			      HARD |< O R
			     A novella by Robert Kwong

                        This Chapter finished
                            April 15, 1996
                             ver 1.0

Please read Disclaimer on
http://www-ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rk/HardKor.html 1st!
Send comments or flames to rk@soda.berkeley.edu

As you can see, this is fanfiction harkening back to the old Kimagure
Orange Road series. The turn of events and timeline depicted here occur
right after Shin Kor I, but before Shin Kor II. This is the graphic
reaccount of the adult lives of Madoka, Hikaru, and Kyosuke. Like the
Shin KOR novels, these stories contain adult themes, situations, and
language.Thus parental guidance is advised. Thus read with your own

Notes:  Phrases in < > are characters thinking to themselves.
	[] indicates scene changes
        // indicates author comments
        ** indicates special effects


BOOK A: Introductions

Chapter 11: Intermission


"Hey! I was watching that! That was the Giants game on TV!"

#1: Stop wasting all your time watching boring, slow stuff like baseball!
You've got to prepare for tomorrow.

#2: Tomorrow?

#1: That's right, you big dummy! Our date with those Kasuga twins.

#2: Oh yeah...it slipped my mind...

#1: Lucky for you I'm doing the thinking for both of us!

#2: So what are we going to do anyway?

#1: The plan for tonight is to toughen you up; get you some
self-confidence. I know how you get queasy when you're around a girl... 

#2: (*grimace*) That's for sure...

#1: But I've got the cure for that. Here you go! (opens up bag and plops a
stack of videotapes on the table)

#2: What's all this?

#1: Man training, that what! We're going to watch each and every one of these
before the night is up.

#2: But what are they all about anyway?

#1: They're the best of Clint Eastwood's films!

[At the Kasuga twins' residency...]

Kurumi: Manami! I must really complement you this time on tonight's
dinner! You really outdone yourself. (pats her bulging stomach)

Manami: I'll say you've outdone yourself too!

Kurumi: You know what they say...A fulfilled Kasuga is a...

Manami: full Kurumi!

Kurumi: Hey! Stop teasing me! You can eat just as much as I can!

Manami: That's true,.. but I'm not as blatant as you are.

Kurumi: You are too!

Manami: Is not!

Kurumi: Are too!


Kurumi: Is too! No backs!  (picks up receiver) Mosh Moshi. Kasuga Residence.
Kurumi speaking.

"Hi! It's your cousin, Akane calling to see how you gals were doing."

Kurumi: Oh Akane-chan! How are you doing?  Long time no talk.  So what's up?

Akane: It's about tomorrow,...with your date with those guys from the
party,.. I don't feel like going anymore.  I hope you understand. 

Kurumi: Oh no! The date,...I totally forgot all about it!

Manami: (joining in from the cordless) Hi Akane. It's Manami.  What are you
two talking about?

Akane:I was just telling Kuruni how I won't able to accompany you two
tomorrow on your double date. 

Manami: But why? (thinks of something) Oh No! (takes out letter from #2
looks at it)

Akane:(angry tone) It's MEN! That's what. They can be such rude, uncivil pigs.
Treating us females like their slaves and taking us for granted. I'm in my
man-hating mode. Oh, if I had the power, I would wipe each and every one of
those good-for-nothing-jerks off the face of this earth! (sudden shift to
calm tone) So what are you two moaning about?


Akane: What? Not those two hentais! They embody all that is wrong with men,
those flesh-loving lechs! How can this be? I thought the arrangement was...

Manami: It's a L-O-N-G story. Oniichan helped get us in this mess.

Akane: Kyosuke! I knew it! He's the one who got me started on this tirade. I
going to come over and give him a piece of my mind...

Manami: You're too late. He just moved in with Madoka at her place.They just
got engaged.

Akane: ENGAGED? This can't be happening to me,...(feeling dejected) then it's
too late for me...

Manami: Cheer up Akane! It's not the end of the world...

Akane: It is for me.

Kurumi: Girls! We have another problem to worry about. Like how to get out of
this mess, 'kay?

Manami: I thought you said you would be able to find a way to rectify the
situation. Well?

Kurumi:Don't be so pushy! I'm still thinking about it.

Manami: Since last Wednesday? Gawd, you can appear so dense at times.

Kurumi: Who you're calling dense?

Akane: I have an idea. I'll say ditch all those bums and lets go hang out
ourselves! Just the three of us. Organize the women's empowerment brigade!

Manami:We can't do that. We pledged to oniichan already to go out with Hatta
and Komatsu. But we didn't realize it would conflict with our previously
arranged date.

Akane:Not that stupid Kasuga pledge again! I knew Kyosuke would resort to
such dirty tricks! 

