds through some shaft. What a way to go, splat city. (*PLUNK*!) I found myself surrounded by a cylindrical piece of clear glass, with an opening. I must have fallen through a pressurized tube, with foam padding at the bottom to break the fall. (2 ladies dressed as Greek maidens greet him) "Welcome, Golden Dragon to the Lair." Jackson: Who in blazes are you? "We are the Eloiden attendants. We are to prepare you for the ceremony." Jackson: Ceremony? "Yes. It is the only proper way to greet the brethren." Jackson: Go on right ahead, honies! But I'm keeping this! (clutches the briefcase) [Marriott Marquis] Ojiichan: "Kyosuke! Come out!" Kurumi: (bangs on the door) Come out oniichan! (They both use the Power! to flash teleport into his room.) Ojiichan: Eh? Kyosuke not here? Kurumi: Baka! He probably looking for Madoka out in the streets! But why look for him? Ojiichan: Forgetful me. He and I can join in the Power! to locate Mado-chan. She has the special Kasuga charm now as her gift. Very powerful and very easy to locate using our Esper powers. Kurumi: I see. Like a homing beacon. Then you save your Power! while I use mine to locate oniichan! [Inside the surveillance van] "We lost the link!" Clancy: How long? "Over 2 minutes." Clancy: Too long. We need to act. Agents! Converge on the scene! (out of nowhere, we see a team of agents, dressed in black fatigues converge on the Nikukuniya building and march in) Clancy: Seal off the whole block radius. Make sure no one leaves that building. Conduct a floor by floor search and give me the status. "Yes maam." Clancy: [In a condemned building] (Hikaru wandering inside.) I walked inside with trepidation, the flashlight in my hand quivering. The cold dank smell triggered a flashback to the time I was abducted and held against my will. I knew the feeling all too well. The isolation, the fear, and the uncertainty of your fate. That is why I must go and find her. I looked around this dripping structure, cobwebs in the corners, rats scurrying about. And then my light came across a door, 15 meters away. As if led by instinct, I proceeded towards it. As I got closer and closer, I heard a noise growing louder and louder. My pace quickened, until I was running towards it. I saw a huge metal door, locked shut. Through the metal grill, I shined my light through. "Hey! Who did that?" Hikaru: Kaori-san? Is that you in there? "Star-chan! Is that you?" Hikaru: Yokata! Natalie is here as well! "It is Star-chan! She's come to save us!" Kaori: Not a moment too soon! Hikaru: I can't seem to open this door, so I'll go and get help. Natalie: No Star-chan! Don't leave us here? What if he comes back? Hikaru: You mean the kidnaper? "Yes...they mean me.e.e.e.e." Hikaru: (*SCREAM*) (We see a man, dressed in trench-coat, with a cloth across his face, like a ninja) Natalie: Run away before he gets you! "You are not getting away from me!" Hikaru: You,...I can't let you hurt them...I'm not running away this time! Kaori: What? "A grave mistake! Now, you will be mine!" Hikaru: Not if I could help it! (*BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG*) Natalie: What happened? Kaori: Hikaru-san! Are you alright? Hikaru: Yes. Hold on! (another shot rings out in the air) (The metal door springs open!) (Hikaru rushes in and starts untying them) Natalie: What did you do? Kaori: What does it look? She shot him. Natalie: Is he dead? Kaori: Don't ask stupid questions. Of course he is. With 5 slugs in him, I doubt anyone could survive that. Hikaru: You two leave now. Natalie: What about you? Are you coming with us? Hikaru: I...I need to make a call on my cell phone. I promise someone I'll call them immediately. Kaori: Ok. See you outside. [The ceremony] Jackson is dressed up in a ceremonial robe, with a hood covering his head. Jackson: What this? "Your Dragon mask. Each of the Dragon lords must wear one before the ceremony." (We see it has a grotesque, look to it, resembling Aztec design, but with a yellowish glaze on it coming up the eye and nasal area, but leaving the mouth area open) Jackson: I have to wear this? "One must follow the way of the dragon." Jackson: Way of the dragon? "The time is now. You must depart now. " [Back to the shooting scene] (We see Hikaru, on her knees quivering now, with the gun in her hands, looking over the body, ) I shot him, with my own bare hands. The gun, unregistered, gotten to me by my former boyfriend, Bruno. It was for protection he would tell me. This was after my kidnaping. Before, I would never consider it, but after that incident, I realized that I was the only one who can protect myself. No one else could. Not even Madoka or Kyosuke who