Kurumi: And another thing. I really want to see Lone Wolf. Besides; I gave
him my word.

Akane: Who the hell is 'Lone Wolf'?

Manami: That's just the nickname of that tall, dark, handsome limo guy
whom she is gaga over. (turns towards Kurumi) And about your word? Ha!
When has that meant anything... 

Kurumi: Why you little ...! I'm going to get you later for that! But
we've got no time for fighting. We've gotta figure out how to get out of
this mess. 

Manami: You mean YOUR mess!

Akane: I'm not going anyway, so I'll sign off and let you two fight it out.
Good Luck!

Manami: Wait a moment! I just thought of a plan which might get us out of
this mess.  But we need your help... 

//Muroke Letter: Color Laser Printer Output Computer Generated Greeting Card
Picture of a limo with two cool looking guys on each side on the front.
Title Caption: Guess What?

(inside flap)

                You are cordially invited to a special
                invitation: A date with Two Guys from
                This Saturday. 10am Sharp. Looking Forward to Meeting you two.

                                #1 and #2

[Skyscraper Apt Building]
#2: Who the hell is Clint Eastwood?

#1: Oh, you're so deprived. He's only one of the top "tough" guys in
Hollywood. I've got a full complement of his movies on tap for this evening:
Army flics, spaghetti westerns, and last but not least: the Dirty Harry

#2: So?

#1: Just shut up and watch.

[After watching the 1st movie, a western]

#2: This is so stupid! Even I can come up with a better story than that!

#1: What shit are shooting out? That was one of his classic: Easy Rider

#2: Well, I still can do better!

#1: Oh yeah! Like what?

#2: Like this: (vision appears!)

[       W e l c o m e   to  M U R O K E  PICTURES...]

        C  O U N  T R Y       W  E S T  E R N           K O R

  (or subtitile: Showdown at the O'KOR Corral!)
  (or HardKor Main: Side Story #1)
Picture pans across the sideview of the town, with a small dustbowl
rolling by. We hear the customary slow, methodical, country "twanging" of
the banjo accompanying the background music. 

(*Bump Ba bump ba bump ba bump ba bump ba bump ba baaaaaa.*)
Next the harmonica joins in.

We see two old men (#1 and #2) sitting in rocking chairs on the porch of an
old, deserted, ghost town, each sipping the lemonade.

//#1: (to #2) Hey there! Wake up! I believe one of the audience members is
hailing us.

Howdy stranger! Welcome to our fair town of Orange Grove. You see, this
place here is a genuine historical area, a preservation of the good ole
West -- a part of history.  Too bad there's not much to see now, it being
a ghost town and all.  If you traveled out here to see the orange
orchards, then you're in the wrong area; you got to head out further west
from here. But if you're interested in hearing some history about this
once bustling town,then I'm willing to oblige your request. It wasn't
always this quiet before. Back in its heyday, it was one "bronco-busting"
kind of town; a haven for miners and cutthroats alike.  And they didn't
plant no sissy orange trees, no siree! Minerals was what drove this town. 
Mainly copper ore.  That's how they came up with the original name of
this town: K.ORE City, which of course stood for Copper Ore City.  I know
what you're thinking.  Copper starts with a 'C', not a 'K'. Do you want
to know why it was named this way? 

Old #1: (looking bored) Yes, please tell me again.  You always like to bring
up this stupid point over and over again.

Like I was saying, the town's true name should have been C.ORE city.  But
why not? Well, back then, in the rural frontiers, there wasn't much
formal education to go around.  Thus, the founders of the town weren't
too careful with their spelling.  Since copper had a 'K' type of sound,
that's how they spelled it. So the name stuck. 

Old #1: Well, that was a total waste of town, mulling over boring,
useless trivia.  You're putting the tourists (audience) to sleep. They're
beginning to think that we're just a bunch of old farts. 

#2: So,... you want a story about action and adventure? I can give you
that. I've got a story or two up my sleave...oh I got it!  This is a good
one! This dates back to the days of my great, great, great, great

#1: Sure iz a lot of 'greats'!

#2: Yep! And the story I'm going to tell is "great" also.

#1: (*groan*) I hate puns!

#2: This is a 'hip' story as you younger tykes like to call it.  It's been
passed from generation to generation.

#1: Enough with that.  Tell the story or I'm gittin' outta here!

#2: You just stay put while I go a-narrating.  (turns to audience and
gestures with hands) You see, back then, my great...great grandfather was
a storekeeper of provisional goods.  Might shrewd fellow I might add. 
Living out in isolated country, and with miners and settlers alike
needing supplies, he was able to run quite a profitable shop. 

#1: Enough with your grandpa!

#2: Don't fret! I'm getting to the good part.  Well gittin back to what I
was sayin',...he was witness to one of the most traumatic events that had
ever befallen on the town since its inception.  It all started when... 

(Narration focus shifts from old #2 to his ancestor Storekeeper)

[Act 1:Story]
I was 30 and I ran a thriving provisoner's shop right here square in Kore
City. I had not settled down yet, given the few women available out in the
West, but I had my eyes set on one of the pretty barmaids at the local
saloon. What's my name, you might ask? Why its Mackenzie Macintosh, and a
might fine name at that.

Things were going as well as can expected from a rough and tumble town like
Kore City until it happened.

The trouble began when the speculators started to swarm in on us.  They were
rumors of a possible railroad through this town.  It would have been a boon
to the townsfolk, since they stood to reap the gain in property values and
commerce arising from it.  But the speculators had another agenda at hand.
They were a  pushin' us to sell our stores and stakes here in the area,
offering us outrageous prices.  But we knew better. And weren't a budgin'!
We knew what game those "cuthroats" were playing and we were determined to
keep what was rightfully ours. That was then when the outlaws came.

They were a different breed, hired by the rail company itself, who also
had an agenda: to "steal" our property from right under our noses. Not
only did they offer us obscene low prices, they also wanted control of
our rich copper ore mines. They would use the trains as the mechanism to
transport the ore back to the refineries and reap the riches from it.  So
we were harrassed and threatened, but we never knew it would come down to

I was in the saloon at the time, swigging a shot of my favorite tankard,
with the miners, cowboys, and gamblers bawling, laughing, and drinkin,
with piano music ringing in the background. The place suddenly turned
stone quiet when they came in-- the rail agents! Hatford 'Deadeye' McCoy
(Hatta) and Kennedy 'the Kindred' Smith (Komatsu). They were two of the
most chicanerous, crooked, corrupt charlatans money can buy. And they
obviously had one job to carry out: to infiltrate our "quiet" town and
drive us out, by force if necessary.  They were surely looking, alright,
wearin' those uppity, expensive, tan wool suits and slacks held up by
genuine 24k gold belt buckles.  They even had the velvet vest and the
stuffed, ruffled, white shirt underneath, as they carried their
beaver-skin top hats under their arms. They sat at the table near the
center of the tavern.  After that brief momentary hush, everyone went
back to what they were a doing, going about their usual business. 

Hatford: (to Mary, the barmaid) Listen, pretty honey. Get me some scotch and
make it quick.  And bring some of your finest whiskey for my friend here.

Mary(manami): Look here! I'm  gonna serve ya drinks straight up, but I ain't
your honey!

Hatford: Oooh,... little missy here don't like they way I talk, does she?

Mary glares back at the two as she walks up to the bar.

Mary: Mallory! Scotch and whiskey, on the double!

Mallory (Master): Coming right up!

Kate(Kurumi): Say boss, I'm sure as hell don't like those two scoundrels
prancing in here and cavorting 'bout the bar like they own the place!

Mallory: Who knows these days? They just might.  

Kate: Well, as long as my name is Kate Dixon, I vow I'll never work for
those fleabag carbetbaggers.  Bad enough dem Yankees ran our my mother
South.  I'm not going' to let it happen here again!

Mary: Please Kate! Lower your voice! They might just hear ya!

Kate: Whadda I care? Let them! I'll take them on right now!

Mary: Let it pass.  They're be gone soon enough. For now, we just have ta
put up with them.

Mallory: She's right you know.  And they're  paying customers.  As long as
they pay for their drinks, then that's fine with me.

Kate: (*Grr!*) I'll hold my temper down for just a bit.  For the bar's sake.

(A few minutes later)

Mary: Here you go, sirs. Your drinks. (moves to walk away)

Kennedy: (places hand around her waist and pulls her onto his lap) My, my
pretty lady. Going so soon? Why not stay here a keep us company.  My, my,
you're a sight for sore eyes.  Let's say we hook up together later this
evenin' for some "noctural" activities, if ya catch my drift.

Mary: (tries to rise up) I really have to be getting back to work now. Sorry!

Hatta: Hey, hey, hey! Hold your horses, pretty honey.  No need for a cutey
pie like to walk away.  Sit with us for a while.

(Mary squirms, but is unable to escape the grasp of the two men. Kate looks
on anxiously.)

Kennedy: (to Hatford) Ain't she sweet-lookin, like a candy cane. I could just
lick you up. ( moves hand up to grope at her exposed busom)

Kate: Eat this, you suckers! (*Flicks drinks into faces of Hatford and
Kennedy! Drags Mary away amid this scene) 

H&K: (rubbing their eyes out from the wicked, acidic ale) Why, ... you're be
sorry you did dat! Get im!