were on the other side of the globe. It was then I vowed that I would never be in that vulnerable position again. However now, as I looked at that empty lifeless body. with the blood spattering about, I felt this awful feeling inside. The taking of a life, even that of a bad person was a traumatic experience for me. I was a killer. My conscious kept echoing that though over and over in my mind. I wonder if it was the same feeling a soldier gets when he kills his first enemy counterpart. You never forget their face, the fear in their eyes. It was not a game. It was real. But I had not seen his face. Who was this ninja-clad abductor? As if wanting to confirm my suspicions, my hand slowly went to uncover the mouth-guard when... "You can't kill me that easily!" (The body grabs Hikaru's hand!) [Nikkokuniya Building] (agents are swarming inside; Clancy is in the elevator with another person) Clancy: What's the report? "Our last known signal of Mr Jackson was on the 13th floor. However, no trace of him have been found. We are still scouring the area. (As the elevator opens, Clancy looks around to see a normal floor, with a reception counter straight ahead and two hallways diverging at 90 degree angles, with rooms, plants, and paintings.) Clancy: Search it again. Don't leave any stone unturned. There's no way he can vanish without a trace! [Ryusei exits out of a taxi] (He checks his watch: 11:45pm) I was running late making final preparations. Tonight was the big showdown. But I had to pick up something on the way. (*flashback*) [Mikimoto Jewelers] "Hey bud. You're back." Ryusei: Do you have it ready? "Sure bud. Took me a while to patch it, but she's good as new. Here!" (hands him the jade bracelet!) Ryusei: You are a good man to get it fixed so quickly. "Ah, it's nothin'." Ryusei: Your payment. "Thanks bud! Love doing business with ya every time." (*end flashback*) (Ryusei holds the bracelet up amid the moonlight, sparkling) It was almost time. I could never go back to those happy days, for I can't remember them at all! Me and my wife, living in bliss, before that hideous fire which destroyed our lives. Many years have I waited for this day, this moment. Waiting for my chance to avenge her death. I only knew of 2 truths. One, that the Black Dragon was behind my wife's death. That was when I knew I would sacrifice all I had, even my soul to take revenge. It was this thirst for revenge, burning inside of me, that compelled me to infiltrate the Dragon Triad. For the only way to get close to him was to be a member myself. And to that means, I worked my way up the underworld. From the pit fights all the way up to trafficking drugs. Nothing was beyond me. I was willing to do what it takes. Eventually, I made it to their ranks. And now here I am for the most important moment of my life. The other truth was this bracelet. During one of my therapy sessions, #1 gave it to me, letting me know it once belonged to my wife. Tears flowed from my eyes the first time I laid eyes on it. It was the only part of her I had left. But she shattered my false hope. I was foolish to give it to her in the first place. I thought she would be the one to unlock my memories for me, for she had a passing resemblance for my long, lost wife. But maybe I was hoping for something that wasn't meant to be. Too bad. That's behind me now. I enter the compound. [Nikkukuniya Building] Clancy: Any word? "Nothing maam. We even checked the security logs and surveillance cameras and they've recorded no trace of Mr Jackson even entering the building." Clancy: That's impossible. I saw him enter with my own eyes. We have no choice now. Initiate the X-Scan. "But it's highly experimental..." Clancy: Do it. "Yes maam." [Outside the condemned building] Kaori: Something is wrong; it shouldn't take so long for her to come out. We must go back inside and find her. Natalie: Must we? It's so scary inside! Kaori: Yes. Let's go! (They go inside) Natalie: Hey, she's not here! Kaori: And the body's gone as well! Oh shit! [Madoka and Nagasi] Nagasi: I told you already. That is where she's always at. Madoka: But that's a fashion hall. Nagasi: Hey look, she's a world renown model you know. How am I suppose to know where she lives? She never would tell me. If you wanna find her, you wait for her here yourself. Oh look! Madoka: What now? Nagasi: My Ryu baby! But what is he doing here? Madoka: He's entering the building. I thought you said it was closed. Nagasi: It should be. I don't know what's up with him. Madoka: I will find out myself. Nagasi: So are you going to let me go? Madoka: I'll dispose of you first. Nagasi: What? Kya!!! [11:45] (Jackson in robes