(They both lunge and each of them grab at Mary and Kate respectively, The
gals are trying to fight them off as they try to smother them with kisses)

"LET THEM GO!" uttered a hardened voice from the other end of the bar.

Again, everyone stops and pauses to see the upcoming confrontation, including
Hatford and Kennedy as they stare at the lone dissenter at the corner end of
the bar. 

Hatford: You're a talking to us?

"Yes.  I told you to let them go. They ain't worth the trouble you're going

(I looked over and recognized the voice to be that of my young apprentice,
Connor Cassidy!I had originally hoped I could groom him to be a
shopkeeper, like me, to get him out of trouble.  But he had too much of a
wild streak in 'em,... too much for his own good. Yet it surprisin' the
way he was actin' now; usually he was aloof and silent most of the time,
drifting off and daydreaming of the adventures he'll have out in the
good-ole Wild West. Dicipline, I constantly reminded him is what will
quell your restless heart.  Quit those silly machinations and focus on
more important things. He would just blankly nod at me and go back,
sweeping the store. Now it seems to didn't take my advice to heart.  And
now, it might just cost him! 

Kennedy: Who are you to tell us what's worth our trouble or not? Listen
kid, ... you obviously don't know who you're dealing with. You pick the
wrong guys to fuck with today, so just go back to your playpen and leave
the adult stuff to us! 

Hatford: Beat it, you scallawad!

"I'm afraid I can't let you go on molesting the fine citizens in this town."

Kennedy: Oh yeah! Whose going to stop us?

"I am."

Hatford: (chuckle) Really? Whatcha goin' do? Spray us with ya water gun?

"You'd better leave before it's too late.

Hatford: You talk well enough; too bad you can't back it up. 

(*Gasp from the crowd as Hatta pulls out a gun*!)

Kennedy: (pushes Conner to the wall while Hatford sticks gun under his
chin) How does it feel now kid? You just wouldn't listen when we gave ya
the chance.  You just wanted to be the hero, didn't you? I don't
think you'd do much talkin' from now on, especially when I place this
bullet right through your windpipe! 


Everyone turns around. It is Mallory, holding a winchester pointed squarely
at Hatford and Kennedy.

Mallory: Enough already! If I were you two, I wouldn't try anything stupid.
I can slatter your brains on this floor faster that you can say 'jumbalai'.
And I hate washin' floors! So you'd better gid out of my bar.  NOW!

Hatford and Kennedy: (acting apprehensive) OK, old man.  We hear you. We
won't be makin' no sudden moves.  See!  Gun back in the holster.

(As they exit the saloon)

"You've haven't heard the last of us! We won't forget what happened today!
Someone will pay for this! You'd all be sorry you'd ever tangled with the
likes of us!

Local #1: Hey Connor boy! How ya feeling? Mighty bold move you pulled back

Kate: Yep! Save both me and Mary's neck. 

Mary: Yeah! He's one fine fella!

"Really, all the credit should go to Mallory.  He was the one who drove them

Mallory: No boy, I believe all the credit should go to you.  I was like the
rest of the folks here, shakin' in my boots and stuck in my tracks, unsure
of what to do until you spoke up. If it weren't for you standin' up to them,
I wouldn't have had the courage to do something about it. It was lucky I
still had my Winchester in the back.

Mary: You were so brave to stand up to those venom-suckers.  Were you scared?

Conner: Yes I was.  I didn't know what came over me at the time.  But I knew
I wasn't about to stand there and watch them take advantage of your

Kate: Ooooh! And he's a gentleman too.  I want him!

Mary: No! I want him! He's mine!

Conner: Ladies, ladies! Much obliged for your offerings but I was only doing
what was right.  Although the proposition is tempting, I have no desire for
your company, if I may beg ya pardon.  Your humble thanks is enough for me.

Mary: Wow! What a wrangler!

Kate: Yippe kai yay!  Free drinks on the house! (Instant roar of approval!)

He was a hero for now, standing his ground, and enjoying the praises and
pagentry that went along with it.  But little did he know of the ensuring
trouble he would get himself into...

[The Next Day...]  Town Crier: May way everyone! Cover your windows and
shutters! Hide the Woman and children! Blackheart McGee is here in town with
his band of rustlers!  

(Raucous scene ensures with everyone rushing to barracade themselves inside
their houses. Soon an eerie hush dawns over the streets amid the rising
dust from all the commotion.)

The gang rides into the middle of town, with their leader looking mean and
sinister. Tall, lanky, middle-aged hardened soul in typical bad-guy attire
and donning the black hat.)

"Hello Kore City! I come here on behalf of my associates, Mr Hatford and Mr
Kennedy.  It seems one of you roused them up pretty good yesterday. So I was
sent here to repay the debt. Whoever it is, come out now, or else I be
shooting this town full of holes. Hello? Anyone there? Are you are just a
bunch of yellow-bellies here! (Laughter from gang)

[Inside the Sheriff's Office]

"Do I have to go out there, Mr Billingsby?"

A shadowy figure cloaked in darkness walks away from the shadow of the
window and up to the edge of the desk.

"Go out there? Of course you do.  We've gotta have law 'n order around here.
Why in tarnations did I hire you in the first place? Now git out there and
do your job!"

"Yes sir! I didn't know what I was thinking." (gurgles a shot of fine
whiskey, but still is visibly trembling as he walks out)

McGee: This is my last warnin'! I'm gonna start shootin' if the perpetrator
does not come out!

(*Bang, Bang, Bang!*)

(Sporadic shots sent flying randomly)

Sheriff: (in a small, crackling voice, trying to find courage from the
alcohol) Sir!  Desist and drop your weapons.  I'm the sheriff around these
parts, and I can't just let you come in and stir up trouble here.

McGee: You? Are you talking to me? SPEAK UP! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Sheriff: (even smaller voice) I said that you...you have to pack up and
leave here right now before you cause more trouble here.

McGee: I'm don't feel like leaving just now.  Whaddya have to say to that?
(laughter erupts from the gang)

Sheriff: I'm gonna warn ya one last time.  Leave now or face the

McGee: So whatcha gonna do? You versus all of us? I don't like your odds.
But I'm a fair man. Just you and me -- a test of the quickdraw. Are you game?

Sheriff: I reckon I have no choice in the matter.

McGee: You're starting to make some sense now sheriff.  Too bad it'll be
over your grave. DRAW!


Blackheart empties his whole barrel into the Sheriff's belly before the
sheriff could get off a shot. The Sheriff slumps to the ground, dying.

McGee: Wasn't much of a challenge...what a waste of my precious bullets.
Pity. Let's roll out boys! I think they got our message!

(Gang rides out on their horses, hooting and hollering and shooting their
guns off in the air)

We see Connor running out from the store and towards the Sheriff.

Connor: (looking ashamed) I'm such a coward. I should have been the one out
there taking the bullets for you.  It was my fight, not yours. I'm sorry...

Sheriff: Don't fret, son.  What's done is done.  You couldn't have done
anything out there by yourself.  You're still a boy.  It was my job to keep
the peace, and I failed.  I guess it is the end for me.  But everyone has to
die sometime, whether it be sooner or later.  For me it's now.  (*Gasp*)
Please...take my prized possession...(rips off silver star badge and shucks
it in Connor's hand before his body goes cold and limp)

We see Connor yelling and crying over the corpse, as the rest of the
townsfolk gather around. 

[Emergency Town Hall Meeting]
(*Buzz Buzz, Chitter Chatter*)

Townsfolk #1: I don't know what I'm goin' to do now. I want to stay, but I
don't get shot!

Local #1: I know whatcha mean.  But what can we do? We're can't defeat a
gang of killers! 

Local #2: They can have my share if that's what they want.  Better than being

Rochester Billingsby: Folks!  Quiet! As your self-appointed mayor, I call
this meeting to order. I'm as troubled as you all over the recent events.
Sheriff Hollins Youngsby was a good man.  I just received a telegram from
the rail agents.  They are willing to let us stay. But we must agree to
sell our holdings. In light of these recent events, I would advise all of
you to go along. Before anyone else gets hurt. We have until tomorrow
noon to give them our answer. So whaddya say, folks? 

"Billingsby! You'd never had any love for this town.  You were just
itchin' to get out and sell your stake to the rails." 

"That's right! Rumor has it that they're extending to you a mighty lucrative
offer for your share."

"You know full well that if you sell, we all follow suit and this town would

"Why'd I saw him talking to those two railroad weasels by the stalls.  He
must have struck a deal with them!" 

Billingsby: Excuse me, but I would like a chance to address all these
accusations. Yes, I've talked to those agents; it's my job. And what do
you want me to tell you? To stay and fight? You can do that if you want,
but ya only digging your own grave.  You can do what you want, but I'll
be long gone by then. I may appear yella to you, but at least I'll be

(*Hushed Silence*)

Billingsby: Well ow.  Do I hear any objections? Do we all agree that we will
sell our stake in this town to the rails? If there's no more, I hereby call
this meeting to be adjourn--

"Sir! I reckon that I do have a problem with that arrangement."

(Everyone turned to see that bold voice.  Sure enough, it was my foolish
tyro, Connor.  Now he's done it!)

"What was that son? You're objecting to the plan?"