and wearing the mask) I was escorted to a chamber where the only lighting was supplied by overhanging candles lit on the walls. In the center was a table, but in the shape of a pentagram. At each corner was a seat. I took my place at my seat, laying the briefcase to my side. I gazed across to see the other people already seated. They were each wearing a different colored mask. Red, and blue. The other 2 seats were empty. I saw each of them had their cigarette cases laid out on the table, with each of the respective colored symbols imprinted on it. I proceeded to lay out my case as well. It was eerily quiet. I wanted to say something to break the silence, when he came in. He had a black mask on and he was at the top of the pentagram table. It was he who addressed us. "Greetings, fellow dragon members. It seems one of our members is absent, so we will proceed without him. A decade has past since the last Dragon Triad gathering. The faces of the people behind the masks may change, but our system, our ways remain unchanged. As you all know, each of you control your respective territory. Blue Dragon, you control the European region. Red Dragon, mainland Asia is your domain. Yellow Dragon, the New World of the Americas. White Dragon, who is not here, controls Japan. You have all done well to expand the power of the Triad. Blue Dragon: In what regard were we summoned here? "A very good question, given such a meeting is rare in itself. To put in bluntly, we are faced with a crisis that could threaten our existence. " Red Dragon: I find that hard to believe. Our existence has been held in secrecy for nearly 500 years. "Indeed. But the threat is indeed real." Jackson/Yellow Dragon: Then let us know who we're up against! "It is describable in one word: ESPER." Blue Dragon: Is this a rival triad? "No; it describes an entity of tremendous powers. Extraterrestrial powers. With the ability to warp time and space." Red Dragon: How do we combat this threat? "That is why we are here. But first, let us ingest the "ambrosia" of delights. (The attendant brings in "dragon cups" in the shape of a dragon claw filled with a red liquid) "To the continued existence of the clan!" "Here, here!" (They all gulp down the liquid) Jackson: This smells familiar... (Suddenly, screams erupt from each of the Dragon members!) Jackson: (An evil cackle rings through the room) Black Dragon: I see this is your first time with the "ambrosia". What's the matter? Drink up, if you can! [11:50] (#1 is up at the top level of the Empire States Building) He is polishing his gun! #1: Good ole Betsy! You better not fail me now. The time has come. Partner, I hope you're up there listening. I promised I'll look after your sister and I have. Now I promise to bring her back in one piece. I shall slay that X-per killer with the "silver" bullet. He won't know what hit him! (starts to load his gun with a special bullet, with what looks like some liquid inside) (He sees the elevator indicator light up) #1: Good. Right on time. I'll blow you away once those doors open! [At the bottom floor] Kyosuke sneaks in and is using the elevator to go all the way to the top. Kyosuke: This is so unlike Madoka. I'm going to give her a good scolding when I see her. I wonder how she'd even sneak in at all at this time. Oh well, she always seems to find a way. We'll see. [Ojiichan and Kurumi] Kurumi: Ojiichan! I think I've felt something! Ojiichan: Honto? Where is he? Kurumi: There. (points up to a building) Ojiichan: Waah, that's the Empire State Building. What's Kyosuke doing there? (a person starts to run up to them) Kurumi: Hey, I know you! You're the little guy! Muroke: Muroke is my name in case you forgot! Ojiichan: What seems to be the matter, little one? Muroke: I've gotta warn #1 not to go through with it. Kurumi: Go through with what? Muroke: It's a long story, but there's going to be a showdown at the top of the Empire States Building! Kurumi: Eh? Oniichan is inside the Empire States Building too. What a coincidence. Ojiichan: I see trouble brewing. We go get Kyosuke before he fall into trouble. [Kinnokuniya Building] "Ms Clancy?" Clancy: Yes. "We got a location from the X-trace. 