Connor: All I'm saying is that as long as their is law in this town, we
don't have nothing to fret about. 

Mayor smiles at him: "I don't know where you've been, son, but there's not
sheriff here no more. Therefore, there's no law 'n order."

"I believe you are mistakened mayor." (reveals the silver Sheriff's star and
pins it on his chest)

Mayor: You're making a grave mistake, young man.  Throwing your life away for
a lost cause."

"I should have done it before.  Now I hafta. "

Mayor: Suit yourself.  I appoint you as the new Sheriff, since you
volunteered. But I'm not responsible for your welfare. It will be just you
alone versus those pack of wolves. (Connor nods in acknowledgement)

Mayor: Meeting adjourned everyone.  We're have another meeting tomorrow evening
once our new Sheriff gets it.  See ya all tomorrow."

I  walked over to Connor and fiercely berated his foolish actions.

"What in tarheels were you thinking back there? Haven't you learned
anything? Facing that trained outlaw alone is pure suicide. Do you want
to get yourself killed? I thought some of my common sense would rub off
you.  Why do you persist in doing otherwise?" 

Connor: Thanks for all you have done for me, Mr Macintosh.  I appreciate all
you have done for me since I moved out here out East.  I know I ain't a
skilled gunfighter, and that I haven't a chance against those desperados. But
I have to be a man now, instead of a boy.  That's the reason I came out here
in the first place.  And if I am going to die here, so be it.  At least I
would die knowing that I, as a man with principle and honor, stood up for what
I believed.  I'm sorry sir, but I must leave now.  I need some time alone by

Shopkeeper: I understand, son.  Good luck to you.

I was worried for my young helper.  It had been scarcely a year since he came
under my tutelage back East from the big city.  He was wide-eyed and amazed
when he first stepped out from the stagecoach and onto the barren, untamed land.
I had taken a liking to that chap. Lord knows that the town didn't want
another death. But like the Mayor said, it was out of our control.

The next day was a tense, edgy one.  Scarcely any activity at all in my
once bustling shop and my business was suffering because of it.  All the
stores around town had closed down also, except perhaps maybe the saloon.
Everyone was waiting for high noon, when Blackheart and his boys would be
riding on back here, waitin' for our answer.  And that poor lad of mine
would be there, all alone to confront them and experiencing a horrible
end.  I prayed up to the Almighty to make his death as painless as

[Act 2: Showdown]

Time: High Noon

(Once again, Blackheart and his gang ride into town. Waiting for them in the
middle of the square is Connor)

McGee: Well, well.  What do we have here? Another wannabe hero?

Connor: I'm the new law in town.

McGee: Really? Is that so? Well lucky you! Too bad you won't get much time to
spend on the job. Once I'm through with you!

(Another horse gallops in)

McGee: Well Good day to you, Kennedy.  Where's McCoy?

Kennedy: Oh, he had to take care of a little business. He'll be here soon
enough. What's the word here?

McGee: Here's your answer. (points to Connor)

Kennedy: Why that's the ruffian I ran into yesterday! I see that this town
needs to be taught a lesson. (evil gleams over his face) You know what to do.

McGee: (nods back in acknowledgement) Yes sir, I reckon I do. (Cocks gun
towards Connor) See ya later, partner.

(*KA POW!*)

Connor blinks, expecting to get shot. He opens his eyes again, only to
see the gun shot out of McGee's hand! 

Kennedy: Hey! Who did that? Whose out there? Show yourself!

(Connor's narrative now)
Slowly emerging from the barn stall was the most beautiful woman I ever
laid my eyes upon! She was dressed like a desperado herself: Withered
Levi's blue jeans, tan cow-skin leather boots, and a yellow tea-stained
color jacket, with a bandana hanging down her neck. A cowgirl's hat
complete the look.  And she gun stuck right in the back of Hatford McCoy. 

Rustler #1: Oh no! That's the "Mad Dog"!

(All the rest of the gang start to quake in  their boots)

Kennedy: Mad Dog? McGee! Do you who it is?

Blackheart: (solemn voice) Yes I do. She's my nemesis.

Kennedy: (yelling) I don't care what she is! Well don't just stand there!
Do something! 

"I would advise against any action on your part, especially when I have your
little friend here as my guest." (Shoves gun up his chin)

McCoy: Kennedy! Help me!

Kennedy: What do you want from us?

"Tell ya boys to leave now, and I let your friend go."

McGee: Don't do it man!  Let me have a shot at her!

Kennedy: You had your chance and you blew it! Alright! We agree to your
terms. Now let him go! 

"Blackheart! Do you agree?"

McGee: (grudgingly) Yes I do! I give ya my word!