3 faint signals detected." Clancy: Where? "Around 5th Avenue." Clancy: Ok. Let's go! [Inside the fashion stage catwalk] (Ryusei walks inside and up to the catwalk area.) Ryusei: Hello? Anyone here? (A puff of smoke flashes, and a figure emerges from it.) Ryusei: You must be the Black Dragon. "Indeed I am. I see you are not wearing the ceremonial garb. Ryusei: This is my own mask I look behind. That is sufficient for my own means. "I can see that, White Dragon, or should I call you by your alter ego: Chameleon." Ryusei: So you know about that. "But of course. Nothing escapes my gaze -- not even you. I know of your power to change shape and form. To assume any guise. How else could you have possibly stolen those precious jewels?" Ryusei: I prefer not to speak of it now. (looks around) A curious venue to choose amid all the possible locations for the meeting. And where are the rest of the Dragon clan? "They have been rendered useless. They are mere mortals compared to us. Observe." (The video screen behind the Black Dragon lights up, and we see a video picture of the chamber where are the Dragon members are sitting still in their chairs.) "Just as we can see them, they can see us as well with the camera. They will serve as our viewing audience. Don't worry; they can't hear us." Ryusei: What is the meaning of this? "It is my design we should meet alone, one on one. My intention is to disband the Dragon clan altogether. Ryusei: Disband? What for? "We cannot have inferiors among the ranks of our triad. Instead, I wish to create a new order." Ryusei: What order would that be? "An order governed by fear and terror. Let me present to you a gift to illustrate." (kicks over a hat box over to him) Ryusei: What is this? "Open it and you will see." (Ryusei removes the top lid to discover it is the head of Kobayashi!) (Yet no expression appears on Ryusei's face) "It seems your associate suffered a grave accident. As you might say, he lost his head." (*Br ha ha ha ha*) Ryusei: Indeed, he has. But I won't suffer the same fate. "Oh really? Don't think I don't know about your silly little power play. I've been keeping a close watch on you for these last 5 months. ." Trying to align the other Dragons against me. " Ryusei: So you know already? Then there's no need to hold back. "You needn't waste your effort. You have lost already. The game is over." Ryusei: Nothing is over till it's over. "Au contraire." (throws something at him) (Ryusei catches it and sees that it is a white knight.) "I have a fondness for chess as well. As you can see, your precious #1 is walking into a trap as we speak." Ryusei: (pause) What he does is his own volition. He knows the risks involved. "So cold are we? You indeed live up to your name, White Dragon. Even as I eliminate all your allies around you." Ryusei: I exist for myself and nobody else. I take care of me first. "Is there nothing that will move you? Not even your past?" Ryusei: I am resigned to the fact that I will never know that part of myself. But it won't matter to me once I destroy you. Then my revenge will be complete. "Ha ha ha ha ha! How little you know. For I hold the key over your future. I know you've been lusting for one thing you could never have: your memories of the past." Ryusei: What? "Yes...I know who you were before you became Ryusei Haroken. Ryusei: Impossible! You are lying! "Oh, it seems I've touch a nerve in you." Ryusei: You know nothing about my past! "Is that so? Then who else knows about your the mole on the left center side of your hip?" (Ryusei falls back upon hearing this) Ryusei: So na...there is no way... (clenches his fist) "You know it to be the truth now. You cannot deny it." Ryusei: You have beaten me. What do you want? "Your loyalty to me. I realize you are the most powerful Dragon next to me. Tomorrow, we will usher in the second coming. I wish for you to be part of it. Ryusei: Sounds intriguing. What must I do? "As a test of your loyalty, I want you to kill somebody." Ryusei: I have killed many a men in my time. Killing another person won't make a difference to me. "Good. Then show me your killing instincts. Bring her in!" (A man, dressed as a ninja wheels in a tied up person with a black sheath covering their entire head and face) The black dragon lifts up the sheath to reveal... (HIKARU!) (However, we cannot detect any change in expression in Ryusei's face) Hikaru: So it is you Ryusei. I heard the whole thing! I can't believe you're a criminal thug! How could be such a evil person? I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! Ryusei: What I am can't be helped and neither is your involvement in this affair. "Ahh, that will make this trial all the more stimulating. Now show me your skill as an executioner. (hands him a gun) This was found on her when she was retrieved." Ryusei: What do you want me to do? "Shoot her in the head." Ryusei: (balances the gun briefly in his hand before cocking it) As you wish. (As he slowly raises the gun up to her head, touching her left temple, he bends over to her ear and whispers) "Here's to fate Miss Hiyama!" (Ryusei pulls the trigger) (*BANG*) [-End Act III-]