"Alright then. Git!" (pushes Hatford towards them)

Kennedy: Are you alright man?

McCoy: Thanks! I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Kennedy: (to McGee) Now! Start shooting at her!

McGee: No can do sir!

Kennedy: Why not!?

McGee: I warned you before not to give in.  But I gave her my word. And out
here, a man gotta honor his word.

Kennedy: But she's a girl!

McGee: Don't matter. Let's clear out boys! (rides off with the rest of the
gang leaving Kennedy and Hatford there alone)

Kennedy: (shakes fist at outgoing rustlers) Why you good for nothing
son-of-a-bitch! Lucky for me I have no honor! If you'll not going to do
anything, then I will! (draws out gun)


Gun flies out of Kennedy's hand!

(Mad Dog blows out smoke from barrel of the gun) You boys better head on back
before one of you gets hurt playing with your toys.

Hat&Ken: Why You! (*mutter mutter*) Let's go.

Townsfolk converge on the town square and start to hoot and jeer at the
outgoing pair.

(i.e. You lousy bums. Good riddance to you! And stay out! Don't ever come

Kate: Once again Connor, you're the hero!

Connor: But I didn't do anything!

Mary: Don't matter.  You're the only one standing here, and that's what

Connor: Where's is that stranger anyway? (turns and walks in her direction)
Hello? Anyone there? Where are you?

(A burst of wind gusts up, blowing up a hat flying towards Connor.)

Connor: Got it! She's gone. But she left her hat.  I wonder who she
really is? 

[That night, while the whole town is celebrating the ousting of the outlaws)

(voices from inside the saloon)
"Connor our man. When he's here, everything fine!"

"Threes cheers to Connor."

"Here, here. Let's here it for Connor!"

We see Connor, sitting outside, looking glum. The town drunk stumbles by.

Drunk: Say m-m-mister! Could you s-s-spare a bottle for yours t-t-truly?

Connor: Go to hell, old man! Can't you see I'm busy! Go bother someone else!

Drunk: Is that h-h-how it is now? Us o-o-old folks not g-g-gitten any
respect from the y-y-youngers. 

Connor: Go bark up another tree! Unless you know who this "Mad Dog"
character is, you're only wasting time for both of us. 

Drunk: Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? I heard that name before. Yes, I do, I
do, I do. 

Connor: What? You know who she is? Tell me!

Drunk: Not b-b-before you give me a s-s-swig of fine w-w-whiskey.

Connor: Wait a moment! How do I know this isn't a trick?

Drunk: Ya just have ta t-t-trust me!

Connor: Ok. But you better not be lying!
(goes into tavern and promptly returns with a bottle)

Connor: Here! Now tell me!

Drunk eagerly opens up the bottle and starts gulping down the sweet poison.

Drunk: Whew! That was mighty fine! Long time since I was satiated.
(whole bottle is empty!)

Connor: Hey! You're not talking funny anymore.

Drunk: Listen, my boy.  I share a little secret with ya. You promise not to

Connor: Sure. Why not?

Drunk: Good. Here's my little secret. Being drunk is my normal condition.
Only when I drink can I be sober again.

Connor: That's is weird!

Drunk: Yep, if I may say so myself. Now that info you wanted on "Mad Dog".

Connor: Yes, please, if you may.

Drunk: I've been to my share of places out here: Carson City, Sacramento,
Black Hills, and even Dodge City. Seen my share of gunfighters,...some pretty
good ones I might add.  But none can compare with "Mad Dog" Kara Abrams.

Connor: Kara Abrams? Is that her name?

Drunk: Yes it is. Though I believe she prefers to be called "Mad Dog". She is
the roughest and toughest hombre you'll ever meet out
here. She's been around these parts of the West herself hiring out her

Connor: Her services?

Drunk: Yes, as a bounty hunter. Despite her being a woman, one shouldn't take
her lightly.  That has caused many a death of her victims.

Connor: Woah! So she's a gun-for-hire?

Drunk: Yep.  Her quick-draw is legendary.  One of the quickest, if not
the quickest in the West.  She's equally skilled and fast with any hand. 
Why it has been rumored she killed 10 men single-handed during a
showdown. Now that's fast! The only other person who could give her a run
for her money is Blackheart McGee. 

Connor: So where can I find her?

Drunk: You want to find her? (laughs) Good Luck.  No one really knows
where she hangs out, since she travels most of the time fulfilling
bounties. She's the loner type mean'in' she doesn't prefer the company of
others.  I would best stay out of her way if I were you. Hey! where ya

Connor: I'm goin' retire for the night. Need my rest tonight so I can find
her tomorrow.

[Meanwhile, just on the outskirts of town, in Billingsby's townhouse]

Kennedy: We had a deal, Mr Billingsby! You would suppose to get the town to
sell out to us! What seems to be the problem?

Billingsby: That Connor boy, that's what. Up to no good, with his head
swimmin' with ideas of being a hero. But you boys should have taken care of

Hatford: We would have, until "Mad Dog" showed up.

Billingsby: It doesn't look good now.  Now the town's ralling behind him. It
would be tough now to try to convince the townsfolk to go with the rail's

Kennedy: So what are you saying? That you can follow up on our bribes?

Billingsby: No, no boys.  You got it wrong.  As long as that Connor boy is
around, the town will resist.  So my plan is the "conveniently" dispose of
him. That way there be no opposition, and everything can return according to

Hatford: And how do you intend to do that?

Billingsby: (Evil glint) Don't worry; I'll have my methods. Killing him
might rally the townsfolk to resist further. So I'll have to destroy his
 And I know just the way to do that.

[At the brothel]
(We see a rather buxom, stocky blond, wearing a black nightie beneath a
plush, violet, velvet robe. She's lookin at herself in the vanity mirror,
combing her hair.)

(*door opens*)
Billingsby: Heidi Johannsen. You're lookin' mighty fine and delicious tonight.

Heidi(Hikaru): Billingsby! Don't try to sucker with your sweet talk.
What do you want now?

Billingsby: I have a job for you...

Heidi: Not tonight, Rochester baby.  I'm not feeling well...

Billingsby: Don't worry.  It's not me you're serving this time.  It's
something much easier.  I want you to seduce that young boy, Connor Cassidy.

Heidi: You mean 'hero-boy'?

Billingsby: Yep, that the one. I want to destroy him! And there's a little
extra in it for you. All you have to do is just git him in a scandalous,
unfittin' position while I send my boys to take the pictures.

Heidi: Is that all?

Billinsby: Yes, that's it.  If you can do this simple task, I reward you
handsomely tomorrow night.

Heidi: Fine. Now git when I get ready.

Billingsby: I'll be waitin' for ya word.

Heidi: Sure, sure. Now go!

(At the shopkeeper's house)

(Hangs the stranger's hat on the rack, peels out of his cloths down to his
long-johns, and gits ready to go to bed)

(*Pulls sheet*)

Heidi: Hiya honey! What's shakin'?

I was amazed to see this voluptuous woman in my bed!

Heidi: I heard of your exploits today, and I wanted to personally thank you,
my way.  Whaddya say?

I stood there, stone cold, like a fool, not knowing what to do. I had never
been with a woman before...

Heidi: (rising out of bed) Now, now.  Nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt
ya. Hearing that you're the "man" around town now, I just wanted to sample
your manhood.


She came towards him, pressing her wiggling boobs up against her chest. He
eyes the extreme cleavage and curves of the seductress and feels quite

Heidi: I'm a lonely woman, you know.  Please stay with me tonight. I don't
want to be alone this evening.

"Maam. I don't think you need to be doing this. Please!"

Heidi: You're lookin' at my chest aren't you? I see where ya eyes are
wanderin'! You want to get a taste of my juicy melons, don't you? Go ahead.
Have a taste! (grabs Connor's head from behind and thrusts it into her
awaiting buxom)

Connor: (*mmm, mmm*) (face squirming around as her breasts is pressed
directly against his mouth and cheeks.)

Heidi: Now boys!





Connor is grabbed by the cuff of his neck and dragged out mysteriously
through the window.

Heidi: (steamed!) What happened!

Accomplice: Someone shot at my picture taker. Now the picture's all ruined!

Heidi: Damn you! Whoever you are! Taking my boon away! (turns to accomplice)
Did you see who that was?

Accomplice: Couldn't really tell, in the dark and all.

Heidi: No man has ever escaped my clutches before! He shall be mine, all

We see a dark figure with a bandana covering his mouth ride off into the
night, with an unconscious Conner in back. 

[End of Book A, Chapter 11]

Next Chapter:Chapter 12: Double Date Disaster
Country Western KOR: Act III:  Unveiled
End Credits:

Characters                      by
Connor 'Kyle' Cassidy           Kasuga Kyosuke
'Mad Dog' Kara Abrams           Ayukawa Madoka
Heidi Johannsen                 Hikaru Hiyama
Rochester Billingsby            Ryusei Haroken
Kate Dixon                      Kurumi Kasuga
Mary                            Manami Kasuga
Hatford 'Deadeye' McCoy         Hatta
Kennedy 'the Kindred' Smith     Komatsu
Barkeep(Mallory)                Master
Shopkeeper(Mackenzie Macintosh) #2
'Blackheart' McGee              ??
Local Drunk                     Ojiichan